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Having just read about 'the man who saved the TT' I thought I'd bring it to your attention.


Very interesting reading - if what he says is true especially announcing his budget (surely the Tourism Board won't be happy) then I'm surprised he's been allowed to say it.




I think 'he's not the man who saved the TT, he's a very silly boy'.

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I'm not a TT expert, or fan come to think of it, so I don't know the politics involved.


But it seems a balanced, interesting and VERY positive article (for a change). It's obvious that the TT HAS had a good shake-up and talk of its' demise is fading. Maybe that's the 100th year hype, but maybe it's the work that Paul and Milky have been doing?

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I refer to the published article in which he states he has a £3m budget to spend ....now I worked for the Government a few years ago and I'm very surprised they've allowed him to go public (if indeed they have).

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Paul and Richard Quayle have been Rider Liason officers up to now, Paul taking over as TT and Motorsport Development manager last year.

I think that they have done a good job in bringing some new riders in from various places over the past couple of years, but I think they went beyond their remit and tried getting involved in the actual running of the races, an area which they did not understand. This caused a lot of friction with the organisers, who contrary to what everyone seems to think, are very good at what they do. They were just doing it on a very low budget.


It even got to the stage where the Tourist Board were touting around for some organisation to take over the running of the event. This alone shows that they had no understanding of the complexities of the job of organising their own event. They had no takers!


A lot of what is happening has been on the blocks for a good while, and been suggested by many people in the past. I think it's a bit unfair to credit Paul with saving the TT, and does a great injustice to the Manx Motor Cycle Club, The TT Marshalls Association and many others, who have been working tirelessly to improve the TT since 2003 and before.


I do believe that Paul has made a huge contribution to the TT in the year that he has been in charge, and he is one of the few full time people involved in its organisation, but I think that credit must be given to those who deserve it.


I look forward to seeing what Paul achieves with development of the rest of the islands motorsport after the TT centenery. If it's half as good as what TT2007 is shaping up to be, we could be in for a few surprises!

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If people like Paul and Milky didn't get behind the TT it would have died simple as that.

Look at the newcomers over the past few years that have come here and done very well.


Guy Martin

Cameron Donald

Ian Hutchinson

Connor Cummins best newcomer last year (MANXMAN)


Plus many others who have come to the event after never even thinking about doing the TT and gone away very happy,

and love the place and have returned with other riders from their respective countries.


Don't knock this event please,in sporting terms (especially motorsport) 100 years is a milestone in itself,those people involved in the running of the event give up many many hours free,and in Paul and Milky's case that number of hours is phenomenal.


We as Island residents should be proud of the TT


And no i will not hide behind a forum name (like most)


Chris Kinley

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Would there be any reason that he should not have made the TT budget public? We do after all live in a democracy, it is our event, our money!


The TT is the only thing that makes this place bearable to live on, along with it's offshoots such as other motorsporting events. There's precious little else to look forward to other than getting away for a holiday!


It's the only reason for any publicity which the island recieves, we are otherwise a backwater community with nothing remarkable in either our history or culture.

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If I wanted to race at the TT and I knew the man who held the pursestrings had £3m then hey, let's start talking. remember in poker, never show your hand..


I wonder if the prize money comes out of his budget?


2007 Money:


Superbike: £70,500

Sidecar A: £33,650

Superstock: £34,575

Supersport: £34,575

Sidecar B: £33,650

Senior: £81,500


£288,450 in prize money in total

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