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Fluoride In The Water


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Saveourwater have a look at this link...........................................edited due to accidental posting before it was finished!



If you won't read the links provided you won't find the evidence you say doesn't exist will you.


The 'nutty Professor' as you like to call him is to be found here, why not drop him a line?




Ask him about the BDHF claim of 40-60% reduction in caries due to water Fluoridation. (seriously ask him)


You say that children who are unable to be helped have a diet of sugary drinks and sweets, do you really envisage them drinking 8 glasses of water every day to ingest the recommended amount of Fluoride? What about the babies and children who are now warned against drinking artificially Fluoridated water by the American Dental Association - a pro Fluoridation organisation how can we help them?


How hard would it be to introduce a daily brushing regime to schools and pre-school environments? Or is that too simple an idea?


Don't just ask the 'Nutty Prof' about the systemic vs topical issue ask the other people and organisations I mentioned maybe then you will find your answer, even if it does contradict your information.

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Enjoy this fetching read!!


[ Psychopolitics ] [ Silent weapons ] [ Mind control ] [ Tavistock ] [ Hegemony ] [ Education ] [ Aspartame ] [ Fluoride ]


[ Fluoride2 ]


See also | Scientific Facts


" We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, and also in the air."

(The Secret Covenant )


Calcium an antidote for fluoride poisoning

Remove fluoride with reverse osmosis water filter

Top fluoride expert apologises for pushing fluoride

Suppression of facts

Illegal to challenge fluoride




Use of Sodium Fluoride for mass behaviour control in Nazi Germany



It is a matter of record that sodium fluoride has been used for behaviour control of populations.


In an "Address in Reply to the Governor's Speech to Parliament", Mr. Harley Rivers Dickinson, Liberal Party Member of the Victorian Parliament for South Barwon, Australia [in Australia, parliamentarian Mr. Harley Dickenson raised the issue in the Victorian Legislative council, which is recorded in the official Hansard report on August 12th, 1987] made a statement on the historical use of fluorides for behaviour control.


Mr. Dickinson reveals that,


"At the end of the Second World War, the United States Government sent Charles Elliot Perkins, a research worker in chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and pathology, to take charge of the vast Farben chemical plants in Germany. While there, he was told by German chemists of a scheme which had been worked out by them during the war and adopted by the German General Staff.


"This scheme was to control the population in any given area through mass medication of drinking water. In this scheme, sodium fluoride occupied a prominent place.


"Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an individual's power to resist domination by slowly poisoning and narcotising a certain area of the brain, and will thus make him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him.


"Both the Germans and the Russians added fluoride to the drinking water of prisoners of war to make them stupid and docile."


It is interesting that Dr. George Estabrooks, an advisor to the United States Government on hypnotism and psychological behaviour control, later became chairman of the Department of Psychology at Colgate University. Internationally, Colgate was and remains today the most ardent producer and advocate for fluoridated toothpaste. The use of chemicals by the government to modify behaviour of select population groups is not new. During the first two World Wars, bromides were administered to service men to dim the libido in an attempt to inhibit forays into local bordellos.


Today, in Australia, the military fluoridates the drinking water of the soldiers, ostensibly to protect the teeth. However, since the mythical ability of fluorides "to prevent tooth decay" only exists for those under the age of 12, it is certain that the real purpose is less altruistic. In volume one of Matrix III, we discussed the role of Alcoa Aluminium in the production of fluoride, the role of Alcoa lawyer Oscar Ewing, who eventually gained control of what was to become the United States Public Health Service, his promotion of fluoridation and the use of advertising and false propaganda in an attempt to sell water fluoridation to an unsuspecting public. Interestingly, it turns out that Alcoa transferred its sodium fluoride production technology to Germany in 1939 under the Alted Agreement, and Dow Chemical Company transmitted its experience and technology to Germany during the same period.


So, we have the U.S. transmitting technology to Germany before the war that allows Germany to experiment on select elements of the European population, and then after the war Nazi scientists and the results of experiments are brought back to the United States under Operation Paperclip. Curious, isn't it?


A little research turned up the fact that I.G. Farben developed organophosphate nerve agents, Zyklon B cyanide-based extermination gas used on the Jews during the war, and many other interesting substances. I.G. Farben, financially supported by the United States, was the first to develop and process heroin and cocaine. They also developed fluorinated nerve gases Sarin and Soman. Farben had many interconnections with companies in the United States and Britain. Consult the illustrative chart in this book.


In a letter abstracted from Fluoridation and Lawlessness, published by the Committee for Mental Health and National Security (with obvious implications) from the aforementioned Charles Perkins, U.S. appointed post-war head of I.G. Farben, to the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, October 2, 1954, we read the following:


"We are told by the fanatical ideologists who are advocating the fluoridation of the water supplies in this country that their purpose is to reduce the incidence of tooth decay in children, and it is the plausibility of this excuse, plus the gullibility of the public and the cupidity of public officials that is responsible for the present spread of artificial water fluoridation in this country.


"However - and I want to make this very definite and positive - the real reason behind water fluoridation is not to benefit children's teeth. If this were the real reason, there are many ways in which it could be done which are much easier, cheaper and far more effective. The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination, control and loss of liberty."




"When the Nazis decided to go into Poland, the German General Staff and the Russian General Staff exchanged scientific and military ideas, plans and personnel. The scheme of mass control through water medication was seized upon by the Russian Communists because it fitted ideally into their plans to Communise the world. I say this in all earnestness and sincerity of a scientist who has spent nearly 20 years research into the chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and pathology of fluorides. Any person who drinks artificially fluoridated water for a period of one year or more will never again be the same person, mentally or physically."


When Major General Racey Jordan was in charge of the massive lend-lease airlift operations from Great Falls, Montana to Russia, via Alaska, he queried the trans-shipment of considerable amounts of sodium fluoride. He was told frankly that it was to put into the drinking water of the prisoner of war camps to take away their will to resist. It is also interesting that former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who has a background in academic chemistry, initiated a program involving astronomical expenditures of UK revenue on a fluoridation campaign in Northern Ireland.


The Truth About 'Fluoride'



(or what every Mother should know)


by A. True Ott


© August 2000


See also | Feedback


Fluoride used by Nazis to sterilize inmates and make them docile.

Fluoride a key dumbing down ingredient of Prozac and Sarin nerve gas -- poisons of choice for tyrant rats.


First of all, it needs to be stated that the 'substance' referred to as 'Fluoride' is a misnomer - there is no such substance listed in the periodic chart of the elements, nor in the prestigious CRC handbook, nor in the sacred 'bible' of the pharmaceutical industry - the illustrious 'Merck Index'. Instead, we find a GAS called Fluorine - and from the use of this gas in various industries such as aluminium manufacturing and the nuclear industry -certain toxic by-products are created which have 'captured' fluorine molecules. One such toxic, poisonous 'by-product' is called sodium Fluoride - which according to the Merck Index is primarily used as rat and cockroach poison and is also the active ingredient in most toothpastes and as an "additive to drinking water". But sadly, there is much more to this sordid tale.


Did you know that sodium Fluoride is also one of the basic ingredients in both PROZAC (FLUoxetene Hydrochloride) and Sarin Nerve Gas (Isopropyl-Methyl-Phosphoryl FLUORIDE) - (Yes, folks the same Sarin Nerve Gas that terrorists released on a crowded Japanese subway train!).


Let me repeat: the truth the American public needs to understand is the fact that Sodium Fluoride is nothing more (or less) than a hazardous waste by-product of the nuclear and aluminium industries. In addition to being the primary ingredient in rat and cockroach poisons, it is also a main ingredient in anesthetic, hypnotic, and psychiatric drugs as well as military NERVE GAS! Why, oh why then is it allowed to be added to the toothpastes and drinking water of the American people?


Historically, this substance was quite expensive for the worlds' premier chemical companies to dispose of - but in the 50's and 60's - Alcoa and the entire aluminium industry - with a vast overabundance of the toxic waste - SOMEHOW sold the FDA and our government on the insane (but highly profitable) idea of buying this poison at a 20,000% markup and then injecting it into our water supply as well as into the nation's toothpastes and dental rinse. Yes that's right folks, a 20,000% markup. Consider also that when sodium Fluoride is injected into our drinking water, its level is approximately 1 part-per-million (ppm), but since we only drink ½ of one percent of the total water supply, the hazardous chemical literally 'goes down the drain' and voila - the chemical industry has not only a free hazardous waste disposal system - but we have also PAID them handsomely in the process!!


Independent scientific evidence over the past 50 plus years has shown that sodium fluoride shortens our life span, promotes various cancers and mental disturbances, and most importantly, makes humans stupid, docile, and subservient, all in one neat little package. There is increasing evidence that aluminium in the brain is a causative factor in Alzheimer's Disease, and evidence points towards sodium fluoride's strong affinity to 'bond' with this dangerous aluminium (remember it is a by-product of aluminium manufacturing) and also it has the ability to 'trick' the blood-brain barrier by imitating the hydrogen ion thus allowing this chemical access to brain tissue.


Honest scientists who have attempted to blow the whistle on sodium fluoride's mega-bucks propaganda campaign have consistently been given a large dose of professional 'black-listing' and thus their valid points disputing the current vested interests never have received the ink they deserve in the national press. Just follow the money to find the 'control' and you will find prominent American families to be prominent 'players' in the scandal. In 1952 a slick PR campaign rammed the concept of 'fluoridation' through our Public Health departments and various dental organizations. This slick campaign was more akin to a highly emotional "beer salesman convention" instead of the objective, scientifically researched program that it should have been. It has continued in the same vein right up to the present day - and now sodium fluoride use has now become 'usual and customary'.


To illustrate the emotional vs. the scientific nature of this issue, just look at the response given by people (perhaps yourself included?) when the subject of fluoridation comes up. You need to ask yourself, "Is this particular response based on EMOTIONS born of TRADITION, or is it truly unbiased and based instead on thoroughly researched objectivity?" There is a tremendous amount of emotional, highly unscientific "know-it-all" emotions attached to the topic of 'sodium fluoride' usage - but I personally have yet to find even ONE objective, double blind study that even remotely links sodium fluoride to healthy teeth at ANY AGE. Instead, I hear and read such blather as "9 out of 10 DENTISTS recommend 'fluoride' toothpaste" etc. etc. etc. Let me reiterate: truly independent (unattached to moneyed vested interest groups) scientists who've spent a large portion of their lives studying and working with this subject have been hit with a surprising amount of unfair character assassinations from strong vested-interest groups who reap grand profits from the public's ignorance as well as from their illnesses. (Just follow the money!)


Do you have diabetes and/or kidney disease? There are reportedly more than 11 million Americans with diabetes. If it is true that diabetics drink more liquids than other people, then according to the Physicians Desk Reference these 11 million people are at much higher risk drinking fluoridated water because they will receive a much deadlier dose because of their need for higher than normal water consumption. Kidney disease, by definition, lowers the efficiency of the kidneys, which of course is the primary means in which fluoride (or any other toxic chemical) is eliminated from the body. Does it not make sense that these people shouldn't drink fluoridated water at all? Cases are on record (Annapolis, Maryland, 1979) where ill kidney patients on dialysis machines died because they ingested relatively small amounts of SODIUM FLUORIDE from unwittingly drinking the 'fluoridated' city water supply? Will adequate warnings be given to people with weak kidneys, or will the real cause of such deaths be 'covered up' in the name of 'domestic tranquility'?


Concerning the 'practice' of putting sodium fluoride into drinking water, where did this insanity begin and WHO tried it first? From personal research, the very first occurrence of purposefully putting sodium fluoride into drinking water was in the German ghettos and in Nazi Germany's infamous prison camps. The Gestapo you see had little concern about sodium fluoride's 'supposed' effect on children's teeth; instead, their reason for mass-medicating water with sodium fluoride was to STERILIZE HUMANS and force the people in their concentration camps into calm, bovine, submission. (See for reference: "The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben" written by Joseph Borkin.) Kind of shocking isn't it folks!! Ah, but it gets even better.


The following letter was received by the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, Milwaukee Wisconsin, on 2 October 1954, from a research chemist by the name of Charles Perkins. He writes:


"I have your letter of September 29 asking for further documentation regarding a statement made in my book, "The Truth about Water Fluoridation", to the effect that the idea of water fluoridation was brought to England from Russia by the Russian Communist Kreminoff. In the 1930's Hitler and the German Nazis envisioned a world to be dominated and controlled by a Nazi philosophy of pan-Germanism. The German chemists worked out a very ingenious and far-reaching plan of mass-control which was submitted to and adopted by the German General Staff. This plan was to control the population in any given area through mass medication of drinking water supplies. By this method they could control the population in whole areas, reduce population by water medication that would produce sterility in women, and so on. In this scheme of mass-control, sodium fluoride occupied a prominent place.


"Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an individual's power to resist domination, by slowly poisoning and narcotising a certain area of the brain, thus making him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him. [A convenient and cost-effective light lobotomy? --- Ott].


"The real reason behind water fluoridation is not to benefit children's teeth. If this were the real reason there are many ways in which it could be done that are much easier, cheaper, and far more effective. The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination and control and loss of liberty."


"When the Nazis under Hitler decided to go to Poland, both the German General Staff and the Russian General Staff exchanged scientific and military ideas, plans, and personnel, and the scheme of mass control through water medication was seized upon by the Russian Communists because it fitted ideally into their plans to communise the world."


"I was told of this entire scheme by a German chemist who was an official of the great I.G. Farben chemical industries and was also prominent in the Nazi movement at the time. I say this with all the earnestness and sincerity of a scientist who has spent nearly 20 years' research into the chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and pathology of fluorine --- any person who drinks artificially fluorinated water for a period of one year or more will never again be the same person mentally or physically."


Signed: CHARLES E. PERKINS, Chemist, 2 October, 1954.


Another letter needs to be quoted at length as well to help corroborate Mr. Perkin's testimony. This letter was written by a brilliant (and objectively honest) scientist named Dr. E.H. Bronner. Dr. Bronner was a nephew of the great Albert Einstein, served time in a WWII prison camp and wrote the following letter printed in the Catholic Mirror, Springfield, MA, January 1952:


"It appears that the citizens of Massachusetts are among the 'next' on the agenda of the water poisoners.


"There is a sinister network of subversive agents, Godless intellectual parasites, working in our country today whose ramifications grow more extensive, more successful and more alarming each new year and whose true objective is to demoralize, paralyse and destroy our great Republic ---- from within if they can, according to their plan --- for their own possession."


"The tragic success they have already attained in their long siege to destroy the moral fibre of American life is now one of their most potent footholds towards their own ultimate victory over us."


"Fluoridation of our community water systems can well become their most subtle weapon for our sure physical and mental deterioration. As a research chemist of established standing, I built within the past 22 years 3 American chemical plants and licensed 6 of my 53 patents. Based on my years of practical experience in the health food and chemical field, let me warn: fluoridation of drinking water is criminal insanity, sure national suicide. DON'T DO IT!!"


"Even in very small quantities, sodium fluoride is a deadly poison to which no effective antidote has been found. Every exterminator knows that it is the most effective rat-killer. Sodium Fluoride is entirely different from organic calcium-fluoro-phosphate needed by our bodies and provided by nature, in God's great providence and love, to build and strengthen our bones and our teeth. This organic calcium-fluoro-phosphate, derived from proper foods, is an edible organic salt, insoluble in water and assimilable by the human body; whereas the non-organic sodium fluoride used in fluoridating water is instant poison to the body and fully water soluble. The body refuses to assimilate it."


"Careful, bonafide laboratory experimentation by conscientious, patriotic research chemists, and actual medical experience, have both revealed that instead of preserving or promoting 'dental health', fluoridated drinking water destroys teeth before adulthood and after, by the destructive mottling and other pathological conditions it actually causes in them, and also creates many other very grave pathological conditions in the internal organisms of bodies consuming it. How then can it be called a 'health plan'? What's behind it?"


"That any so-called 'Doctors' would persuade a civilized nation to add voluntarily a deadly poison to its drinking water systems is unbelievable. It is the height of criminal insanity!"


"No wonder Hitler and Stalin fully believed and agreed from 1939 to 1941 that, quoting from both Lenin's 'Last Will' and Hitler's Mein Kampf: "America we shall demoralize, divide, and destroy from within."


"Are our Civil Defense organizations and agencies awake to the perils of water poisoning by fluoridation? Its use has been recorded in other countries. Sodium Fluoride water solutions are the cheapest and most effective rat killers known to chemists: colourless, odourless, tasteless; no antidote, no remedy, no hope: Instant and complete extermination of rats."


"Fluoridation of water systems can be slow national suicide, or quick national liquidation. It is criminal insanity ------- treason!!"


-Signed: Dr. E.H. Bronner, Research Chemist, Los Angeles


Apparently, the public outcry by Dr. Bronner and others precluded the fluoridation of public water systems for a season - but soon thereafter, the Food and Drug Administration allowed this deadly poison to be put in 'toothpaste', and our dentists were systematically brainwashed into providing 'fluoride treatments' to their many patients. Of course, today many major metropolitan areas have a minimum of 1 parts per million sodium fluoride systematically added to their water supply and more areas are seeking to add this poison every year. Add to this the fact that bottling companies (soft drinks, juices, etc.) use fluoridated water to make their products - is it any wonder that people can no longer think clearly and ask pertinent questions of their elected and ecclesiastical leaders? Is it also a mystery why so many top Nazi mind control scientists were brought to America by the CIA and their infamous 'Operation Paper Clip'?


If you believe all of this is 'just a coincidence' - go ahead and keep brushing your teeth with your 'fluoride' toothpaste and sucking on your sodium fluoride enhanced Coke or Pepsi product - for ignorance truly is bliss and you truly deserve what you get.


Mothers, if your little ones are having trouble concentrating at home or in school, or have been diagnosed as 'attention deficit' - perhaps you would be well advised to look for the culprit (and the solution to the problem) no further than your home medicine cabinet (your tube of toothpaste) and your friendly neighbourhood school's water fountain!!




See also



Toxic Secrets: Fluoride & the A-Bomb - (Nexus Magazine) By Joel Griffiths & Chris Bryson. Manhattan Project scientists and military men who developed the first atomic bomb also conducted secret studies of fluoride but hid the facts about its health hazards



The Dentist's Tale -- Fluoride Can Kill - Story of a Dentist who talks to a chemist, is threatened with his practice, gets cancer and goes public. (The Ecologist, September 2000 Vol 30 No 6)



FluorideAlert.org - An International Coalition to End Water Fluoridation and Alert People to Fluoride's Health and Environmental Risks



EarthLife.org.za - Fluoride Fact Sheet - lethal doses, effects on body, side effects, environmental effects.



Sukel.com - The Fluoride Controversy - synopsis of both sides.



Open Directory Project Listings - "Society > Issues > Health > Water Treatment > Fluoridation"






From: <christopher.currie@fmglobal.com>

To: <sterlingda@greaterthings.com>

Sent: Monday, August 21, 2000 9:35 AM

Subject: Re: [sDA_friends] 'Fluoride' and the Dumbing Down of America



Your article regarding sodium fluoride is interesting, but there seems to be a "logical disconnect" between the symptoms your article predicts and the actual results. If, as your article indicates, Massachusetts has been "fluoridating" its water supply for nearly fifty years now, one would expect a large portion of the population of Massachusetts to exhibit the symptoms described in your article. But in fact, that hasn't happened. Massachusetts is one of the most economically successfully states in America, and it's economic success is based not on large military contracts or large corporations, but primarily on small "high tech" businesses headed by entrepreneurs who have a "track record" of innovation and intelligent risk taking.


I drank Massachusetts water for nearly 14 years, and I can hardly be considered a "docile conformist." I'm fairly sure that most other residents and former residents of Massachusetts would tell you essentially the same thing.


In my opinion, the best argument you have (if in fact it is true) is that no "double-blind" study has ever been performed to actually measure the effects of fluoridated drinking water (at 1 part per million).


CC Currie



* * *


From: "Sterling D. Allan" <sterlingda@greaterthings.com>

To: "True Ott" <tott@mountainwest.net>

Cc: "Chris Currie" <christopher.currie@fmglobal.com>

Sent: Monday, August 21, 2000 9:58 AM

Subject: Fw: [sDA_friends] 'Fluoride' and the Dumbing Down of America



My reply would be that Massachusetts is one of the most socialist states in the Union and perhaps that could be attributed in some small measure to the dumbing down or making more docile due to the drinking water. Of course my bias coming out there!






Fluoride the Modern Day DDT


“This information is important because this substance may harm you”

[From a document about fluorides]

[Prepared by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry,]

[A subsidiary of the U.S. Public Health Service]



DDT was once thought to be a wondrous substance. Troops were being sprayed from the air during World War II with it, The Australian government was advising the population to spray it onto window ledges to stop those nasty flies, just at the height that a small child could reach. Old newsreels show trucks driving down the streets spraying it onto children and passers by. With the power of hindsight, these actions were, to say the least, moronic. DDT has now been found to be a VERY hazardous substance, and in turn has been banned from use or its use restricted.


Fluoride is still thought of by the mainstream, TV dulled population to be a non-hazardous, helpful substance. For far to long it has been thought the mass medication of the population by the fluoridation of drinking water is something that every government for its people. In reality, 96% of the world’s population does not have fluoridated water. The remaining 4% of the world’s population who have fluoridated are in America (currently 62% fluoridated), 10% of England, Australia, New Zealand and Europe (currently only 2% [2]).


There are many countries that once had fluoridated water supplies, but have since stopped - in most cases because the toxicity of the substance has come to light [1].


The Beginning of Fluoridation 1940: Both Germany and The Soviet Union added sodium fluoride to the drinking water in their Prisoner Of War (POW) camps. A Belgian gentleman called Joris who was active during the war in shipping sodium fluoride to the Soviet Union told a fluoride researcher, Dr. Hans Moolenburgh, that “they [the ‘Soviets’] said it kept the Germans calm.” [2 + 3]


1945, The end of World War II: The United States Government immediately sends a chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and pathology research worker by the name of Charles E. Perkins to Germany (with an entourage of staff) to take charge of the I.G. Farben Chemical plants.

During his time there, Mr Perkins learned of a scheme developed by German chemists during the war, and adopted by the German General staff, to medicate the populations of the occupied countries by introducing sodium fluoride to the drinking water. The German chemists had discovered that fluoride slightly damages the Hippocampus. This caused, over time with repeated dosages, the effected person to become more submissive. On a larger scale, making the populations of fluoridated areas easily governable and less likely to defend their freedom. [4 + 5]


1945, Shortly after World War II: The Grand Rapids Study, U.S. Experimental fluoridation plants were established in selected areas, one of those being the City of Grand Rapids. A 10-year study was undertaken between the fluoridated city of Grand Rapids and a non-fluoridated control city. After 5 years, it was found that the population of the control city had better teeth than that of Grand rapids. The Control City was quickly fluoridated to stop any further comparison. [1]


1945 + Onwards, during The Presidency of Harry S. Truman: Oscar Ewing, who was the legal counsel to ALCOA aluminium, was appointed director of Social security, in charge of the U.S. Public Health System (P.H.S.). Soon after this, Mr. Ewing was appointed to President Truman’s cabinet. Mr. Ewing committed the P.H.S. to the promotion of (read: creating propaganda about) fluoride. [4]


It is very interesting also to note that not only was fluoridation being pushed publicly by a man who had obvious links to Alcoa Aluminium, but behind the scenes fluoridation was being pushed along by the aluminium smelting industry in America (Alcoa, Alcan and others) [1+ 2] As we delve deeper into the fluoridation issue, it will become apparent why it is so suspect that a major aluminium manufacturer was linked to fluoridation in America and why the events surrounding its insertion correlate in such a disturbing way.


Why Fluoride Isn’t a Pair Of Rose Coloured Glasses


FLUORIDE HAS A CUMULATIVE EFFECT [8]. A lot of the proponents of water fluoridation will say that at the recommended levels, fluoride does not cause any side effects, which may be the case for a singular isolated dose. (The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has set a maximum at 4mg/L of drinking water or 4ppm [Parts Per Million] and recommends that fluoridation of drinking water be limited to 2mg/L, or 2ppm)[9]


What we are talking about here however is continuous repetitions of dosage, each time you have a glass of water, or ingest any other substance that contains fluoride. Fluorides accumulate in the bones and in the brain (as discussed earlier with the hippocampus) [1+7]. As people get older, their kidney efficiency decreases, causing fluoride to be stored more and more in the body, in effect making the cumulative nature of fluorides increasingly dangerous as people age [1]. Fluoride is not biodegradable and as such it accumulates in the biosphere, resulting in a continual increase of fluoride levels [7].




There has been absolutely no correlation found between the level of fluoride in drinking water, and the reduction of tooth decay [10].


Inversely, a study involving 26 000 primary school students done during 1992 in Tuscan, Arizona in the US found that the more fluoride a child consumes, the more cavities appear [5].


The study was headed by Professor Emeritus Cornelius Steelink, and was conducted by the University of Arizona [5].


On the home front, Australia’s own governmental figures show that children’s teeth in Brisbane (currently non-fluoridated) are BETTER than children in the fluoridated cities of Melbourne, Perth and Adelaide [1]


DENTAL FLUOROSIS appears as mottled opaque white spots or stained enamel on the teeth and is the first sign of fluoride poisoning [2].


According to the U.S. Public Health Service [P.H.S.] “high fluoride exposure can cause dental fluorosis” [9], but then, the National Research Council (US) has found that in America, fluorosis effects 8% to 51% of children growing up in areas in which water supplies contain only 1ppm of fluoride [7]. It seems that what the U.S. P.H.S. would like people to believe is a “high fluoride exposure” is in reality the dosage that their government sets. In Melbourne, varying levels of dental fluorosis effect at least half the children [1].


In what is hopefully the first in a long line of compensation cases involving fluorosis, in Essex, England the parents of a 10 year old boy, who was diagnosed with Dental Fluorosis, were given a “good will” payment of 1000 pounds from Colgate-Palmolive after the mother phoned the company. This case is directly related to fluoride toothpaste as the area the family lives in does not have fluoridated water and the mother never used fluoride tablets [2]. Already, more than 200 parents in England are attempting to sue toothpaste manufacturers [2].


FLUORIDE BRITTLES AND STRUCTURALLY EFFECTS BONES by attacking calcium [1]. In high doses, fluoride causes the mass of the bones to increase, while it decreases the strength [1]. This coupled with joint pain and limited join movement is sometimes referred to as skeletal fluorosis [9]


At the recommended level (1ppm), fluoride thins and brittles the bones [1] and it doubles the number of hip fractures in older men and women in fluoridated communities [10]. Increases in hip fractures are found at even 1/10th the recommended level [7].


The occurrence of CANCER HAS INCREASED BY 5% IN FLUORIDATED COMMUNITIES [7]. The U.S. National Cancer Institute Toxicological program found fluoride to be an equivocal carcinogen [10]. The New Jersey Health Department did further studies and found that cases of osteosarcoma (cancer of the bone) increased dramatically by 6.9 fold in men 20 years old or younger in fluoridated communities [3+10].



The net result of this, and the reason why Nazi Germany so liked the idea, is that it turns the person into a virtual couch potato, not caring too much about anything and less likely to resist authority. Fluoride is known to be able to numb tooth pain [6].


When it gets into the bloodstream, either by ingestion or entering the gums via toothpaste or mouth rinses, it then moves its way to the brain where it settles. Could it be that this numbing effect also happens to the brain? [6] (In scientific terms, fluoride blocks acetylcholine. When in the brain it could do the same by interfering with acetylcholine neuron communication [6]) In recently declassified documents brought to light on October 24th, 1996, Scientists in America have known about the mental side effects of fluoride since 1944 [2].


In Australia, parliamentarian Mr. Harley Dickenson raised the issue in the Victorian Legislative council, which is recorded in the official Hansard report on August 12th, 1987 [4].



Chile abolished fluoridation in 1976 after Professor Albert Shaltz showed that infant mortality rates had significantly increased in fluoridated areas [4].



The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (F.D.A.) reported a very close correlation between increasing infertility in women aged 10 to 49 and increasing fluoride levels [10]. Even Americas own Public Health Service stated “We don’t know the effects of fluoride on reproduction or developing foetuses” [9]. Again, we see governmental bureaucracy at it’s finest, the F.D.A. says fluoride is lowering fertility rates, then the health service says “I dunno…”, the left hand doesn’t know what the right is doing.



The Australian Journal of Public Administration reported in Vol. 38, No.3 in 1978 reported that Puckapunyal army camp had been fluoridated since 1972 “Under directions of the Commonwealth Government”. Another army camp at Bandiana has a fluoridated water supply, although it draws its water from the non-fluoridated Wodonga [4]. These are only a few examples; most of the main bases in the U.S. and Australia are supplied with fluoridated drinking water [4]. This is interesting when one takes into consideration the “dociling” effect of fluoride, and how much this would help when training/ brainwashing new recruits.



Exact measurements and dosages closely control the administration of other drugs. To administer fluoride however, governments put it into the water and allow people to take as much as they want. It is a dosage measured by thirst. [1]


Apart from fluorosis, FLUORIDE ADVERSELY EFFECTS CHILDREN in other ways. Fluoride ingestion in children is extremely hazardous to biological development and lifespan [6]. It can also have a deleterious effect on bone growth [7]. Professor Carlson, professor of pharmacology at the University of Sweden, stopped fluoridation in Sweden after he showed that the learning capabilities of children were effected and the I.Q. levels of children were much lower in fluoridated areas [1].


Sources and Levels of Fluoride


The fluorides that occur in nature are at low levels. This fluoride is taken up into plants and stored. When superphosphate is applied to edible plants ( fluoride levels are about 3% in superphosphate), these levels increase dramatically. Celery has a high fluoride content because high levels of superphosphate are used during its growth. Tea also has naturally occurring high levels of fluoride [1]. However, these levels are always on the increase. Fluoride accumulates in the environment, it doesn’t biodegrade, and levels are now on the increase in the food chain. The more we put in, the higher the levels get. People who support fluoridation seem to think that they have a watertight argument when they say that 1ppm in the drinking water doesn’t hurt you. This may be true if it was only one dose, they seem to neglect the fact that we ingest fluoride everyday in our diet, which adds up over time. Grape Juice for example may have up to 6.8ppm of fluoride [7].


Store bought juices can contain up to 2.8ppm. In total, exposure to dietary fluoride can easily exceed 100ppm [8]. The fluoride that is put into drinking water, the fluoride your dentist smears you teeth with, the tablets kids are forced to eat and the fluoride put into salt (salt fluoridation occurs in Mexico and 6 other parts of the world [5]) all contain manufactured fluoride. This fluoride comes from the aluminium industries and also the superphosphate industries as a waste product [1]. Because of the toxicity of fluoride, these industries are not allowed to dump the fluoride into the environment [1].


The main sources and levels (in Parts Per Million) of manufactured fluoride are given below:

- Fluoridated Drinking Water 1ppm Dental Fluoride 20 000ppm [1]

- Fluoride Toothpaste 500ppm -1500ppm [1+8]

- Mouth Rinses 230ppm – 900ppm [8]

- Anaesthetics used in hospitals are mostly fluoride based [1]

- Any beverage or food which contains water from fluoridated areas will also contain fluorides (ie. beers, soft drinks, tinned soups etc.)[7].

- Distilled water doesn’t contain fluoride, however filtered water usually does (depending on the source) [6].

- The only way to successfully remove fluoride from water is to use a reverse osmosis filter [11].


Fluoridation in Australia


Discussions about fluoridating water supplies in Sydney, Canberra and Hobart began in the 1960’s. Beaconsville just outside Hobart was the first area in Australia to be fluoridated. Hobart followed soon after. [1] Currently every major city in Australia except Brisbane is fluoridated. All up, 86% of Australia’s population drinks fluoridated water. Tasmania has one of the most intensive fluoridation schemes, with 48 fluoridation plants for ½ a million people in comparison to Melbourne’s 6 plants for 4 million people. The fluoride for the Melbourne metro area comes from China (as does the fluoride for some other areas in Australia), costing us AU$500 per Tonne. It’s fairly ironic that we pay for another countries industrial waste to put into our water supples. China doesn’t fluoridate it’s own water supplies. [1]


In Victoria, at the end of the parliamentary session in 1994, the Victorian government passed a new fluoride act that altered the constitution of Victoria (a state can alter it’s own constitution, federal parliament can’t) prohibiting the Supreme Court of Victoria from hearing any cases against fluoride. This means that no case against fluoride will ever make it to the High Court of Victoria because it would have to go through the Supreme Court first. No newspapers, TV or radio reported any of this. [1]


In Tasmania during 1995, the state government's Lower House put a bill through that would prohibit public meetings and groups of people gathering and talking about fluoridation. When it got to the upper house, they knocked it back and pretended nothing ever happened as it had caused a bit of a panic throughout the Tasmanian government. In the words of Glen Walker (see references) “Why would they go to these extremes if it’s safe?” [1]


Brisbane is one of the only major cities in Australia that doesn’t have a fluoridated water supply, yet [11]. On Thursday 30th of January 1997, the Brisbane city council announced it would set up a committee to decide if Brisbane’s water supply was to be fluoridated. This announcement was made after Liberal candidate Cr. Bob Mills announced earlier that week that if the Liberal party won the local government elections that were held on March 15th, they were going to fluoridate Brisbane’s water. Suffice to say that Mr Mills didn’t win, but the committee still exists.


It is very strange that electioneering on the fluoridation of Brisbane’s water supply instantly turned into a committee which was going to come up with a one-and-for-all “yes” or “no” answer. Soon after the announcement of the committee was made, the local council called for public opinion on the subject by placing a singular advertisement in The Courier Mail. At the date of this writing (Saturday, March 29, 1997) not a word has been heard from the committee. It seems as though the committee has been stacked so that the decision will be for fluoridation. The committee is going to include representatives from The Australian Dental Association (everybody should know their point of view, and anyone who saw the TV propaganda stirred up from this will defiantly know their point of view), The Australian Medical Association (tending towards fluoridation), Natural Health Practitioners and parent groups (who would have jumped on the fluoridation bandwagon after seeing TV the propaganda turn fluoride into a godsend). It’s strange how a local council can get what they want by stacking committees. The final nail in the coffin is that Mr Mills himself will be asked to be deputy chair for the committee. [11]


Under The Thin Yellow Veil of Fluorine Gas


But why would our wonderful governments be doing something like this that is so bad for the people? The more fluoride they pump into us, the more docile we become and easier we are to control, as if TV wasn’t enough. A low birth rate means fewer people that governments have to control. The more cancer they can create means that people die younger stopping all these old people from clogging up the system and draining resources, why do you think smoking hasn’t been banned? (Apart from the money it generates in taxes). Conspiracy theories aside, one of the main reasons is money. Whole empires have been built upon fluoridation, people are getting very rich off of it and their money will make sure that they stay where they are [1].


The only way it will ever be stopped is if the truth gets out to the larger population. The one power that Governments still fear is that which lies in the people. “They are still guilty, and can be found guilty of poisoning the community” [Glen Walker] References: (Please note: Original articles contain full referencing)


1. Taped interview done with Glen Walker on 12.8.96. for 4ZzZfm 102.1 in Brisbane. Glen is the Chairperson for the Freedom From Fluoridation Federation of Australia. Ph: 03-95925444 Fax: 03-95925088


2. Search Net’s mailing list (email)from the Santiago Business Wire Nov. 29, 1996. Original email titled “ Fluoride and IQ’s. Original sender may be contacted by email at: rlawler@dfw.net


3. Search Net’s mailing list (email). Part 2 of article described in reference # 8


4. Original article titled “Fluroides and Population Behaviour Modification in Literature and Government.”. Original sender was Steve Wingate, who can be contacted by email at steve@linex.com Original posting date was: Sunday 28th of July 1996.


5. Search Net’s mailing list (email). Part 3 of article described in reference # 8


6. Original article titled “The Biological Effects of Fluorides”. Original sender was Steve Wingate who can be contacted by email at: steve@linex.com Original posting date was: 4th of August 1995.


7. Extracted from the World Wide Web Site:

< http://emporium.turnpike.net/P/PDHA/fluoride/blunder1.htm > Original article was titled “Blunder”. Date of extraction was March 10th, 1997


8. Original article titled “Behavioural Effects of Fluorides on Mass Populations”. Author: Valdamar Valerian. Written: July 20th 1996. Extracted from the World Wide Web site of “Leading Edge International Research Group” at: <http://www.cco.net/~trufax/>. Part 1 of article, parts 2 and 3 are references #3 and #5


9. Original article titled “Fluorides, Hydrogen Fluoride, and Fluorine”. Extracted from the World Wide Web site of the “Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry”. Original date: April 1993. Further contact: Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Division of Toxicology, 1600 Clifton Rd NE, Mailstop e-29, Atlanta, GA 30333.


10. Extracted from the World Wide Web Site:

< http://emporium.turnpike.net/P/PDHA/ fluoride/blunder1.htm > Original article was titled “Adverse Health Effects Linked to Fluoride”. Originally posted by Search Net’s mailing list (email).


11. The Courier mail, January 31st 1997, page 4. Article titled “Soorley sets up fluoride inquiry” Document info – Written By: BELGRAVE zarkon Finished On: Sunday, March 30, 1997 Word Count Before References: 2989 (not including this) Word Count After References: 3333






Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 41, 1, Autumn 1997


Tooth decay results from a deficiency of calcium and an excess of fluoride

Lack of double blind studies on fluoride

"There is another factor: most pro-fluoridation studies (including this New Zealand one) were not "blind" — that is, the examiners knew which children received fluoride and which did not. It is just not possible to find a blind fluoridation study in which the fluoridated and non-fluoridated populations were similar and chosen randomly."

Fluoride causes hip fractures in elderly

When fluoride was used in an attempt to treat osteoporosis (in the belief it strengthened bones), it actually caused more hip fractures. That is, when fluoride accumulates in bones, it weakens them. We have always known that only around half of any fluoride we swallow is excreted in our urine; the rest accumulates in our bones.



Most of the world has rejected fluoridation

Only America where it originated, and countries under strong American influence persist in the practice



Fluoride lowers ability to learn

Even more chilling is the evidence from China that children with dental fluorosis have on average lower intelligence scores [65, 66]. This finding is supported by a recently published animal experiment in America, which showed that fluoride also accumulated in certain areas of the brain, affecting behavior and the ability to learn [67].




While a member of the Communist Party ...we were trained on how to dismantle and assemble mimeograph machines, to use for propaganda purposes during the revolution; how to work on guide wires and fuel lines of airplanes so that they would either burst into flames or crash to the ground because of lack of control; how to work on ties and rails to wreck trains; and also the art of poisoning water supplies. We discussed quite thoroughly the fluoridation of water supplies and how we were using it in Russia as a tranquilizer in the prison camps. The leaders of our school felt that if it could be induced into the American water supply, it would bring-about a spirit of lethargy in the nation; where it would keep the general public docile during a steady encroachment of Communism. see also psychopolitics by the same author.




Recent disclosures show the danger of fluoride and the suppression of damaging information from the public


Friday May 15, 1992, William Marcus, PHD, chief toxicologist and senior advisor at the Environmental Protection Agency, (EPA) was fired for his disclosures of hip fracture, carcinogenic, and other health and life threatening effects of fluoridation.


Top fluoride expert apologises for pushing poison 05/28/00


Dr. Limeback is Canada's leading fluoride authority and until recently, the country's primary promoter of the controversial additive. In a surprising newsmaker interview this past April, Dr. Limeback announced a dramatic change of heart. "Children under three should never use fluoridated toothpaste," he counselled. "Or drink fluoridated water. And baby formula must never be made up using Toronto tap water. Never."

"Your well-intentioned dentist is simply following 50 years of misinformation from public health and the dental association. Me, too. Unfortunately, we were wrong."



Fluoride - The Lunatic Drug


The first occurrence of fluoridated drinking water on Earth was found in Germany`s Nazi prison camps. The Gestapo had little concern about fluoride`s supposed effect on children`s teeth; their alleged reason for mass-medicating water with sodium fluoride was to sterilize humans and

force the people in their concentration camps into calm submission. (Ref. book: "The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben" by Joseph Borkin.)





Everything you need to know about the dangers of fluoride and water fluoridation.









Scientific Facts on the Biological Effects of Fluorides ©1996

Val Valerian, Leading Edge Research Group



Val Valerian's Chronologies of Fluoride








Fluorine (Fluorides)

Nutritionl Almanac 3rd ed., Lavon J. Dunne




FLUORINE is an essential trace mineral that is present in minute amounts in nearly every human tissue but is found primarily in the skeleton and teeth. Fluorine is found primarily in the skeleton and teeth. fluorine occurs in the body in compounds called fluorides. There are two types of fluorides: sodium fluoride is added to drinking water and is not the same as calcium fluoride [essential cellsalt], which is found in nature.


Fluorine inhibits the activities of other important enzymes and appears to be especially antagonistic toward brain tissues.


Fluoridated water supplies are by far the most common source of this mineral, although this form (sodium fluoride) may be toxic. Toxic levels occur when the content of fluorine in drinking water exceeds 2 parts per million. Calcium is an antidote for fluoride poisoning. Other rich sources of fluorine include seafoods, cheese, meat and tea. The fluorine content in plant foods varies according to environmental conditions such as type of soil, intensity of prevailing winds, and use of fertilisers and sprays that contain fluorine.




Largest double-blind study in the world shows no correlation



A computer analysis of the data from the largest dental survey ever done - of nearly 40,000 school children - by the National Institutes of Dental Research revealed no correlation between tooth decay and fluoridation. In fact, many of the non-fluoridated cities had better tooth decay rates than fluoridated cities. The city with the lowest rate of tooth decay was not fluoridated. Of the three with the highest rate of decay, two were partially fluoridated.


The Missouri State Bureau of Dental Health "had conducted a survey of more than 6,500 lifelong resident second- and sixth-grade children in various parts of Missouri and found that overall.. 'there were no significant differences between children drinking optimally fluoridated water and children drinking suboptimally fluoridated water."


Albert W. Burgstahler, PhD., Professor of Chemistry, University of Kansas





"Fluoridation honors" were bestowed upon many communities (1), which happen to have the highest cavity and tooth loss rates, by the American Dental Association (ADA), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors (AASTDD).


Fluoride added to water supplies, usually at taxpayers' expense, is publicized to save money and prevent tooth decay. Conspicuously absent are data supporting these claims.(2) In fact, government statistics reveal worse or less teeth in residents of fluoridation-honored communities than in their non-fluoridated counterparts. For example:


A) Dentists gave Fifty-Year Awards to fluoridating water systems including:


* Seven West Virginia and Five Kentucky water districts. Yet, 42% of mostly fluoridated (3) West Virginians and Kentuckians are edentulous (completely toothless) - the country's worst toothless rates.(4)


* The Tulsa, Oklahoma, water department, where 19% of residents lost six or more teeth.(5) Compare that to New York State's two largest non-fluoridated counties, Suffolk and Nassau, where only 16% lost six or more teeth. Nassau and Suffolk received no kudos for retaining their natural choppers.


Further, an Oklahoma Department of Health Report reveals an "Alarming Prevalence of Tooth Decay Among Oklahoma's Children," where nearly 70 percent of third graders have cavities (6) although 75% drink fluoride-laced water.


* Nashville, Tennessee, where 20 lost 6 or more teeth. Contrast: Wichita, Kansas refused fluoridation repeatedly over the years (7)(8). Results: more teeth for Wichita - only 14% lost 6 or more, less than most fluoridated cities. Yet, no awards for Wichita!


B) "State Fluoridation Quality Awards" were given to:


* 96% fluoridated Indiana, where 25% have lost all their teeth; 45% have lost 6 or more teeth.(4)


* 96% fluoridated North Dakota where 5,262 children participate in fluoride mouth rinse/tablet school programs and 44% of eight-year-olds participate in sealant programs. Yet, 51% of 6 to 8-year-olds and 70% of 14-year-olds olds have tooth decay. (9)


C) "State Fluoridation Reaffirmation Award" given to Monticello, Arkansas. "The state of Arkansas children's dental health is in crisis and needs immediate attention" reports the Arkansas Department of Health (10). 72% of Arkansas third-graders have cavities despite 60% state-wide fluoridation (11).


D) "Community Initiative Awards" given to recently fluoridation-adopting communities, such as Pinellas County, Florida, over the strong objections of its citizens. (Citizens for Safe Water

http://www.aquasafe.us/AquaSafe-Action.htm )


E) The "State Fluoridation Initiative Award" to Utah with the most teeth but least fluoridation of all the states (2%), not for their good dental health, but because "Utah has the most new systems fluoridating." This despite vigorous citizen opposition.

(http://www.stopfluoridation.homestead.com )


"The Surgeon General declared tooth decay a silent epidemic (12). Yet, two-thirds of Americans drink fluoridated water," says lawyer Paul Beeber, President, New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation. "The truth is, most American children are fluoride over-dosed (13), and the poorly

nourished get more cavities (14) regardless of fluoridation."



Contact: Paul Beeber, President, New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc., PO Box 263,Old Bethpage, NY 11804 nyscof@aol.com










CONFERENCE, May 3, 2004. http://www.ada.org/public/topics/fluoride/...tion_awards.pdf


2) "What the 'York Review' on the fluoridation of drinking water really found," 28 October 2003, Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, University of York, York, UK



3) February 2002, CDC: Populations Receiving Optimally Fluoridated Public Drinking Water, United States, 2000. http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5107a2.htm


4) CDC: Public Health and Aging: Retention of Natural Teeth Among Older Adults --- United States, 2002 http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5250a3.htm


5) CDC: SMART: Selected Metropolitan/Micropolitan Area Risk Trends, Oral Health: Lost 6 or more teeth due to decay or gum disease




6) COMANCHE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT, February 26, 2004 http://www.health.state.ok.us/chds/comanch...ooth%20Decay%20



7) "The Ayes Have It! Wichita Water Department: A History 1882-1982", chapter 8, page 098



8) The Wichita Eagle, May 9, 2004, "What the Legislature Did"



9) Overview of Oral Health in North Dakota Power Point Presentation




10) Dentl health of state's children said 'in a crisis.' By Anthony Childress, 4/20/2004



11) CDC: "Percentage of 3rd Grade students with Caries Experience (treated or untreated tooth decay) " http://www.cdc.gov/nohss/caries_experience/byState.htm


12) "First-ever Surgeon General's Report on Oral Health Finds Profound Disparities in Nation's Population" http://www.nidr.nih.gov/news/052500.asp


13) J Am Dent Assoc. 2002 Feb, Prevalence and trends in enamel fluorosis in the United States from the 1930s to the 1980s, Beltran-Aguilar ED, Griffin SO, Lockwood SA.




14) "The relationship between healthful eating practices and dental caries in children aged 2-5 years in the United States, 1988-1994," Journal of the American Dental Association, January 2004






The fluoride file - poisoning humanity



Fluoride causes cancer



Chief chemist of the National Cancer Institute, Dr. Dean Burk when confronted with mountains of data, stated before Congress:


"In point of fact, fluoride causes more human cancer death, and causes it faster than any other chemical." -- Congressional Record 21 July 1976




Proven effects of fluoride





During the ultra-secret Manhattan Project, a report was commissioned to assess the effect of fluoride on humans. That report was classified "secret" for reasons of "national security".

Relevant pages of fluoride report missing. Reference to missing classified version of a fluoride safety study by bomb program scientists reveals a cover-up:


* The secret version reports that most of the men had no teeth left. The published version reports only that the men had fewer cavities.

* The secret version says the men had to wear rubber boots because the fluoride fumes disintegrated the nails in their shoes. The published version does not mention this.

* The secret version says the fluoride may have acted similarly on the men's teeth, contributing to their toothlessness. The published version omits this statement and concludes that "the men were unusually healthy, judged from both a medical and dental point of view".



Suppression of effects


Suppression of data documenting fluoride's adverse health effects and lack of benefit is wide-spread. Scientists and professionals have been persecuted, censored, or harassed when they oppose water fluoridation.


Neurotoxicity of brain


The carefully designed animal experiment which they report revealed subtle but very real changes in behavior patterns following fluoride ingestion: hyperactivity after prenatal exposure, and cognitive deficits after weanling and adult exposure. Fluoride accumulation in important regions of the rat brain, especially the hippocampus, was found to increase as the drinking water fluoride levels increased. These effects, and the sex differences observed, corresponded to those observed in other studies of hippocampal brain damage.



[ Fluoride2 ]

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Its nice to see the nutters and tinhat brigade are moving out from the 911 thread and making helpful and user friendly posts elsewhere.


Though I have to say I think I'd be happier if the situation was reversed and saveourwater suddenly found a consuming passion in the collapse of WTC7 and the news reports produced on that day. When all is said and done the universe would be the same, but most of use would have been saved reading a huge amount of crap.

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Should I go with a home video put on the Internet or the BMA?




I think I will go out on a limband go with the BMA and for those who object to fluoride then your choice is to go and by bottled water or at least the bottled water that does not contain fluoride. Or if that is to expensive collect rainwater in the garden which will not have any "additives" in it which generally make tap water safe to drink.


Click below for a short film on Fluoridation:



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A question for the scientists out there: If fluoride was added to our tap water, is it possible to use filter units in the home to remove it and, if it's possible, how expensive would it be?

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A question for the scientists out there: If fluoride was added to our tap water, is it possible to use filter units in the home to remove it and, if it's possible, how expensive would it be?



Regular carbon filters such as the Brita jugs many people have to remove Chlorine will not do the job.


You would need to make a substantial investment in a reverse osmosis filtration system, although I believe even these sophisticated filters only remove about 90% of the Fluoride.


I don't know whether or not they would remove the radioactive components of the Fluorosillicates or all the other contaminants.


How regularly you would need to change the filters may also be an interesting question, due to the highly aggressive nature of the Fluorosillicates.

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I've just discovered they've already put oxygen in it - and Hyrdogen two!


How low will this government stoop?


Come on Albert, you are just scaremongering now. Everyone knows Hydrogen is about the most explosive element on the periodic chart, and oxygen is a proponent of fire. Put those two together and we are surely doomed!!!!!

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Can saveourwater / lovenotfear/ the nutty professor / anyone explain one thing:


Why are all/any of these perceived ills not suffered in the parts of the UK where water has natural fluoride ion in it and has done since the start of time? Surely some difference in health/behaviour/lifespan would have surfaced in the last few thousand years. Wouldn't it?


For the record, I should happily drink flouridated water at 1ppm however my wish should not be forced on others. I therefore do not want "them" to add it to our water. This is despite spending half my working lifetime studying dental decay and seeing the misery it causes. There are other ways of giving fluoride to people who want it without everyone having to have it.

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Saveourwater - BEFORE you reply about toxic waste - ballaughbiker has specifically asked about flouride ions - add hexafluorosilicic acid and sodium hexafluorosilicate to water and what do you get: Hydrogen Ions, Silica ions and Flouride ions.


All water in the UK has the same standards for contaminents and there is no difference in the amount of lead, heavy metals etc in naturally fluorinated areas compared with artificially fluorinated one - and a fluoride ion is a fluoride ion no matter what its source.

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Its nice to see the nutters and tinhat brigade are moving out from the 911 thread and making helpful and user friendly posts elsewhere.


This was only to be expected: Fluoridization of water supplies has been a mainstay of the conspiracy theorists for years now. Apparently it's a U.S. plot to make us all more suggestive and submissive. It's clearly working too, as can be seen from the complete lack of protests and political fallout relating to the occupation of Iraq.

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