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Activists Suspected Of Grave Desecration


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I know activists are passionate about animal rights but surely this is a step too far? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/staffordshire/3735042.stm

Yes it's right ott as usual, but seeing as these people aren't interested in anything apart from anarchic trouble making and generally causing mayhem in the name of any cause they see fit, it's unfortunatley not unusual.


These so called "activists" are nothing but yobs and bullies and need to be brought to book as soon as possible before someone is seriously hurt.


People with a genuine concern for the welfare of animals are also humanitarian by nature and would never stoop as low as this.

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Did anyone see Christian Guru-Murphy's interview with an ALF spokesperson on the Channel Four News. The guy said, that whilst (naturally) he wouldn't participate in grave robbery himself, he did deplore thse that did.


Murphy couldn't keep his disgust and incredulity hidden when the fella said a single gerbil in a lab was worth more than the bones of the dead woman.

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I have campaigned for animal rights all my life. I am one of many animal rights campaigners, not just on the Isle of man but in the UK.


I totally condemn and regard with disgust the violation of this elderly lady's grave.


The people who did this are not people who care for animals. True animal rights people care for humans too.


All life is sacred and the desecration of this grave is totally and utterly disgusting.

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Yes it's right ott as usual, but seeing as these people aren't interested in anything apart from anarchic trouble making and generally causing mayhem in the name of any cause they see fit, it's unfortunatley not unusual.
Just like the behaviour of the pro fox hunt activists in the news recently!


These so called "activists" are nothing but yobs and bullies and need to be brought to book as soon as possible before someone is seriously hurt.


I agree

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I find much of what these "extreme" activists do shocking and despicable. I'm sure there are many, many law abiding animal rights campaigners who wouldn't go to such completely disgusting extremes as this, but it only takes a select few to give the others a bad reputation, unfortunately.

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.... True animal rights people care for humans too.

All life is sacred ........

Try telling that to the jumped up twerp in the Manx Chat forum, he seems to think it's ok to condone the murder of an artist in the name of animal rights.


I am glad Stav has posted the link etc. The world needs to know what is going on so the messenger should not be shot.

But I cannot look and will not.

As for this Edenmont bitch she is abusing the term art.

Sick f uckin g bitch! I hope some animal rights extremists kill her and post it as art!!!


These nutters are all around us, even here on the Isle Of Man.

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.... True animal rights people care for humans too.

All life is sacred ........

Try telling that to the jumped up twerp in the Manx Chat forum, he seems to think it's ok to condone the murder of an artist in the name of animal rights.


I am glad Stav has posted the link etc. The world needs to know what is going on so the messenger should not be shot.

But I cannot look and will not.

As for this Edenmont bitch she is abusing the term art.

Sick f uckin g bitch! I hope some animal rights extremists kill her and post it as art!!!


These nutters are all around us, even here on the Isle Of Man.


So you regard the Edenmont woman as an artist?


And class her with the little old lady whose grave is violated?


The little old lady was never cruel to animals and would turn in her grave if she still was in it, at the site of what this so called artist regards as art.


There is a thin dividing line and grey area regarding cruelty to animals and humans. And someone who could torture an animal is probably capable of torturing a human.


Somewhat distinct from killing a torturer and violating someone's grave.


Anyone who regards death in any form, or horrendous cruelty, as a subject of ART is the lowest form of evil.

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I'd never heard of Edenmont, but after looking at her "work" shes one crazy mofo. I think she's spent too much time looking at ans' favourite site (Bonzai kittens) but took the whole thing a little too literally.


Seriously though, Edenmont's work is just plain wrong. If the animals were already dead, fair enough (but its still disturbing) - but the fact that she kills them well thats just bad. Most people nip to the shop get some paint and brushes, she nips out and gets a couple of cats and rabbits.


As for the animal rights activists grave robbing, that says something about their mental position - given that they'd rob a grave I certainly wouldnt attempt to listen to any argument they put forward.


Personally, I think a group of rebel guinea pigs are responsible.

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Try telling that to the jumped up twerp in the Manx Chat forum, he seems to think it's ok to condone the murder of an artist in the name of animal rights.


I hesitate to ask which one because of the high percentage of twerps that place breeds. Could be almost any one of the six people that post there. Except Stav naturally.


But, err, which one?


Btw, we discussed that 'artist' a while back here

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So you regard the Edenmont woman as an artist?

Yes I do. She is an artist. In fact I found some of that particular work quite appealing.

And class her with the little old lady whose grave is violated?
I never knew the old lady in question so I'm unable to class her as anything. Was she an artist too?
The little old lady was never cruel to animals and would turn in her grave if she still was in it, at the site of what this so called artist regards as art.

I've no idea how the old lady would react to this artwork. Did you know her? Maybe she would have found it appealing too.


There is a thin dividing line and grey area regarding cruelty to animals and humans. And someone who could torture an animal is probably capable of torturing a human.
Who tortured what animal? the animals in the artwork were dead. Humanely killed too I believe. A tortured animal would not be too nice to look at now would it?.... Do you post in Manx Chat?
Somewhat distinct from killing a torturer and violating someone's grave.

what torturer are you talking about? (you're beginning to sound like the Manx Chat twerp)

Anyone who regards death in any form, or horrendous cruelty, as a subject of ART is the lowest form of evil.

What cruelty? You really are beginning to sound like that knuckle head from Manx Chat.....hmmm.... I wonder...?


Edited by ans to sort your quoting formatting out to make it more clear. Hope you dont mind.

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Anyone who regards death in any form, or horrendous cruelty, as a subject of ART is the lowest form of evil.

That would surely make the person, who made the comment about hoping extremists kill the "artist" and post it as art, the lowest form of evil. It's rather hypocritical to condemn the people who desecrated the grave, but wish such harm on that "artist". I think that's the problem many people have with the more extreme animal rights campaigners, the fact that they seem to put a higher value on animal life than human life.

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