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Christopher Reeve


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Goddam, I was only burbling something about there needing to be a 'Reeve vs Hawkins' on the undercard of some wrestling event last Saturday night.


Shame he never got to achieve his goal of walking but I understand he raised a metric tonne of money for other people in his situation and helped advance research through his tireless dedication to the cause.

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That's a shame - he always struck me as a really nice bloke. He can't have been very old either? I haven't seen any news lately - did he die of something related to his condition or was it something else?

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He was only 52 or 53. I think it was an infection caused by a pressure wound, which they say is something quite common in people who can't move around a lot (a bit like bed sored I think) and that caused a heart attack.


I was always amazed at his determination and drive, even such a terrible accident didn't stop him. Does aybody watch Smallville (Superman early years) as he made a couple of guest appearances in that not long ago.

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Wouldn't it be great if that was the real Mr. Biffo, and Breadbin joined him as well, just to liven things up a bit......?





Edit to say: Don't worry about Superman, he is at this moment heading for an ice cave near the North Pole to get regenerated and come back as quiet inoffensive Andrew Gilligan.....*




*Adrian Duggan

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Taken from the maddox link:


Of course, we can never know for sure, but the fact remains that he didn't open up a foundation before the accident, and he poured his heart and soul into research afterwards, so the only conclusion that can be made is that he's doing it simply because he himself needs treatment.


I didn't think Christopher Reeve ever made any secret about the fact that he was doing it to help himself. Course he bloody was, he wasn't stupid, he knew the power of celebrity. And does it matter anyway, his efforts would have had a knock on effect for others in the same situation.

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