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Questions In Tynwald


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The Hon Member for Rushen (Mr Gill) to ask the Chairman of the

Communications Commission -

(1) What are the comparative costs of Manx Telecom’s mobile

telephone charges and text message charges compared with

O2 charges and the six other main service providers in the UK;

(2) if there is a discrepancy in Manx Telecom and other providers’

charges will you explain them and advise if you are satisfied

that the Manx mobile telephone users are receiving a

reasonably priced service; and

(3) if you are not satisfied, what do you propose doing to remedy

the situation?


Great question!

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Those aren't the right questions.... The Genuine Questions


Besides according to this week's Excreta Tarantino has withdrawn his question because it referred to "the Isle of Man Online chat room" when actually he meant Manx Net's Forums. He added that it had nothing to do with Manx Online's closure.


Shanghaih perhaps instead of compliaing about the lack of interesting threads you read the ones that are already in existence. Everything in this thread has already been said.

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Anybody feel a sense of Deja Vu?


Is it me? Both Manx Radio "Listen Live" links are of the studio.


Is it possible to read the answers later?


They will be in the Hansard section on Tynwald.org.im later in the week.

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Shanghaih perhaps instead of compliaing about the lack of interesting threads you read the ones that are already in existence. Everything in this thread has already been said.
Apparantly, so I've heard, the question was withdrawn as it was worded incorrectly.


Point in case. This was already mentioned two posts before his.

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All Government documents are typed up, then PDF'ed.


Hansard (records of part meetings) are published * HERE *


Question papers can usually be found a couple of days before sittings * HERE *


Edited to add: The last Hansard is for the June 1st sittings, they are usually more up to date than that.

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