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Fluoride In The Water


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Official release - water will NOT be flouridated here following consultation etc.


Victory for common sense at last :)


Poll result: 54% opposed against only 29% in favour.


Fantastic result and many thanks to all concerned.


:D :D :D


Despite a 5 year campaign by the DHSS the people of the Island spoke out against this proposal and fair play to Minister Teare he was true to his word and listened to public opinion on the matter.



Great. Maybe now that you don't need to post lengthy replies to Chinahand et al you could use all that spare time you'll have to make a stance on the cutting down of sugary sweet foods for children and encouragement of a twice-a-day brushing routine using a flouride toothpaste? You could maybe even campaign to get those little pink tablets brought back, the ones that school kids used to be given to show how much plaque they'd left on their teeth after they'd brushed.

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Those tablets were ace - I second the motion of bringing back the pink tablets.


I also propose that parents take responsibility for the health and wellbeing of their kids - afterall, they brought them into this world so they can damn well get on with looking after them.



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There we go then. At least I'll not have to spend hours boring you all to death with my usual bollox!


Still feel that objectivity has been seriously damaged by SOW's shenagigans, but I'm not surprised by the result.


I suppose all that can be done is to keep educating people about dental hygene - and the correct use of fluoride etc!!!! But for too many kids on this Island their parents don't give a toss, don't take responsibility, and ignore advice. That's sad, and I suspect there is little that can be done about it - that said do they still have dentists in schools? 20 minutes once a term or whatever for a dentist to come in and do a a check up - should be compulsory in every school. Takes the responsibility from the parents and makes sure problems are caught early.

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Personally, I'm glad the population have spoken / been consulted, and have been heard, and the Government have listened - a bit like the speed limit debate I suppose.


I haven't read the whole thread I must admit, but why put fluoride in the water just because it might be good for teeth? There are lots of other chemicals which are known to be good for the human body but I don't see them wanting to put blended vegetables and salad into our water to keep us well.


We have a young son and he rarely drinks water so what good would that have done him? Neither is he allowed to neck bottles of pop. We just make sure he brushes his teeth and so far so good.


We are quite capable of looking after him and his teeth. Thanks but no thanks Mr. whoever was pro-fluoride.


That's all. Thanks folks.

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Victory for common sense at last :)


Poll result: 54% opposed against only 29% in favour.


Fantastic result and many thanks to all concerned.


Thanks for making an issue out of it. I am personally opposed to medicating the water and welcome the result.


I expect the pro flouride people will have another go sooner or later.

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I think this debate has served its purpose i.e. keeping Dr Evans in well paid employment for the duration. I wonder what wizzard scheme he will come up with next and how on earth did the Isle of Man mange for a thousand years before he bestowed his huge wisdom on how we should live our lives.

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Not sure how saveourwater can take any credit for this; their campaign was based largely on the assertion that fluoride was a deadly deadly poison and we were all going to get mottled teeth. I would be willing to bet a substantial amount that most people voted against purely on the basis of not wanting an additive in the water, rather than having considered any real scientific, medical or ethical ramifications.

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Freedom to rot Hurrah! ( allegedly )

Certain parents might now like to consider teaching a proper dental routine and cutting down on the persistant sweets.

Whilst this topic has been running, I've noticed that the weapon of choice to quieten noisy/crying buggy dwellers appears to be a bag of sweets.

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Not sure how saveourwater can take any credit for this; their campaign was based largely on the assertion that fluoride was a deadly deadly poison and we were all going to get mottled teeth. I would be willing to bet a substantial amount that most people voted against purely on the basis of not wanting an additive in the water, rather than having considered any real scientific, medical or ethical ramifications.


I hope you are right as I would not like the outcome to have been greatly effected by what I saw as a dishonest pressure group peddling scare stories. I also have a less than flattering opinion with regard to the individual behind Save the Water which over time has come to border on contempt.


Overall I am ambivalent about the result just as I was about adding Fluoride to the water supply. I could see the benefits of doing so but also I understood the arguments about not wanting additives added to the water supply on a point of principle. Ultimately although my overiding thought though was that I did not want the campaign as led by Save the Water to effect the outcome of the poll and hopefully it did not.


I also do have a certain contempt for Government as if they felt that this was the best thing to do for our health they should have followed that belief. Presumably we now have a Government following a course of action and policy which they do not necessarily believe in and which they may not believe is in the Island's best interest because of the poll. Sorry but to me that is just side stepping the issue to protect their seats at the next election. Basically they have bottled making a difficult decision themselves

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