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Barack For President


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This is a dangerous game the democrats are playing, especially considering how close the Republicans and Democrats were last time.


Despite laws etc. there are still many underlying issues of racism in America, and they have never had a woman president before. Where states were being won last time with only a few thousand votes, these issues may make a significant difference. There are also Bill Clinton's previous cigar activities, which many of the religious right won't ever consider forgiving.


On the other hand, if the US desperately feels that it needs to 'heal itself' after the disasters of Bush - who knows?


Personally I think Clinton would be best as we would get two for the price of one. Equally a woman running the states would do an awful lot of good for women across the world.


However, regardless of who is elected, it still won't be the right person, as the 'right people' don't tend to have the $100 million in the bank required to run.

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Vote Osbama!


Guaranteed vote winner.


Barack Hussain Osbama


You just couldn't make this one up, its just the right sort of name to get voted in by the dumbest nation on earth at the height of terrorist anxieties.


Imagine if you're right and they elect him! It'd be like they were saying that the mlid irony of their president having the Hussein name and a last name what is similar to 'Osama' wouldn't influence their vote!!!!


LOL5! Those stupid Americans!

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I think neither of them will be selected to run. Clinton is too close to Clinton and he was a waste of time, bloody useless in fact. If you think she'll do any good for women, don't kid yourself, see Thatcher for an example of a powerful woman bettering the lot of women.

A black man for president? If black is an experience rather than a fact, he hasn't experienced it. Rich, no 'slave heritage' to call on for sympathy/votes. Wrong choice for the wrong reasons. He actually said he wanted to be the "most powerful man in the world" that's worrying.

I think the Republicans may win again, after all, anything is better than GWB, even another redneck fascist.

Let's face it, the president doesn't run the country, the petrochemical lobby does with the help of the Military/arms lobby.

look out for others coming forward soon, could be a suprise on the horizon pardners.

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I think the Democrats will be hoping for a "dark horse" candidate to come out of nowhere for them - Barack Obama, no matter how good a speaker etc he is, has very limited time in office as either a state senator or a US senator. It might make more sense for him to go for the 2012 or 2016 elections, and build up a good base of voting in the Senate that the elctorate can look into and see which direction he leans in on issues. At the moment, I don't think he's been particularly clear on which way he leans.


Hilary Clinton is going to have an awful lot of trouble if she wins the Democratic nomination, as a lot of Americans don't like her personally, and haven't been fond of some of her ideas on issues that pertain to them - 2nd Amendment would probably be the primary one (the right to arm bears ;) )


In either case, you can be damn sure that the Republican press etc will be attacking them, mentioning that Obama went to an Islamic school in Singapore? for a while (as well as a Catholic school there), that his father was an African Muslim etc, even though Barack himself is a Christian and they'll probably really go to town on Hillary. Not that the Deomcrats won't do the same in return on the Republican nominations, naturally :D

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Bush has really put paid to republican hopes of the next presidency, barring a democratic meltdown: the nominee will have the presidency to lose. My money's on Obama - Clinton will always be Bill's wife, which is not what you're looking for in a president.


Barack Obama has the potential to put the country back on a firm footing. He seems like a decent guy with sensible positions on the key issues. Not surprising that most of the noise that both he and Clinton are making at the moment is on foreign policy, but the Iraq war is so monumentally unpopular that it would be suicide for either to support anything other than rapid withdrawal in 2008. It is domestic policy that will differentiate them.

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