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Constable Forced To Resign


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people are losing their jobs because of speed cameras.


I thought they were losing them because they were breaking the law...


It's a rare thing but I agree. At 3 points per offence you'd have to be caught 4 times before a ban.


One fine would make me think twice about speeding, 2 would make me stop doing it period. That leaves another 2 before any ban more fool the driver.


You can't blame the cameras. A decent sat nav would neutralise their effect. If your job depends on it stick to the limit, take responsibility for your actions


Its great giving it this response with our Isle of Man heads on - the guy in question does over 35,000 business miles a year. Now that A. Makes it statistically likely that your going to get clocked by as many camera's as possible as there are thousands of them and B. Its impossible to drive perfectly all the time when your spending this much time behind the wheel.


When you do this sort of mileage the stats are against you given the sheer number of camera's and the time you spend on the roads. You might only be a few mph over but you still get the points, you might get clocked by three camaras in one day.


Yes its breaking the law - but its a crap deal and in no way comparable to a DD offense which is a deliberate act that puts other road users at extreme risk. But you can still lose your job over it.


I would hazard a guess that excessive speed is far more of a killer on Manx roads than legally excessive alcohol consumption.


As usual Keyboarder. Your full of shite.


"legally excessive alcohol"? Was the alcohol consumption legal in the case being discussed? No, so STFU. Its infinitely more dangerous to drive with excess alcohol than speeding - its just that more people speed than committ DD because only morons commit DD offences.

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Will Moffat has certainly paid for his misdemeanor and I have no problem with that. The Isle of Man public however has lost an officer who did his duty fairly and with a smile on his face, and his experience will no doubt be replaced with a 'kid' or someone from another force with no interest in the Island.


No winners in this one I'm afraid.

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I try not to enter into correspondence with foul mouthed oiks with a chip on their shoulder. However, as I have been completely misunderstood and misrepresented, I shall make an exception here:-


As usual Keyboarder. Your full of shite.


"legally excessive alcohol"? Was the alcohol consumption legal in the case being discussed? No, so STFU.


This means excessive in the eyes of the law. Quite the opposite to what you construed.


Its infinitely more dangerous to drive with excess alcohol than speeding


Just because you say this does not make it so. I am of a different opinion. You have the figures?


its just that more people speed than committ DD because only morons commit DD offences.


I would go further. Only morons speed. Only morons drink. Now, why don't you try ignoring my posts, and keeping your personal insults to yourself?

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Keyboarder, you silly little cretin, Legally, and Excessive cannot be used in the same sentence when applied to drink driving.


Legal = 0-80 Illegal 80+



Legally excessive would mean that under 80 is excessive, if 50 was excessive, the limit would be 45.


As to your usual ant-speed endevours - Speed is NEVER the SOLE cause of an accident, NEVER! It is usually the error in judgement by either an a) inexperienced younger driver who pushes himself and/or his vehicle past their limit (which may or may not be anything over 30mph, and is usually due to peer pressure, hence the passenger casualties) OR B ) An older experienced - yet habitually ignorant/stupid/incompetent - plonker who just screws up. The sad thing is that sometimes it is B who cause the accident, whilst not actually getting caught up in it (remember the motorcyclist who died by the cemetary above the test centre??)


There are ofc exceptions to every rule, so please don't all think I am pidgeon-holing everyone into those 2 catogories; but history does prove that 90% of accidents fall into them quite nicely.






Most forums I frequent/admin you would have been banned many times over for trolling and flaming, I can only guess you are a privilaged user's alternative ego. You have been a cock, continue to be a cock, and I expect will remain a cock until someone beats some sense into you.


I am not saying I would like to beat some sense into you


(but I am thinking it)

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Will Moffat has certainly paid for his misdemeanor and I have no problem with that. The Isle of Man public however has lost an officer who did his duty fairly and with a smile on his face, and his experience will no doubt be replaced with a 'kid' or someone from another force with no interest in the Island.


No winners in this one I'm afraid.


Totally agree on that.


One more thing that I'd like to add is, nobody on here sees the carnage these traffic cops see. Even though I don't condone drinking and driving I reckon they deserve a few beers now and then.

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Most forums I frequent/admin you would have been banned many times over for trolling and flaming, I can only guess you are a privilaged user's alternative ego. You have been a cock, continue to be a cock, and I expect will remain a cock until someone beats some sense into you.


I am not saying I would like to beat some sense into you


(but I am thinking it)


It's people like you that are ruining this forum. All she has done is post her opinion, a stupid a opinion granted, but her opinion none-the-less. The agression has come from others towards her.


Every bloody thread is turning into who can be the bigger internet hardman at the moment. There's no point posting anything amusing, or different, or that disagrees with the "bash a chav and fuck the nanny state" brigade.

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Agree with that WilDDog, but don't drive afterwards, especially if you have seen the carnage a drunk driver can cause. I am not a string 'em high type, but there are some jobs which demand that you exercise care in your private life because it does affect your perceived ability and fitness to perform your role. Unfortunately, a bobby falls into that category. There is no escaping it, his job was to enforce the law of the land, his actions demonstrated that he disregarded the laws of the land and so he cannot continue as an enforcer.


Sad, but true and I think he did do the honourable thing. Maybe the IOM force has lost a valuable member but, really, his value vanished immediately he commited the offence.


On the other hand, I am glad that he was given the option of resigning which should preserve his pension entitlement and also remove the stigma of dismisal for future employment, (although, in truth, over here how much that will carry is debatable). That is fair IMO.

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All she has done is post her opinion, a stupid a opinion granted, but her opinion none-the-less. The agression has come from others towards her.


Every bloody thread is turning into who can be the bigger internet hardman at the moment. There's no point posting anything amusing, or different, or that disagrees with the "bash a chav and fuck the nanny state" brigade.

Agree with you Declan, but why do you assume Keyboarder is female?

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It's people like you that are ruining this forum. All she has done is post her opinion, a stupid a opinion granted, but her opinion none-the-less. The agression has come from others towards her.


Every bloody thread is turning into who can be the bigger internet hardman at the moment. There's no point posting anything amusing, or different, or that disagrees with the "bash a chav and fuck the nanny state" brigade.


Hasn't it always been a bit like that anyway, going right back to the manx.net and beemanx forums? That's not to justify internet toughguy lame-o-rama as a fact of life, but I wouldn't say it's got to the stage where it's ruining the forum just yet.

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The drinking / drugs issue among the police is already being dealt with by some forces in the U.K -see attached--


"Police to face tough new drink checks

Police officers could face a new zero-tolerance approach to drinking, even if they have broken no law or are within the drink- drive limit.


Random tests for alcohol will be carried out and officers will be considered unfit for duty and face a misconduct charge if they reach just one third of the drink-drive limit.


Concerns have been raised that the new policy could see careers blemished if one too many drinks the night before work puts officers over the tough new limit. The Police Federation, which represents rank-and-file officers, is warning officers who believe they may be over the new limit and who are called to duty unexpectedly to decline to work."


For the full story go to: http://www.yorkshiretoday.co.uk/ViewArticl...ticleID=1867665

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Totally agree on that.


One more thing that I'd like to add is, nobody on here sees the carnage these traffic cops see. Even though I don't condone drinking and driving I reckon they deserve a few beers now and then.


I don't know for sure, but assuming their days off are as my dad had in a UK force, then they have Monday/Tuesday, a Wednesday/Thursday, a Friday/Saturday/Sunday and a Sunday/Monday, in rotation. Plenty of time there for having a few beers, but still getting a taxi home - and like any other person, if you go to a pub that's off the taxi radar, then make sure you have your lift home sorted before you go.


He broke the law, and a law that, as a Traffic division policeman, he is presumably specifically entrusted to uphold (not many bobbies walking the beat can stop a drunk-driver whilst they are driving) - I would say his position was close to being untenable, but maybe an advocate can chime in on whether it would have affected any prosecution that was brought after he had arrested someone for drink-driving *shrugs*

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Declan, It is not that he/she has a point of view, it was only a few days ago that heshe posted something that upset and tbh sickened me (and quite a few others) in another thread. To have a point of view is one thing; to intentionally troll for an extreme respose is heshe's game.


Well heshe got one, and for that I will not apologise.

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