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[BBC News] Labrador tied up and left to die


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I feel physically sick reading this.


This is a total and utter EVIL deed. He/She/They must be phsycopaths.


I wonder if the person/persons were caught, what punishment does the law allow? Not enough I would imagine.

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I don't understand why or how someone could do this.


Utter and complete sick fucking bastards deserve to burn in hell. If the poor dog was unwanted they could have just taken it to the MSPCA, how many people would then fall in love with a brown labrador puppy at first sight.


Utterly utterly needless

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It sickens me that the sick minded total fuckwit couldn't have just tied it to the gate at the MSPCA. He/she could have even just drove to the other end off the Island and left it there if he/she didn't have the balls to go to the MSPCA.


Yet this sick mother fucker had to kill it instead. And in such a way, jesus, even a gunshot to the head would have been quicker.


I hope the weido gets found, goes to court and then he/she gets a flat nose.

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1. Strip perpetrator(s) completely naked.

2. Place perpetrators in an empty room for one week with only water.

2a. Place dogs in adjacent room for one week with no food only water

2b. Paste perpertrators genitals (after a week) in pedigree chum

3. Introduce pit bull terriers.

4. Lock room.

Slightly edited you post

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I in no way condone this discusting act of cruelty, there was truely no need for any of this!


But... i do wonder...why?

The fact is i'm sure we could use these "donations" for much more useful causes!

There i'm sure people being killed, raped, murdered, used as human traffic, forced into prostitution and the such and yet we hardly hear of such organisation's asking for donation's in helping these people get back living their lives.


The thing is, the little bastard that recieves such a reward for "helping" catch the sick fu** sound be ashamed, you should'nt need to be offered a reward for helpful information, i'm sure someone has kept quiet until now, hearing there is a reward being given then deciding it's a good time to help the police!! (i hope the guilt kills you)


Either way, i certainly do hope this bastard is found and beaten to death!

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Quite a few folk here seem to think that it was the owners' way of disposing of an unwanted pet. My first thought was that it was a particularly nasty piece of vengeance...anyone agree? I mean, incidents where bored, sick little f*cks take potshots at animals are not uncommon, but this is so specific, not to mention carried out in a remote place.


I wish whoever did this true, lifelong misery. After someone does the decent thing and hospitalises them, of course.

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Still,on the bright side, someone will save a few quid on dog food.


Well, it's hardly the first time you've tried to provoke anger on this forum with deliberately obnoxious comments is it?


You really are a nasty piece of shit. Probably the sort of person that might think of doing something like this too, as clearly you find it amusing. :whatever:

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yea i agree, i mean there is bound to be an owner with out a dog and i'm sure someone will figure out their friend/next door neighbour aint got him anymore!


Plus.. the longer the owner say's nothing the more likely the police will look upon him/her as the killer of the dog!


So... to this end, they aint doing themselves any favors

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