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2 Gigawatts!


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Wind generators live in Stirling today generating 2 gigawatts of power, enough to power 1.1 million homes. 1.1 fekking million! The IOM is perfect for this, with our largely fekking useless uplands that are windy as fook. Why dont we have these things? Why are we paying millions for new gas turbine powerstations with no forward looking renewable energy?

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and on the one day of the year when we really need it and the snow is crisp and deep and even and there is no breath of wind? what then?


I agree there is a lot to be said for having as many alternative sources as possible but if we can't get planning for houses through because of nimbyism, what chance a windfarm?

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I guess you revert to batteries and existing fossil fuels in such situations. I dont think renewables can be the only source of power, but given energy prices currently they should be augmenting our supply to reduce the cost.


As for NIMBY, who's going to complain about wind turbines on the uplands?

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The MEA's attempts to build a windfarm were totally scuppered by the Birder Lobby. They claim the turbines are a threat to bird life. The size of the IOM makes it basically impossible to site a wind farm far enough away from a bird habitat.


Hence the idea died ... well that and the fact the MEA had no money having spent it all on the gas pipeline and new power station.

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and on the one day of the year when we really need it and the snow is crisp and deep and even and there is no breath of wind? what then?



hydro power, stick a turbine down at the sound.

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that is the rub, you need at least two lots of generating infrastructure and the bird watchers and country side lovers will not want the view spoiling


Then we get see how the feather fanciers deal with their birds dropping dead when their habitats fail in global warming, woot.


These idiots seriously thing a wind turbine will kill more birds than burning fossil fuels?

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When the twitchers start paying my lecky bill then they can demand how I get my electric. We've got loads of wind and not just on these forums. It makes sense, weren't or aren't they going to build a big wind farm just off the UK.

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There's always a 'not in my back yard' attitude with these sadly.


I think they actually look quite graceful & fascinating to be honest. Besides, if you look out and see them in one direction and don't like it, you can look in another direction.


Some of the whingers against these need to get a grip really.

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They do make a noise if you're fairly close. Again, if they were on the uplands nobody would hear em over the wind din anyway. As for them being an eyesore, they look a shitload better than the new 'disco' powerstation and the energy from waste plant.

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