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Protest Meeting At Plans For A £400,00 Home


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There was a fully packed meeting in Ballafesson Methodist Hall last night in connection with the plans for the St Christopher's Charity to turn a house in Surby into a care home. St Christopher's Charity isare doing the job that Manx Family Services (MFS) used to do.


At first glance you could be forgiven for thinking this was a hall packed with Nimbys (Not In My Back Yard), but it soon became apparent that this was not a knee jerk reactionary meeting.


Although it was clear that everyone was sympathetic to the needs of vulnerable children in our society many could not fathom why St Christopher's is were purchasing a luxury home in the middle of this particular residential area to cater for the needs of a handful of children. They believed it was inappropriate and gave their reasons why they thought so.


The representatives from St Christopher's were up on the stage. I don't believe they had gauged the strength of public feeling here. The first chap pleaded with the crowd on the lines of "when you were all teenagers, didn't you ever fall just a little bit on the side of wrong, getting up to trouble with the police". There was a very resounding reply from the crowd of a muttered "no" and the shaking of heads. "When we were children we had respect for the local copper" shouted The Wobbler.


I looked round the crowd. It was a mixture of people from the nearby Fairy Hill Estate and those from the rather select area that is Surby itself. This evening they were a united people wanting to maintain the community that has been built up over the decades.


Some of the crowd would have heard one or two horror stories from the Ballabeg care home, itself a subject on these very forums when it opened a few years back. **I wonder how the woman who had her home trashed (and I mean trashed) by some such residents a few months back feels about the Care Home and the immunity the children seem to have from any authority?


Another St Christopher's rep spoke of how he himself lived quite near a care home. But when he revealed that that was in London the jeering was instant. However, this chap did have 'kids' of his own:


"Quite normal kids, just like yours" he empathised "they wear pony tails and listen to heavy metal music".


There was no jeering from the Ballafesson/Surby folk this time, only blank faces.


He used the word 'kids' very, very often, although did once say the word 'children'. His general manner seemed to grind with the feeling of thesw Surby folk.


A mathematician/one-time DJ in the crowd explained his calculations derived from St Christopher's' Internet site et al, and how he had arrived at a figure of £7,000 being the weekly cost to the Manx Public for each of the care houses. The figure wasn't disputed but it was clear that St Christopher's, as with any successful 'Charity' these days is run as a cutting business. The St Christopher's rep basically said "So what", the money is going back into your economy, giving your own sons and daughters employment.....


There were other well delivered speaches speeches from the floor. All raised good points. St Christopher's and the system seem to be up against a coherent force on this one.


Phil Gawne and Quentin Gill did the MHK bit from their seats on the stage. I don't think Juan Watterson was present and in fairness, considering his age and experience in life, I would say he might have been out of his depth here. Any flannelling speach speech he might have been tempted to deliver would have been met with derision from this particular audience. I say that because there was quite a sharp reaction to the announcement that the Minister was not able to attend the meeting.


I had another meeting to attend so missed the rest of the evening. Was anyone else there from the forum? I wonder how the meeting progressd?





** on further investigation, I retract this line


Edited to appease Glumble for the vast amount of spelling mistales in my post. I must try harder.

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A similarly worded question was put to the floor. It was well thrashed out.


As I said, the meeting was sympathetic to the needs of vulnerable children. It is easier to state where not to put them.


The meeting would suggest not in a luxury home in a select residential area - when they leave that wondeful environment the only way is not up.

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Presumably the house will only accomodate 3 or 4 children at most. That's around £2K a week running costs for each child.


Surely there would be qualified and caring people willing to foster a problem child for nearly £2K a week each? If these children have problems - so difficult that they can't be fostered and join a family - what sort of of effect are they oing to have 'dumped' in the community anyway?


The world is really f***ed up with this logic.

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I believe that the local residents and general public are not aware of why these young people are living in care homes, and the majority of these young people are not 'trouble' or 'bad' . Most of them find themselves in this awful situation because they are unfortunate enough to have parents who are not capable of looking after them due to their own problems.


We are manx residents and so are these young people, so why should people who dont know them or their circumstances say things such as 'send them to romania' or 'put them in Victoria Road prison' ? It disgusts me that Manx people can treat disadvantaged manx children in this way.


I live close to an existing care home and have never, ever witnessed any trouble.


I feel sick and appalled by the attitude of some of the manx people.

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After reading that summary from %age I totally agree with Keith and mupster.


I looked round the crowd. It was a mixture of people from the nearby Fairy Hill Estate and those from the rather select area that is Surby itself. This evening they were a united people wanting to maintain the community that has been built up over the decades.
A united people, sounds more like a witches coven or a secret society of inbreds. This is most definately a classic case of not in my back yard syndrome.

Like sarah c said where do they want them to put them? and the reply was,


The meeting would suggest not in a luxury home in a select residential area - when they leave that wondeful environment the only way is not up.


Right, not in a luxury home in a select residential area, erm meaning Surby. I bet they wouldn't give a monkeys if it was somewhere else on the Island though.


How can these people know that when they leave that environment the only way is not up?


I know of people that years ago had a spot of bother and other judgmental people then said they'd amount to nothing. How wrong they were.


As Keith Lard said, I feel sick and appalled by the attitude of some of the Manx people, saying that though half of the people that live up there and in the surrounding area won't be Manx.

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