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Iran: A War Is Coming


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Israel's nuclear program was hinted at for years by various intelligence services until its existence was confirmed in 1986 by the arch whistle-blower and peace activist, Mordecai Vanunu, a nuclear technician. Around that time it was estimated that Israel possessed up to 220 nuclear-armed devices but his was generally regarded as propaganda and the actual total being much lesd. That they had an effective delivery system for those warheads at that time is debatable.

In effect, no one 'decides' who can have nuclear weapons. Whoever has the where-with-all for the raw materials and the development capabilities to produce the necessary centrifuges can do it. Look at North Korea, and for that matter, who supplied the Israeli's with the technology and raw materials?

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12 minutes ago, Chinahand said:

international law is an anarchy

Seems a bit more like school bully-ish to me. At the point however many years ago that israel began developing nuclear weapons, would iraq, iran or syria not have a case for assasinating israeli scientists or bombing israeli facilities, citing their own right to self defence? 

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10 minutes ago, Lxxx said:

That's quite a few if's but's and maybe's there Rog. A two state solution is the only solution, how we arrive there is the stumbling block.  

At this time and into the foreseeable future a two state solution would NEVER work. Not only for the reason that I have set out but that the Arabs would never, indeed because of the dictates of Islam COULD never accept the ongoing existence of Israel.

Here's your starter to see why - waqf.  Look it up.

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5 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

At the point that israel began developing nuclear weapons, would iraq, iran or syria not have a case for assassinating israeli scientists or bombing israeli facilities, citing their own right to self defence? 

Yes. But the arab nations have had their collective fingers burnt/arses kicked many times in the past when taking on Israel. They learned by experience. 

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9 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

Seems a bit more like school bully-ish to me. At the point however many years ago that israel began developing nuclear weapons, would iraq, iran or syria not have a case for assasinating israeli scientists or bombing israeli facilities, citing their own right to self defence? 

Funny things, nuclear weapons. Useless for belligerence, unless you believe in martyrdom leading to entry to paradise and all that BS, but ideal for defence.

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18 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

so why the need to develop nuclear weapons then?

The mullahs in Tehran continually threaten to wipe Israel from the map. In the mosques and madrasses throughout that Shia muslim nation, hatred of Jews, and calls for their total annihilation are prayed for regularly by fundamentalist imams and scholars. It's much the same in the muslim nations surrounding Israel. They are all a constant threat to Israel's peaceful existence. But in Iran's case, with its nuclear ambitions and threatening stance, a deadly deterrent must be maintained by Israel to address this threat.

I don’t suppose the consequences of setting off a powerful nuclear device in an area where crude oil bubbles to and pools on the surface has ever been considered. 

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There can be no moves toward peace until the claims of the 'palestinian people' are satisfied, but how can it be resolved when one of their leaders, Mahmood Abbas exhibits his true form...


He and his mafia have no desire for peace and in his hands lies the fate of the two-state solution. As the Israeli minister for diplomacy tweeted sarcastically, "... Now there's a peace partner!"


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It really is hard to imagine where all this is going to end? I have always sympathised with the Palestinians and their plight, which was forced upon them by the British, but their leaders with their extremist intentions condemn the ordinary people into a life of conflict. The continuous persecution of the Jewish population of Europe created the whole issue of a Jewish homeland and I have now swung the other way. I would much rather live in a land ruled by Jews than one ruled by extremist Muslims.

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1 hour ago, Max Power said:

It really is hard to imagine where all this is going to end? I have always sympathised with the Palestinians and their plight, which was forced upon them by the British, but their leaders with their extremist intentions condemn the ordinary people into a life of conflict. The continuous persecution of the Jewish population of Europe created the whole issue of a Jewish homeland and I have now swung the other way. I would much rather live in a land ruled by Jews than one ruled by extremist Muslims.


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31 minutes ago, the stinking enigma said:

Iran fights and beats isis, israel bomb iranian troops seems fair


At some point israel will be the only country left in the region not destroyed by war and i'll still be getting told that they are the ones under threat.

It is a good job Israel is illegally occupying territory for American companies to exploit the local resources...

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4 minutes ago, RIchard Britten said:

It is a good job Israel is illegally occupying territory for American companies to exploit the local resources...

What a ridiculous idea of the Middle East you have.

BTW - don't forget you have a request that I made to you re another stupid claim that you made.

I won't.

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