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Raf Nimrod - Ronaldsway


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I heard it was that Ronaldsway has some pretty good ILS kit similar to of major airports (due to the foggy weather here). It also doesn't have the traffic volumes of major UK airports so the RAF can use it to practice ILS approaches without the hassle of other major airports. Hence the landing runs.

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It was probably the CIA. A rendition flight. I fear I may soon be rendered.


Ever since I suggested we respond to the Neteller outrage by sending the MV Karina up the Potomac loaded with Bushy's and Okells, my phones have been echoing and there's always some geezer reading a newspaper in the pub. And another who looks like Chuck Norris up telephone poles, watching.


Orange is SO last year...




The thought of Stu Peters in a Litts type rendering plant.....too much of a nightmare...


Otherwise, I agree, with the EU condeming the CIA's rendition flights and all the spot-light being on stop-overs in the UK then the CIA need somewhere outside of the EU where they can stop-over and refuel etc so the IOM would seem a good alternative - also they could secure and use the space vacated by the engineering maintenance facility.


Aren't all those people in orange suits special agents? I seem to remember something about someone called Agent Orange used by the Americans extensively in South-East Asia but was caught in some sort of scandal because of deflowering.

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funny you should mention that immortalpuppet,every time we landed at Benbecula we had to have a few attempts at landing,

sure they must have let crab air rookies have there first go at landing with live ones onboard bounced down that runway a few times

trying to think of the pub with all the whiskeys was it the cregorry arms?


Ha ha! there were 3 drinking esablishments we went to while there, the cragory (spelling) the low flyer (that fellas front room accross from the camp) and there was another one down the south of the island past the co op, i forget the name but i have some fond memories of discovering aftershock and getting shit faced then walking back to camp via the peat bogs!

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Its not uncommon for the RAF to plan landing/approach training on different airfields around the UK, its always good to have carried out a plan if something goes tits up. I just wished they had thought of this when our regt went to the outer hebradies in a herc, 4 attempts later and we still overshot the runway by about 10 metres!


It might not be uncommon in the UK, but we're not the UK!


Wow i didnt realise that, i wonder if they brought their passports and changed their money in case they landed! :)

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are you all sure of your little conspiracy theories (typically manx) When i worked at the airport until a couple of weeks ago! It was quite normal to see the nimrod pass over the isle of man! When they talk to air traffic they are just doing test runs! Isle of man is great for that! Not a lot of traffic and a lot of space to practice in!!

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Manxie99, we don't let facts stand in the way of a good conspiracy theory B)


If you read the BBC news site the whole Nimrod fleet has been grounded on saftey concerns. Ronaldsway must have been the nearest airport in this instance.





Can't say I've ever seen one land here and I suspect if one did It wouldn't be going anywere in a hurry, at least untill the extention is built anyway!

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