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[BBC News] Labrador tied up and left to die


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I heard about this on the radio, This morning.


I hope the evil bastards get caught!! (Its in a way its worse than murdering a human, A dog cannot defend itself at all, especially when its so young.) I dog wouldn't tend to let someone tape its legs up though, Which is why i'd say there is more than one individual involved.


My first thought was that someone had taken the dog and cruelly killed to get revenge on the owner, But what he/she/they done is inexcusable.


It's an island where people tend to know each other and im hopeful he/she/they gets caught.

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I really hope whoever is responsible is caught. I wouldn't hold out too much hope, though. Remember the dead baby cases at Union Mills and Maughold? The Manx police couldn't solve either of those cases so I doubt they'll make much headway in this instance. I hope I'm wrong, mind.

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When these people are caught I want there names and faces on the front of every paper.

Then I want them sacked and every company to put their names in a black list database so they are never employed again.

Hopefully then they will lose their house and live on the street. Then when I see them begging for money i can duct tape their arms and legs up and kick their f*cking face in.


(im not a violent person)

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Lost the connection during a long post in this one, but.....


Truly sickened by this. I am a Lab owner and kept looking at him tonight just trying to figure out what was going through these people's minds. To do that to an animal after looking in its soulful, trusting eyes and ignoring the perpetually wagging tail, they must be complete monsters.


Our boy may be stupid, he may be a pain in the arse (not a lap dog, but would dearly love to be) and he may not have the best manners in the world, but he is as dearly loved as any of the human members of the family.


I have always believed that you can tell alot about a person from how they regard animals and if they are that cruel, what would they do to other defenceless members of society?


If the dog was a problem there are plenty more humane ways of dealing with it, at worst leave it tied up outside the police station, or bring it round to me. I would look after it and find it a good home, may even keep it if it fitted in with the rest of the menagerie.


Sick evil bastards who deserve not only to be barred from owning animals in the future but also from having any responsibility for anything more vulnerable than themselves as they clearly are not capable of exercising even the least drop of compassion.

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Jesus! Just read this now. I've two dogs. It's not an easy ride having a dog. I lose my rag with them sometimes - they're pretty well trained, but they're DOGS and sometimes they just can't be arsed listening to me and want to go and sniff stuff!! I can't believe that someone could do that to any animal. I'm gobsmacked. To me it sounds like someone getting rid of an unwanted pet. Which is terrible given the resources available on the island.


Good on tower insurance for not letting this go unnoticed!

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A two year old Lab? At its most destructive. Perhaps they should have held their hands and given the dog another 6 months, after which they would have had a lovely member of the family.


Anybody else with a destructive Lab, please give it time, or give it to me.

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I'm totally disgusted by this.


Looking after dogs is not an easy life, it takes commitment and lots of effort, the rewards are amazing though - if you can't do it, give the dogs to the MSPCA where they should be able to find someone willing who can put in the commitment and effort required!


Have been thinking about this all day, I seriously don't think someone who has ever looked after a dog, kept it well fed and in good condition would do something as sick as this.


There's plenty of notices around Sulby resevoir from the farmer saying dogs worrying sheep will be shot, and I'm sure the farmer would take this kind of action (they're fully entitled to, not nice as it is) to look after their livestock - I really wouldn't like to think a farmer would do this, even if the dog had been worrying his sheep.


On an Island this size, I'm sure the perpetrator will be found, named and shamed - they'll never be able to go out alone again- they will get what they deserve!

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