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Mountain Section One Way For Entire Tt Period?


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Anyone who drives the wrong way roudn the course (especially the mountain section) durng this time needs their heads read.


some of us have no choice, for example I live in Kirk Michael (slieau curn), so to get to peel i HAVE to drive the wrong way round the course for a short time. Those on the course have no choice, we cannot avoid the TT course. but it was there before me so i don't mind.

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They'll still have quite a few coppers up their patrolling and slowing people down - and it won't be a free for all.


It'll simply cut down the risk of accidents - by stopping 85 year Doreen Bucket driving her sister Doris to Ramsey for the day, and Bill Labotomy from taking his van up there yacking to his mate whilst crossing the white line on bends.


Commonsense - that doesn't take a rocket science degree to work out that it should have been happening already for years.


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I have to admit I have changed my mind on this having chatted to a few people about it and seen some bikers web sites. There unfortunately appear to be plenty who see this as an open invitation to treat the mountain road as an open "racecourse" for 14 days. So plenty of unskilled guys trying to be racers, taking the racing line etc. I just think that is a potential recipe for serious accidents. It is bad enough presently with two way traffic as there are numerous accidents and closures each fortnight and many do not involve head ons. So whilst it will save heads ons I think others serious accidents will increase.


I also question if the police have the man power to police it properly. On Mad Sunday it is heavily policed but is is only one way for part of the day and the police are not heavily involved in other events. Can they police it adequately police it when they are required to cover other events at the same time. If they can then surely then that level of policing is sufficient for it to be open two ways?


In addition if it is one way will the Island come to a halt because of congestion from four o'clock onwards many days and especially practice week. There are already bottle necks on the prom and getting through Onchan. They are going to be mind boggling if all traffic for the North has to go that way. If the mountain road are closed then it is really the only alternative unless you go via Kirk Michael but with the Peel Bay Festival on & all the traffic heading west that probably will be grid locked as well


Basically it is probably a decision that you can not win. You will be damned if you do make it one way and their is grid locked but equally damned if it is two way and there are heads on. It is not one I would like to have to call if I was to be held to account over it. As I am not then I would keep it open two ways which is partly for selfish reasons in that if it is deemed succesful I do not look forward to it being one way for every TT and Grand Prix fortnight. I would also argue that as it is argued that everybody knows the risk of raising everybody will know the risk of going via the mountain. Nobody will be forced onto it so let drivers make their own decision.




They'll still have quite a few coppers up their patrolling and slowing people down - and it won't be a free for all.


Commonsense - that doesn't take a rocket science degree to work out that it should have been happening already for years.

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What a crap idea! It will encourage more moronic behaviour from those who do it on Mad Sunday normally and be a pain in the arse for anyone living near/on the course on that stretch.


The police will not have the resources to monitor what's going on 24 hours a day - just like the reduced limit from Hillberry to the Creg/Kates (aka Santa Pod) is a joke and not policed (how quickly was that French biker travelling when he was killed a couple of years back?). This proposal will result in more accidents IMO.


And why should I have to waste my holidays and stop my business (which generates tax receipts for the government so they can squander it on the TT) to avoid this further inconvenience?


I've got a better idea - 'in the interests of road safety' why don't we make the whole course one way and inconvenience a load more people? Why stop there? Heck, we could even ban driving on 4 wheels altogether for the fortnight to reduce the accidents because we all know it's never the bikers that cause them.


I thought the emergency services used to pray for bad weather on Mad Sunday as it would reduce the number of idiots going out - now they'll be praying for bad weather every day :o

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and just for completeness of my rant before I speak to my MHK today over this:


Never mind the marshals (it's a given they're needed) if you want to spectate on the Mountain Road (and a lot of people do, maybe more per mile of the course than anywhere else) and are not based in the north of the Island (and I think it's a fair bet the vast majority aren't) is it safe that the only way to watch at:


1) Hillberry is to access it via the Little Mill road or 2), 3), 4) or 5)?

2) the Creg is via the Creg back road or 3), 4) or 5)?

3) Hailwood Rise through to Kate's is via the Injebreck road or 4) or 5)?

4) The Bungalow is via Tholt y Will or the coast road to Hibernia or Ramsey and back or 5)?

5) The Gooseneck/Black Hut/Mountain Box is via the coast road to Hibernia or Ramsey and back?


If we're expecting record numbers of visitors then none of these roads are suitable for the large volumes of traffic. You can't change the fact the Mountain Road is the only sensible way to access some of the most popular viewing spots on the course and the only point where you can get a view of a decent amount of circuit and not have to be 6ft 6ins tall!


It's the same story for van/wagon drivers who are going about delivering goods to shops or their other business - forced to use roads rendered unsuitable given the extra volume created by the one-way system.


I want to know what the Health and Safety minded idiots who dreamt up this idea would have to say about 1-5. Maybe those roads should be one way as well and the people who live along them should be evacuated for the fortnight! This is all about the police abdicating their responsibility to properly police the Island's roads and laws and surrendering authority to the bike 'enthusiasts' as far as I'm concerned - after all, they no longer police most junctions when the roads are closed and the marshals let idiots park on side roads wherever they want, blocking access all over the place.


Road safety? I had to laugh last week when I saw an 'official' estate car emblazoned with Road Safety lettering on the side that had only one headlight working!!

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This is one of those situations where something is needed to try and avoid the accidents which generally are most serious on the mountain section. The accidents are not always speed related, sometimes head ons due to cars and bikes drifting over the centre line on what is essentially a B road and quite narrow. Also some local drivers are intimidated by large volumes of traffic due to not being used to being put in the situations that occur.


I think that this is probably the only sensible option, anyone who has any better ideas should put them forward, but the usual negative moaning achieves nothing.

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Surely if they turn the whole T.T. fortnight into Mad Sunday it will result in an unprecedented number of deaths on the Mountain Road. Maybe there will be safety measures in place up there or it hasn't been thought through. I would dearly love to be wrong about this.


I can see why they're trying to come up with a solution to the problem of road safety, but I think this will make the Mountain a race track and any sensible drivers trying to get from A to B will stay away. I've taken the fortnight off work (live in Ramsey, work in Douglas) and never go against the flow on the Mountain, but will definitely stay away from there completely if this goes ahead.


Don't get me wrong, I love the T.T., probably more than most, I'm happy to put my life on hold (as much as I can) for a big party and lots of racing and I even live on the course, but the one thing I don't like is some of the dangerous and inexperienced riding which I've witnessed from 'some' visitors who seem to drive like we owe them something and should stay off the roads for the fortnight. That really did piss me off last year, I must admit.

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