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[BBC News] Labrador tied up and left to die


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I'm so pissed off with this, it makes me scream.


I have 2 chocolate labs and I look at them tonight and cannot help thinking off that poor dog and it's suffering.


So what if they keep bringing, my, the wifes and the kids undies, that's what they do, retrieve.


They're young dogs and should be given the area to be as said.


They might be better to do it on a more persnonal nature, but we laugh and enjoy.


I personally would like to find out who it was , and beat the living shoite out off them.


But then, I would get a bigger sentence than the fucking animal who classed a dog as garbage.


I have kids who i give unconditional love, no questions asked.


I have to 2 dogs which give unconditional trust, no questions asked.


Hang the Bastard imo.

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This is just sickening, dogs trust you so much and depend on you for everything and don't deserve to end up like this.


To me this sounds more like the action of an upset neighbour who can't stand barking, but if so, why hasn't the owner reported the dog missing ?.


off now to give my dogs a cuddle :)


(maybe I shouldn't have put a full stop after the question mark, but that was how I was taught, so if I am branded as something else for that blame the education system, maybe I was studying psychology and pathology and became a psychopath by mistake !)

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It's pretty rough for the dog but all this bollocks about vengeance is pathetic.


People who know about it should come forward for no other reason that they feel it's a crime worth reporting. Some fuckwits at my sister-in-laws workplace were even asking for donations to 'fund a prosecution': as if the police/AG's chambers *aren't* going to prosecute a suspect in this case, assuming there's sufficient evidence.

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Vengence is the way forward on this.

What would be the punishment.. banned from keeping animals for 10 years and a few hundred quid fine.. Now that is pathetic.


Whereas getting battered everytime they walk out their door is what these people deserve (at the least!!!)

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This is a sickening act, and one that can have no justification. The people who have committed this act deserve to be punished severely.


But I can't help feeling that we care more about this than the fact that a child dies somewhere in the world every 3 seconds.


Oh, and keyboarder, what’s your problem? Do you have some kind of mental imbalance that means you have to present yourself as a wanker at every opportunity? That was seriously bad taste!

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But I can't help feeling that we care more about this than the fact that a child dies somewhere in the world every 3 seconds.


You know, it really annoys me when people try to de-rail a thread by bringing up a wider subject and saying 'oh, but we should be talking about this'. If you want to start a thread about how a child dies in the world every 3 seconds, then do so - don't try and ram raid it into this one, which is about a sickening individual act of barbarity.


Or maybe we should never discuss anything local, or personal, because we should be prioritising world hunger, aids, global warming as our talking points? Sheesh!

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I was not forcing the issue, merely mentioned it. I whole heartedly agree that what these people did was sick; I just think the money could go to a better cause that’s all. Or am I not allowed an opinion?


Could you please forward the guidelines I should follow?

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I was not forcing the issue, merely mentioned it. I whole heartedly agree that what these people did was sick; I just think the money could go to a better cause that’s all. Or am I not allowed an opinion?


Could you please forward the guidelines I should follow?


So I guess that you never spend any money on frivolities, that any spare cash you have goes to humanitarian charities - good for you!


Of course you're allowed an opinion, but so am I.


And like I said, if you'd like to talk about something, how about starting a thread on it?


Edited to delete the apology.

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So I guess that you never spend any money on frivolities, that any spare cash you have goes to humanitarian charities - good for you!


Of course you're allowed an opinion, but so am I.


And like I said, if you'd like to talk about something, how about starting a thread on it?


Edited to delete the apology.


But the point is that £2,500 shouldn't need to be spent on a reward, assuming people with information have a duty / ought to come forward in any event.


If you choose to classify making an offer of an award as a frivolity that's down to you - but it is a lot of money that could arguably be better spent on causes such as poverty etc. or more close to home - and on topic - donated to the MSPCA or other causes looking after or preventing cruelty to animals. I'm not saying it would be better spent on such causes as spending your own money is a very personal thing.


As for 'hijacking the thread' most of it has been expressions of shock/sympathy (agrea) or coming up with 'witty', creative vengeful punishments, which is not really on topic, unless 'on topic' means agreeing with such posts.


Finally, it is not a massive leap to suggest that the offer of reward - when most right minded people would and ought to report the crime - is simply a 'within the system' desire for vengeance as opposed to doing something with the money to look after or prevent cruelty to other animals.


EDIT: Shpelling

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