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Douglas Rates To Rise

local skeet

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I live in Douglas and pay Douglas Rates


I'm sure they could be better value for money




Pensions Deficit, better do it now over 17 years than end up with pensions funded out of current rtaes in future. It has only been identified trecently by an actuarial assesment. At last assesment it was OK.


Bye Law officer. Bye laws department makes a profit, why whinge. Its not his job to bting prosecutions. Its his job to oversee that construction is done to bye law standards, maybe he is doing a good job, spotting errors as they happen and having them corrected, but he costs nothing.


Crematorium. Operates at a profit. It costs rate payers nothing and keeps their rtaes down


Horse trams, well why don't they off load to to national Transport of MNH


Housing. All capital costs are met by Government, including refurbs, not by rate payers. The defecit is on minor maintenance and cost of rent collection.



JW - think your talking about some other bye-law officer not the Byelaw Enforcement Officer and former retired policeman and his two underlings - 'cos how would a former policeman be qualified to enforce building regulations? Good on who ever is doing building regulations but you and all the other ratepayers need to look at the cost (in the region of £90,000) of the Enforcement Officer and two Bye-law inspectors and see what the income is there for that team (that I can't see is not much change from close to £0).

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From Manx Radio, "Part of the 6½% Douglas rates rise is to go towards funding a pensions black hole.


Council Leader David Christian (pictured) says it's part of a 17 year plan to finance a pension scheme deficit for local authority workers:"


I find this an absolute disgrace, and I for one will be moaning at my elected representative of the House of Keys, as opposed to trying to talk to a Town Councilor!


It appears that we the ratepayers are now paying for something that has been wrongly managed in the past.


Bring on Local Government reform and get rid of this waste on the rate payers of Douglas.


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JW - think your talking about some other bye-law officer not the Byelaw Enforcement Officer and former retired policeman and his two underlings - 'cos how would a former policeman be qualified to enforce building regulations? Good on who ever is doing building regulations but you and all the other ratepayers need to look at the cost (in the region of £90,000) of the Enforcement Officer and two Bye-law inspectors and see what the income is there for that team (that I can't see is not much change from close to £0).

Jobs for the boys at ratepayers expense springs to mind here


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Douglas Borough Council should be having local community meetings around the town to explain what is going on and to engage with the community.


And I wish somebody would teach that guy with the brush how to sweep up properly.


Agreed, agreed - but then again maybe he hasn't yet been on the £5,750 specialised cleansing equipment utilisation training course as promoted by ENCAMS (which conventions (jollys) Council representatives regularly attend)

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Shanghigh thats a bit much for waste.


Did you know the rate per tonne in the UK is £56 per tonne.


I would like to know why we pay £110 per tonne ?

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Shanghigh thats a bit much for waste.


Did you know the rate per tonne in the UK is £56 per tonne.


I would like to know why we pay £110 per tonne ?


DLGE's justification of £100 per tonne Dec 2002


landfill restoration £1,000,000 (Point of Ayre)

sorting facility £2,000,000 (never built)

landfill site £3,000,000 (Archallaghan?)

civic amenity sites £5,000,000 (site not found for North yet)

animal waste products £5,000,000

energy from waste £45,000,000


loan charge £6,678,900

Cost of Waste Management Board £5,082,900 (not set up)


Total gross cost £11,761,800

tonnage 100,000 per annum


cost per tonne £117.62

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Why has this rant gone quiet?

It is disgusting that these rates can rise totally out of proportion to the services we receive.

A petition or something should be organised.

It would be great if everyone vowed not to pay, or at least pay a fair price for what they receive and use.

I calculate as my bin is emptied once a week, therefore £1 per week as I only have 2 or 3 carrier bags of trash, is £52 a year, add on a small amount for public lighting, and I reckon around £75 a year is a fair price for what I receive.

I hate it when people say 'you live in Douglas, close to all the amenities!!' Err, hello, we live on an island where you can easily access any part of it in not more than an hour.

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DLGE's justification of £100 per tonne Dec 2002


landfill restoration £1,000,000 (Point of Ayre)

sorting facility £2,000,000 (never built)

landfill site £3,000,000 (Archallaghan?)

civic amenity sites £5,000,000 (site not found for North yet)

animal waste products £5,000,000

energy from waste £45,000,000


loan charge £6,678,900

Cost of Waste Management Board £5,082,900 (not set up)


Total gross cost £11,761,800

tonnage 100,000 per annum


cost per tonne £117.62


Worrying that these totally ignore the incinerator at £45m ammortised over 25 years plus running and maintenence charges.

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Why has this rant gone quiet?

It is disgusting that these rates can rise totally out of proportion to the services we receive.

A petition or something should be organised.

It would be great if everyone vowed not to pay, or at least pay a fair price for what they receive and use.

I calculate as my bin is emptied once a week, therefore £1 per week as I only have 2 or 3 carrier bags of trash, is £52 a year, add on a small amount for public lighting, and I reckon around £75 a year is a fair price for what I receive.

I hate it when people say 'you live in Douglas, close to all the amenities!!' Err, hello, we live on an island where you can easily access any part of it in not more than an hour.


Write to your MHK, the more people do this, the more they will either have to ignore what is going on or do something. It is appalling that we should have to pay for additional pension funds over the next 17 years. I mean, I'll be retired by then and paying for some one elses pension from my pension!! I have had to fund a humugous gap left in my pension by being missold one in the 70's. Why can't these people do the same?


If this were anything other than public sector the additional funds would have to be found from within i.e. cost savings. :angry:

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DLGE's justification of £100 per tonne Dec 2002


landfill restoration £1,000,000 (Point of Ayre)

sorting facility £2,000,000 (never built)

landfill site £3,000,000 (Archallaghan?)

civic amenity sites £5,000,000 (site not found for North yet)

animal waste products £5,000,000

energy from waste £45,000,000


loan charge £6,678,900

Cost of Waste Management Board £5,082,900 (not set up)


Total gross cost £11,761,800

tonnage 100,000 per annum


cost per tonne £117.62


Worrying that these totally ignore the incinerator at £45m ammortised over 25 years plus running and maintenence charges.


Isn't the energy from waste figure the incinerator?

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No energy produced, is that true? I thought it produced 10% (not sure of what, either 10% of the energy produced in the incineration process is transformed into leccie, or it is supposed to contribute 10% of the leccie requirements of the IOM). So no energy produced at all? Or perhaps not as much as is produced by the wind farm that sits on Tuesdays on Bucks Road?

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