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Pensions/company Pensions Are They Worth It?


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I think turkish already has a house. He's asking if he should put money into a pension or pay off the mortgage


Sorry old git, I didn't make myself clear, I was suggesting buying another house. It doesn't have to be on the Island with its massively inflated prices. There's some bargains to be had over in Lancashire. Yes, there are still parasites involved in the form of estate agents and banks etc but you are in charge of your money rather than some faceless person who can do what they like with it.


Norwich Union have paid me 0% on my endowment policy (taken out 20 years ago) for the third year running. Its like legalised thieving but there's nothing you can do except cash it in or carry on.


I was in a final salary scheme with the big firm that's been sold today and has done a runner from the Island. Luckily I got my money out just in time otherwise it would be a forced relocation to continue paying money for someone to "look after" for that undefinable percentage of that undefinable final salary.


You can compare any investment and come up with statistics to "prove your case" but no one can argue with the steady progressive increase of property since the war.

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Sorry old git, I didn't make myself clear, I was suggesting buying another house. It doesn't have to be on the Island with its massively inflated prices.


Ah, yes, I see what you mean now. I pay a fair chunk into our works "group personal pension" scheme and I've sometimes wondered if it would be better off being put into a house in Bulgaria or something similar

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One of my brothers was sold a pension mortgage many years ago, after 6/7 years he regretted it greatly, now years later is very happy and smug. Even though I took my FPC's it was a long time ago and I can't remember the details but will have a look, I'll let you know, Gladys


Gladys, do a google search for "pension mortgage, read and enjoy! Try, http://ukinvestmentadvice.co.uk/pension-mortgage.htm

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