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[BBC News] Douglas biker desert charity ride


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Wow. Money raised for charity AND a free dream holiday of a lifetime as a bonus. Good idea.


Mindless cynicism without knowing the facts. Believe me the guy doing it does not need a free holiday in Morocco funded by anyone else. I think if you check, his finances would certainly stretch to covering his own expenses.


Nevermind though - don't let that put you off slagging someone for trying to raise money for good causes.

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There you are, an Inca, sitting on your Trail appreciating the view and munching on a coca leaf, generally enjoying the atmos, when along come 30 bored computer programmers from Bristol, having the time of their fucking lives 'raising money for cancer'. It's ok though - it's 'for charity'.


Because charity does not begin at home: it begins on holiday. Previously, people booked a holiday and paid for it themselves. You didn't say to your workmates: 'I fancy two weeks in Ibiza, getting ripped to the tits on Ecstacy tablets and contracting an STD: fancy chipping in? Go on, if you all put in 50 quid I can go for sweet jack nix.'


Now though, people are quite happy to say: 'Go on, it's only 50 quid and it's for disabled kiddies.' But then they mumble: 'Except half of it pays for me to go camel trekking in Mongolia.' And when you ask them to repeat the second bit louder, they show you a picture of a child who's been blown up by a mine.


Other similar gambits might include: 'If you pay for me to go to the pub tonight, I'll put your change in the charity box - go on, it's for lifeboats, you stingy cunt.'


Some people do pay the travel costs of their charity holiday themselves, but it's still fucked up. Cancer research, care for the elderly, orphaned children: what happened to the idea that society should fund these things, what with it being stinking rich and all? Instead, it's the cue for everyone to start cycling along the Great Wall of China (which, by the way, you can't see from space - that's just a barefaced lie. If irrelevant... but still, you can't).*


Cynical yes, mindless maybe. Very funny though, lol,lol........







*From 'Is Just It Me Or Is Everything Shit', by Steve Lowe and Alan Mcarthur. Time Warner 2005. Charity, trips of a lifetime for,

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Some people do pay the travel costs of their charity holiday themselves, but it's still fucked up. Cancer research, care for the elderly, orphaned children: what happened to the idea that society should fund these things, what with it being stinking rich and all?


Yes I'd much rather these African kiddies died in filth and squalor than subsidise some exhibitionist. Remember its just as important to raise awareness of their plight as it is to raise cash as many of these people are "off the radar" in terms of sympathy. Such a ride will certainly raise local awareness so what is wrong with that?


If you believe that only society should fund these things you are stupider than I give you credit for. Perhaps your just one of those tight arses that think "Well I pay tax, its not my fault that the government does not donate to projects on my behalf. I'm buggered if I'm paying twice".

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