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Sleep More - Weigh Less


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Sleep Loss May Trigger Weight Gain


BAKERSFIELD, Calif. -- Kids who don't get enough sleep suffer many consequences ranging from crankiness to poor performance in school. But sleep deprivation may also have an effect on children's weight.


A study of more than 2,000 U.S. kids aged 3 to 12 years has found that children who slept more tended to weigh less. The researchers took a baseline weight measurement from the kids and then rechecked them five years later.


They found that kids who slept less, went to bed later and got up earlier weighed more than kids who got more sleep. In fact, each additional hour of sleep reduced kids' chances of being overweight by about 20 percent .


Doctors say that hormone shifts that happen during sleep may be one reason why sleep helps keep the weight off. And it's not just kids who are affected by sleep deprivation. Lack of sleep is linked to more weight in adults, too.


/off for a nap - in fact, I'm gonna hybernate and wake up looking like Brad Pitt...

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I think it is simpler than that. If kids are up for longer periods of time then they are likely to get hungry. Kids that don't sleep much will tend to eat more junk food when they get hungary in between the standard meals of breakfast, lunch and dinner, whereas kids in bed by 9pm have practically 12 hours asleep before breakfast when they won't be tempted by such junk food.


Do I qualify for a £Million grant or the 'nobel prize in the bleedin obvious' for this?

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