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Accident On The Mountain


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I drove past it back to Ramsey today, couldn't have happened much before, approx 4.45


There was a guy being carried (alive) into an ambulance, but I wasn't looking too closely (many accidents are caused by gawping at accidents) Not much sign of debris. And nothing on any radio station, although plenty of people were pulling over at the tramlines, and getting on their phones.

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If there were minimal injuries it means they were driving sensibly in the weather.

On this point though, has any one else got feelings about the abysmal road marking on the mountain road?

particularly in foggy conditions, ie every day, reflectors can't cost a lot, why do they seem to be few and far between? in poor conditions it is so easy to 'miss' the bend because of the poor state of the fence reflectors

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cats eyes centre + sides ? - wonder why we can't have this common safety feature?


You'd be scared to death in the Czech Republic. I can't recall seeing a cat's eye - road markings in reflective paint are the best you can hope for and are by no means common, even on the major highways.

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it was a rhetorical question - just to indicate one more area in which being the road racing capital impinges on everyday life - poor road maintenance off course, poor road layout because of need to keep antiquated 1920's layout + racing line, lack of safety features for same reason - if we were in USA I could see a class action coming on.

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it was a rhetorical question - just to indicate one more area in which being the road racing capital impinges on everyday life - poor road maintenance off course, poor road layout because of need to keep antiquated 1920's layout + racing line, lack of safety features for same reason - if we were in USA I could see a class action coming on.


I'd say they are now going against keeping the 1920's layout. I tried the stretch from the Creg down to Cronk Ny Mona for the first time today - much improved you can now do the bend at about 90mph in relative comfort. That's what I call progress! You don't want cats eyes knocking you off line. Now that WOULD be dangerous.

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