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Iran: A War Is Coming


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40 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

Israel's funding of these terror groups china. Obviously there wont be as much evidence but what is your viewpoint on this? 


39 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

The training, the medical care. Any thoughts?

I try not to speculate without evidence.  As far as I am aware Israel has given medical care to civilians from Syria - I suppose you don't think anyone exists in that category and they are all terrorists/freedom fighters for one group or the other. 

They also let 400 odd white helmets and their families escape through their territory.  You seem to think all White Helmets are killers and jihadists - as they were resettled in the UK, Canada and Germany I doubt it, but it is an interesting case.


Israel is at war with multiple Islamic countries and non-government actors sponsored by these countries.  I am of the opinion if those countries left Israel alone, it would leave them alone.  As has happened with Jordan and Egypt.  While they do not, all is fair in love and war. 

Israel is at war and would face a genocide if certain ideologies got the upper hand. It is a murky world, but I think the idea Israel supports ISIS and other such speculations are bunk, but it has no love of Assad or Hezbollah and will use lots of underhand ways to undermine them.

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Obviously, there is such a compartmentalization of these organisations as to preclude 99% of the people in them to realise they are being run by Israeli or British intelligence, but the fact is that they are. To actually think otherwise shows a serious level of naivete. I'm as pro-Israel as it gets but let's not be stupid and believe the mainstream narrative. Israel is run by Machiavellian geniuses who engage in a level of realpolitik that is beyond most people's ability to fathom.

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3 minutes ago, Rushen Spy said:

Obviously, there is such a compartmentalization of these organisations as to preclude 99% of the people in them to realise they are being run by Israeli or British intelligence, but the fact is that they are. To actually think otherwise shows a serious level of naivete. I'm as pro-Israel as it gets but let's not be stupid and believe the mainstream narrative. Israel is run by Machiavellian geniuses who engage in a level of realpolitik that is beyond most people's ability to fathom.



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43 minutes ago, Rushen Spy said:

If you had the slightest clue on the subject, you would not need to ask.

WTF has that got to do with the crazy suggestion that Israel has been in any way funding Hezbollah et al?

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2 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

It's the big kid giving the little kid a slap in the hope that the little kid will slap back. Bullying at its finest. American foreign policy in a nutshell. 

In fairness the Middle East is a genuinely horrific part of the world and it is comforting that the US does attack it when possible.


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14 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

Cheers, I shall watch that after the football tomorrow.

For anyone who wants to assault their mind I can thoroughly recommend this amazing piece of film making, which even Rog may like

"The story of the American-Saudi Alliance and how the petrodollar gave America a seemingly unlimited credit card and lead to today’s endless wars in the Middle East."



Edited by TheTeapot
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9 hours ago, Rushen Spy said:

Who mentioned Hezbollah? You did, moron. I didn't.

Quote from an earlier contribution --- "Obviously, there is such a compartmentalization of these organisations as to preclude 99% of the people in them to realise they are being run by Israeli or British intelligence, but the fact is that they are. To actually think otherwise shows a serious level of naivete. I'm as pro-Israel as it gets but let's not be stupid and believe the mainstream narrative. Israel is run by Machiavellian geniuses who engage in a level of realpolitik that is beyond most people's ability to fathom."

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