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Churches Back Plan To Unite Under Pope

Albert Tatlock

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Safety in numbers?


Probably something like that.


As the Anglicans’ squabbles over the fundamentals of Christian doctrine continue — with seven of the conservative primates twice refusing to share Communion with the other Anglican leaders at their meeting in Tanzania — the Church’s credibility is being increasingly undermined in a world that is looking for strong witness from its international religious leaders.


It comes as no suprise really. A church built on the ideas of men will always change... time and time again. After they become catholics (if they do) they'll divide again and follow some other idea. Christianity is falling apart, and both these churches/denominations have played a great part in its downfall.

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Very interesting, given the number of lives lost over the centuries to keeping the two apart!


BTW, have not looked at the link as I suspect that this is just the last ditch attempt to consolidate Christianity plc into a leaner, keener multinational.

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I don't think so Gladys. This is the fact that the Anglican Church in the more socially respressive African states cannot reconcile their more fundamentalist beliefs with those of the more liberal Anglican departments. I am shocked they would go quite as far as linking up with the Catholics.

I suppose the more fundamentalist Anglican churches find their SOCIAL attitudes more in common with those of the Vatican and seeing this similarity want to explore it.

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So the Mormon schism in the 19th century has nothing to do with creating a splintered church then?


Before Joseph Smith no one ever imagined that god would be the kind of crazy old trickster who might bury the third testament in a ditch in North America, so I suppose technically there wasn't a true church for the Mormons to splinter from.

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I don't think so Gladys. This is the fact that the Anglican Church in the more socially respressive African states cannot reconcile their more fundamentalist beliefs with those of the more liberal Anglican departments. I am shocked they would go quite as far as linking up with the Catholics.

I suppose the more fundamentalist Anglican churches find their SOCIAL attitudes more in common with those of the Vatican and seeing this similarity want to explore it.

What is more shocking, the fact that the certain parts of the Anglican church want to preserve their fundamental beliefs, or that they may be linking up with Catholics?


I think if you chip away, you will find that the main driver of this is economic, not theologic.

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