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[BBC News] Labrador tied up and left to die


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I think there's a very good chance that the owner of the dog did this. Otherwise, why would no one come forward to say this was their dog?


There's a few reasons why someone with a warped mind might do something like this. It could be a bizarre case of revenge against the dog for maybe being destructive or snapping at a member of the family. (I know of people who are stupid enough to think this way although thankfully do not keep animals, with the exception of their children) Or perhaps it's bitten someone and the owners want rid, but think (probably incorrectly) they may fall foul of dangerous dogs legislation?


But surely if it was the owner there are are much more discreet, and with lesser risk of being seen, ways of disposing of a unwanted dog though. They could of bumped it on the head and buried it in their garden for instance. Its more likely they wanted it found and wanted to shock unless like you reason they are too warped or too stupid to realise this.

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Yeah - great idea about checking with the vets, I was thinking they could ask breeders of Choc labs too, they seem rare. I'm not buying that horrible paper ever again after they put the picture on the front, shock by all means but didnt they think about the children?? My daughter is 14 and I'd have prefered for her not to see that, she is terribly upset.

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But surely if it was the owner there are are much more discreet, and with lesser risk of being seen, ways of disposing of a unwanted dog though. They could of bumped it on the head and buried it in their garden for instance. Its more likely they wanted it found and wanted to shock unless like you reason they are too warped or too stupid to realise this.

Yes, there are far more discreet ways of getting rid of a dog. In most circumstances I would imagine if the dog just proved to be a handful any normal person would just call the MSPCA - them admitting that they cannot look after it and giving it to a safe home would not be judged harshly at all, however if there was an incident involving the dog that the owner thought they may be accountable for, they might seek to kill it and dispose of it - preferably away from home. If I were investigating this I would be looking into any incidents involving a similar dog in the days preceeding the discovery.

I would imagine that the actual intention was to drown the dog - this would be more sensible* as the evidence would be at the bottom of the reservior and would be unlikely to be found within any reasonable amount of time.


*From the point of view of disposing of evidence only - not the method of disposing of a dog.

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It could be a case of the stupid disposal of an already dead animal (tied up and weighed down to stop it flaoting).


Its great how people pontificate on this without having any facts at all at their disposal.


Stop pontificating without having any facts please. God, some people....

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It's obviously an emotive subject this one. I don't condone wanton cruelty, but some of the posts within this thread are extraordinary when you consider how many cute little animals are dismantled down at the abattoir day in day out. Double standards? I don't care that much for dogs myself, they're a bit dirty/smelly/scary. As an aside, Korean people eat them. I tried a bit once, tasted a bit like chicken,,,, lol,lol...

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its a brown lab, its the isle of man, how hard can it be?

duct tape is sticky stuff there is bound to be evidence of the people that did this on the adhesive. A DNA trace on the animal will surley be traceable to the breeder.


I would have thought it was dumped at night hence it was not in the water as must have been the intention, when was the blue box van seen? How hard is it look up blue vans on a database?


Any news on how the investagation is progressing?

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I only came into this thread to join in with the chorus of dismay at the newspaper for publishing that photo on the front page of this week's edition. I've just come back from the shop where I took my four year old daughter and two year old son and I dont expect to have to explain to them why a dead and mangled dog is staring them in the face at eye level. Fuck you Isle of Man Newspapers for having the crass stupidity to sensationalise and shock what is undoubtedly a horrible crime, but lack the sense and decency to shield young eyes from something they shouldn't have to see. I don't even buy your shitty paper.

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I've just come back from the shop where I took my four year old daughter and two year old son and I dont expect to have to explain to them why a dead and mangled dog is staring them in the face at eye level. Fuck you Isle of Man Newspapers for having the crass stupidity to sensationalise and shock what is undoubtedly a horrible crime, but lack the sense and decency to shield young eyes from something they shouldn't have to see. I don't even buy your shitty paper.


The whole saga is pathetic. Normally this is the paper that would not say boo to a goose, and relies on re-printing press releases and presenting them as stories ... but give them a dead dog and bam! don't they just love it. They have already decided to have a witch hunt, and have taken the supposed moral high ground by publishing a picture to show what these filthy beasts have done. Its journalism by "incensed of Tunbridge Wells" in true Daily Mail tradition.


Can we have some pictures of fatal road accidents next week, and maybe a murder photo or two.

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I am just as disgusted with the majority of people in this thread.


I'm confused - why would you be disgusted with people who are also disgusted about this horrible event?


Or did you mean just as disgusted as the majority of people in this thread?

Sorry - not trying to pick holes - it just didn't make sense to me being that just about everyone agrees (for once) that this was a really nasty thing.


Sorry Cret, you were quite right to point that one out. I am not disgusted with the majority, I am as disgusted AS the majority. Sorry for any inadvertent offence.



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