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Ice Storm Hits Baltimore!


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So, it snowed in Baltimore, it snowed here last year and we shut the schools, nothing like in the good old days when the pigs would freeze to the gate posts. You don't know you're born my girl, a bit nippy and it makes the news, good grief, the whole royal family shot in a forest in a forest in Siberia and not a bloody word on the wires.

I had to laugh at this bit..........Eyewitness News has also learned of a child being hit by a car after sledding into traffic in Odenton.

Sliding, on a tray, into traffic on a road!!!!!!!!what the fuck was going through her head? I suspose the car driver will be arrested for daring to j=hit a sled that appeared in front of her out of nowhere?

Seriously, I am sure it was horrific for some people, not us who thought it was hilarious.

happy new year Cindy.

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Love you Skrapster!


Well, sheesh, Upper State New York has had snow for the past week, and over 9 feet or more in places.


But, nothing is more horrific for anybody when it happens in their own home town!


Must be that damn global warming this ice stuff.


Many without power tonight as ice has pulled down the electric wires.


Hope I'm not next!


Cheers y'all!


PS - Check out the link and follow the shenanigans of our new Irish Governor O'Malley [former Mayor of Baltimore] (also see he has Celtic rock band - O'Malley's March [oh my!])




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Following quote copied and pasted for being so tipically American.......


Restaurants hoped customers would keep their reservations while chocolate sellers lamented the lack of foot traffic as many people stayed home Wednesday.


" Why do we get a snowstorm on this day? " lamented Barbara Levi, owner of the downtown Washington chocolate and collectible store Chocolate Moose.


Bilmey :blink: i didnt realize that you could decide what days you got snow or is that option only avalible in america <_<

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