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Manx Telecom = Thieving Scumbags?


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Here we go again!

It seems that the only place on earth that competition actually makes things worse for everyone is The Isle of Man!

There just isn't a big enough population, so eventually the 'successful' party has to recoup their losses in forcing the competition into submission, or go under themselves.


When will we ever learn to stop moaning and buggering everything up?

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Well the sooner the better as i'm holding off replacing my dead phone as MT's new tariffs would see me signing up for 36 years for a free phone :lol:

there are many handsets you can get on a 12 month contract.....how much shorter could the contract length possibly be in order to stop your whingeing ?



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Here we go again!

It seems that the only place on earth that competition actually makes things worse for everyone is The Isle of Man!

There just isn't a big enough population, so eventually the 'successful' party has to recoup their losses in forcing the competition into submission, or go under themselves.


When will we ever learn to stop moaning and buggering everything up?



I second that. Once upon a time there was an airline who were accused many times of having a monopoly. Now look at the mess our air service is in. Bring back Manx Airlines, run by local people who knew what the Isle of Man was about!


MT do give a good service. Perhaps those who moan with the same old 'you're ripping us off & you have a monopoly' have never experienced dealing with a UK provider. I have a friend in the UK who signed up with Talk Talk 'free broadband forever' . She waited 8 weeks to get connected & even then she could only use it for an hour max before it would drop out. She spent a small fortune calling their 'technical help' before attempting to cancel it. Yes the offer was cheap but the service was awful. At least MT are on your doorstep. The two occasions I've had to contact them, the first was resolved over the phone (a free call not £150 a minute!) & for the second, an engineer was at my door by 10am the next day & it was fixed within 30 minutes. Having lived in the UK, I can safely say that service like that is NOT forthcoming! Worth thinking about. I wonder if Cloud Cuckooland & Unstable & Wireless will be able to respond to their customer's needs as quickly as MT. Should be interesting.

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MT do give a good service. Perhaps those who moan with the same old 'you're ripping us off & you have a monopoly' have never experienced dealing with a UK provider.


I must admit I am happy with every service I've had from MT and I've never quibbled over mobile fees, and wherever I've gone in the world the phone hooks up and I can use it straight away.


When it comes to airtime deals EVERY mobile phone operator is shoddy and MT are purely trying to replicate the sort or tariff structures you get in the UK in preparation for competition. Unless you use the phone a lot just use the standard tarrif, its best advise for any phone company. They only offer other tariffs to try to make more money out of the stupid. If your attracted by a free phone believe me your a muppet and your paying for it.


My only beef with MT is the shite, woeful, pathetic, badly organised, crud, dont-give-a-shit showroom on Victoria Street. Can you ever queue for less than 40 minutes, or speak to anyone, or buy anything convieniently. Never. Swift Communications must make a fortune out of that shop as you get pissed off of queuing after 10 minutes and go next door and buy what you wanted without wasting your entire lunchtime.

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I always go to the MT phoneshop for my phones.

If MT don't want other shops selling their products they don't have to let them. If they know that they can still make huge profits without them it makes good business sense.


Even though I personally think their tariffs could be less expensive.

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I`m pretty confident and happy with manx telecom,so confident that I have just ordered one of their pay monthly phones on a 2 year contract.

When I wanted my landline activated it had a fault,MT said they would be round in 5 days to fix it.30 minutes later the engineer was at my door to fix the fault.He told me he wanted to get it fixed asap because the next day was good friday and I would have had to wait until the following tueseday.

Thats what I call service :D

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Well i have got all my phones of the net for the last 5 years or so and not had one problem.


This sort of childish attitude that MT have now means that there will be a lot of phone shops pushing the other companies contracts and not theirs.


Great move guys what are you going to do next shoot yourselves in the other foot.


If MT thought less about profit and more about Us the consumer they would not have any problems.


I can see a price war brewing and i bet MT won't win it.

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This sort of childish attitude that MT have now means that there will be a lot of phone shops pushing the other companies contracts and not theirs.
I'd have thought thats exactly the reason they're cutting 3rd parties, if they're not loyal then why have them sell the phones anyway?



I can see a price war brewing and i bet MT won't win it.

Bollox. You think that when you, 3vo and whoever else think they'll save a tenner a year for a shit service with no masts, no number portability(until they decice you can have it) and whatever else the new companies fail to come up with, that you won't end up crawling back? I think the quality of the service will win. How long are the new companies going to sustain all the free stuff when they get such a small percentage of clientele?


The good thing to come out of all of this is we now have the same service from MT at a more competitive price.

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Last time I looked the Isle of Man was on planet Earth. Unlike some of you who are obviously on planet Isle of Man. There's a space ship home in the morning.......oops no its crashed into a freighter from Mars. And they want salvage rights.


Wake up, grow up. Communication is the MOST important thing for any economy in this networked world. Without competition we will, as we are now, remain in the dark ages. Have you been to the UK recently? Have you heard of WiFi phones? Do you know the potential of VoIP? Have you seen what the rates for broadband are over there? Have you seen how simple it is to install a BT Homehub? And that its free if you order it online? And it works!!!!!!


I doubt it. You have a phone and know how to use it. Bless. Stay with Manx Telecom. You deserve them. And all they'll do to the Manx Economy. Learn where the light switch is. You'll need it. Before you swim back to civilisation across the Irish Sea. Because the Australian bankers have sold the ferries. And the Spaniards at Telefonica have closed down all communications.


And in Manx.... Slane lhiu

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Sorry but the short sighted people who can't see that competition in a small market leads to a poor level of service are at fault here.

Without profit to re-invest there is no way that we will ever get the latest and best of anything. Surely that is obvious to everyone as they wander around any retail establishment on this Island?

It's a very delicate balance and no one simple answer applies.

The boat at 9 o'clock syndrome applies to both sides of the argument!

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Joy another moan about a monopoly on an Island thread, must stay glued to this one though as its got some good comments for and against unlike the others where its just verbal guff.


If i want to buy a phone for cheap then i do what most people do and go on the internet, if i want to renew my contract then i will look for a contract that fits my needs but i also remember that i am not in the UK so getting 500 minutes for free at £15 (excluding all the fine print about the calls have to be landline and between certain hours). The reason the UK have all the silly deals is that they have too much competition and they are offering the world and more.


The way i see it MT is only doing what any buissness would be doing and have a plan, or would we expect them to just give things out thinking that they are a charity?


I am looking forward to the companies "borrowing" other ideas from each other and the customers on all sides will benifit (i.e automated top ups instead of trying to talk to an operator at 4 in the morning when your pissed.) or finally covering the black spots up when each company is trying to provide the best coverage.


MT bracing themselves only points towards good things IMO because they know that they will lose some customers and i will be looking foward to see if i can be tempted to the other side with a better deal or weather MT are going to offer retainers. Either way i am not going to let it piss me off as much as some people, its a mobile phone after all.

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Last time I looked the Isle of Man was on planet Earth. Unlike some of you who are obviously on planet Isle of Man. There's a space ship home in the morning.......oops no its crashed into a freighter from Mars. And they want salvage rights.


Wake up, grow up. Communication is the MOST important thing for any economy in this networked world. Without competition we will, as we are now, remain in the dark ages. Have you been to the UK recently? Have you heard of WiFi phones? Do you know the potential of VoIP? Have you seen what the rates for broadband are over there? Have you seen how simple it is to install a BT Homehub? And that its free if you order it online? And it works!!!!!!


I doubt it. You have a phone and know how to use it. Bless. Stay with Manx Telecom. You deserve them. And all they'll do to the Manx Economy. Learn where the light switch is. You'll need it. Before you swim back to civilisation across the Irish Sea. Because the Australian bankers have sold the ferries. And the Spaniards at Telefonica have closed down all communications.


And in Manx.... Slane lhiu


Could you be any more patronising? I think people here deserve a little more credit than you are giving them. There has been a number of good intelligent arguments put forward, both for and against mobile competition on the Island. Your's unfortunately is not one of them.

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