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Supreme Commander

Roger Smelly

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Supreme Commander is very much Total Annihilation with better graphics (not surprising as they are both from the same bloke). This isn't totally a bad thing but its hardly inventive. On the plus side the battles are massive and your armies are huge. The wide variety of units makes for interesting tactics, plus the computer AI in the single player missions is pretty good. Lastly the big weapons are ace.


On the down side I have minor issues with bugs

- on one mission my units lost the ability to chain build commands half way through.

With the user interface

- its sometimes tricky to place structures exactly where you want them when building in a hurry, and with adjacent feature this matters.

- the use of the mouse buttons is less than intuitive add the limited feedback you get and sometimes its hard to know if you have issued an order

- Unless you have a vast monitor it is very easy to loose units as in a decent sized view they are tiny and look similar, not helped by the hud taking up far to much room leaving the action area limited.

And with the game

- Moving up the tech tree during a mission can leave you with an army of unwanted rubbish which you either scrap which takes a long time or pointlessly sacrifice (level 1 stuff which you start with is pretty much junk).


All of the faults are rather minor and could be fixed in patches \ add-ons.


Small quibbles for what is like Total Annihilation a very good RTS.

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It's actually an awesome game and the multiplayer is godly. Slim is an RTS noob and hasn't even seen half of the stuff which is actually new in SupCom so you can safely ignore that ;-)


Other than that, yes it is a remade TA. Although there's a fair bit of new stuff. Patrol point and build queue editing, upgrading/customisation of units, assist concept (simplified guard/assist), structure concurrency bonuses and stuff I've forgotten. It's not a revolution but it doesn't need to be. The single player is also not a namby pamby hand holding affair, it's actually quite the challenge - which is nice.


The big thing will be mods though. Like TA this was made to be modded and we've needed a good RTS engine to work with like this for ages. Exciting stuff.

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Supreme commander is top for base building. Gun turrets, shield generators, cloaking devices, walls, long range artillery, and nuclear missiles, plus loads more what more could a base want.


I suggest you just crack on and play its not too hard to pick up. Have a look at the keyboard shortcuts though they are very useful. Plus remember to build your factories next to power plants and mass extractors to get them to work more efficiently. Also I find zooming the playing screen out till the units are displayed as icons helps locate those lost units. Lastly don't forget to upgrade your commander when you get a load of spare resources.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Starcraft system requirements are pretty heavy, you sure you can handle it?


Pentium 90 or higher


DirectX-Compatible SVGA Video Card

Microsoft-Compatible Mouse

Double-Speed CD-ROM

(Quad Speed for Cinematics)



After failing to enjoy supcom I had a quick go of Civ 4 warlords. Came up for air about a week later...

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