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Unicef Report On Children's Well-being


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This report was presented on R4 this morning

I heard on R4 one of the "main" contributers to this report. He stated that we are now seeing the results of the cutting back on welfare and social services that took place mainly between 1979 and 1999.

Thatcher's 'dog-eat-dog children'.


I remember her saying "There is no such thing as society: there are individual men and women, and there are families." - which is definitely no truer than today, except 'families' are also becoming extinct. I hope she gets the seat next to Sadam when she pop's her clogs.


It's bad under labour, but people seem to be starting to forget what the conservatives 'did for us' - sold all of the family silver to line their pockets and created a generation of selfish sods - and we are reaping the consequences with major social problems, arrogance toward Europe, and mega utility bills etc. etc.

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Don't get me started on Thatcher! I gain some consolation from the fact that she'll be sitting atop a flaming pitchfork before too long, right next to her old pal Ronnie Reagan... but not much.


What she did in the space of 10 years will take generations to put right. She would have done well to learn the lesson they're always teaching on those 'supernanny' programs - that there's an important distinction between good attention and bad attention.

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