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Porn Monkey At The Cat


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Sorry if you made it up there, we had to cancel the gig at the last minute. Our drummers wife got rushed to hospital so he obviously couldn't make it. (She is hopefully getting out today).


We are playing in Strand this Friday with the Twisted Angels and StoneChase if you fancy a boogie.


Check out www.myspace.com/pornmonkeyrocks for more gig dates.





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Is it? excellent, all great bands so Im just happy to be involved. Especially if I get to play with the lovely instuments of those female punkas.


Hey Ade, I sorted out a VW by the way, it is miiiiighty fine. I will bring it along when you let me know when you want to do those promotional pics.

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Yeah man, my ex finally decided she couldnt afford the VW we bought together last year, so I managed to buy her half off her. Its quality man, a T25. You may have seen it, its got two black stripes going from the bumper over the roof to the back? Will mail you some pics when I get round to it.


Looks like I just missed a club meet. Will definitely come along for the next one!


Hopefully see you in Strand this Friday...if not, see you in Bushys next Sat!!!

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