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Constable Forced To Resign


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A very sensible decision.


Well done to you sir - for maintaining the honour and integrity of the force. Most people seem to have forgotten 1991 (and an £80 fine with three penalty points) but you did not forget - and saw the pattern.


Well done to you sir - we are all behind decisions like that. You have restored a little more faith in the service - and a whole lot more of Joe Public's support.













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you are a pathetic attention-seeking bellend. I know you're just a troll and don't really mean the shite you spout but I just can't understand why someone would want to be like you, even if it was for a laugh.


I know I'm playing right into your hands by replying but I don't care. You're a fucking tool.


*awaits lolololololol wow people are angry/easily wound-up/lynch mob funny response*





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if people work for the police they should not go out and crash a car pissed.


I absolutely agree with that. I don't think it should have cost him his job.


Somewhat surprised to see that you do actually think from time to time. Just a shame you can't exhibit that 'skill' when posting on here. Unless of course you come on and think "I know, I'll be a complete cock now and see how many people I can wind up, then try to play innocent afterwards."


I suppose that sort of constitutes 'thinking' at some level. Similar perhaps to that of a common or garden poo.


I'd rather trust a drunk drive copper than anyone in the finance sector!.


Well scuse me for trying to earn a crust (a relatively fooking thin one!) by working for a finance company. I must be a threat to national security! <_<

After all, it was only my careers person at school that rattled persistently on about doing things like this instead of learning a trade and going round getting 3 times as much money. I certainly wouldn't be working in an office if I had my time over.


10 insert corrupt payment

20 launder and pay out

30 cash big cut of proceeds

40 buy ferrari

50 end


Obviously this is how it works.....

Suppose the nice dear on reception is a crooked rotter too for daring to answer the telephone?

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Back on subject;


I think the alleged copper being asked to resign is no bad thing, feel it makes the whole episode come back down to a more 'human' level, it restores some small level of 'faith' in the authorities that are supposed to be in charge of this Island.


It might not be good for the person involved, but at least it sets an example for the rest of us to 'say' that if you break the law you have to accept the consequences, don't do the crime if you can't do the time!!


I personally think the sentence handed down was very lightweight, in regard to the offender being asked to resign from his employment, it feels IMHO that justice has been finally done , hope this sets an example!

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I think the alleged copper being asked to resign is no bad thing, feel it makes the whole episode come back down to a more 'human' level, it restores some small level of 'faith' in the authorities that are supposed to be in charge of this Island.


It might not be good for the person involved, but at least it sets an example for the rest of us to 'say' that if you break the law you have to accept the consequences, don't do the crime if you can't do the time!!


I agree entirely. How often do we read in the local rags that so&so's advocate pleaded that if convicted & banned for DD offence they would lose their job? It doesn't seem to make a scrap of difference in court for most people so why should a bobby be treated any different, especially when they are meant to be enforcing these rules, not breaking them.


Being a soft touch I'm inclined to feel a little bit sorry for the chap for the amount of flak he must be getting over this but he really should have known better, despite the fact we all balls up from time to time.

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I'd rather trust a drunk drive copper than anyone in the finance sector!.


Well scuse me for trying to earn a crust (a relatively fooking thin one!) by working for a finance company. I must be a threat to national security! <_<

Just kidding - I do a lot of work there myself on occasion.

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I personally think the sentence handed down was very lightweight, in regard to the offender being asked to resign from his employment, it feels IMHO that justice has been finally done , hope this sets an example!

...added to that is the loss of a £30K+salary and a pension - hardly lightweight - but as you said, it put's a little faith back in the system.


I hope putting faith back into the system becomes a trend, and one not just aimed at the lower echelons of the system.

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I absolutely agree with that. I don't think it should have cost him his job.


You mean that "Moffatt, from the Roads Policing Unit" should be allowed to continue policing roads (without a licence) and stop vehicles on suspecting that the driver has been drinking?


Why's that then, is he more qualified now to be able to tell who has and who hasn't been drinking?


Maybe the drugs squad should all start taking drugs so that they're more qualified for their job!


And yes I believe there was a police car that was crashed on 08th June 1991 and the driver was fined £80 and given 3 penalty points. Funny, I don't know why I remember things like that!



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