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Truant Does Time


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Forget ASBOS and the softly-softly approach - this is how things work in ze Heimatland:


German Girl Jailed for Skipping School


Some kids hate school, some kids skip school, but it seems one young lady hates school so much she'd rather spend time in jail. After refusing to pay a fine or do community service for truancy, the 16-year-old German now faces the delights of two weeks in a prison cell.


For parents of rebellious teenagers, the idea of sending their unruly offspring for a spell in the slammer must sometimes seems attractive. Now that fate has become reality for one teenage truant in Germany.


A 16-year-old girl in Görlitz in the eastern German state of Saxony has been sentenced to two weeks in prison for playing truant from school. After the wilful teenager refused to do community service or accept that she has to attend school, she was sentenced by a district court to a spell in jail. The teenage rebel will serve her time this summer.


The schoolgirl, who stayed away from school for almost a month without being excused, had refused several opportunities to avoid doing time. Authorities in Görlitz said they had tried to fine the girl's family three times but they had refused to pay, claiming they have no influence over their daughter and are incapable of forcing her to go to school.


The authorities then decided to turn the fine into 37 hours of community service, but the stubborn school kid just wasn't cooperating. The only option left was to order a "disobedience arrest." On Dec. 13, she appeared before the district court in Görlitz and was sentenced to two weeks in jail, to be served this summer.......


Quick, efficient, sorted...


(Glad I didn't go to school there - not that I ever 'missed' any lessons, or anything :whistling: )

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