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Penguin Alert As Whaler Catches Fire Off Antarctic


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I'm not a tree hugger or animal activist, or envoironmentalist for that matter (I throw away recyclables and drive a petrol guzzling car)


However this seems a little unfair to me!




In the persuit of some innocent whales to harpoon the Japanese whaling vessel is going to wipe out some innocent penguins in the process!


Most of the human race really are a shower of sh*ts really aren't they!

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I don't for one minute agree with what the whaling nations Japan, Iceland et al do but if they do wish to continue supplying whale meat to their citizens then they why don't they farm the whales themselves rather than antagonise everyone and decimate the wild population. It's not a hugely better option for the whales that get eaten but at least their wild cousins would have some protection.

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Farm whales! Wow just think of the sizes of the pens you would need, or worse the size of the dog needs to round them up!!!



No better to let them die rather than risk the Manx boat being sunk by giant aquatic collies. It won't matter in the long run anyway because a tubby wig wearing actor from the future will travel back in time and take some whales to repopulate the seas.

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