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Sefton Group Plan £27million Plus Expenditure


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The change pushed through at the recent AGM allows for an increase in the Sefton's debt to some £47million.


Is all that money going to be spent on the IOM or is it all heading south (of the river).


And isn't the new public bar instead of the Wallberry Suite going to be like a Den.


Its only you who seems to give shit.


I think its only time until we see the Copycat / Lacey apology posted on these Forums.

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The change pushed through at the recent AGM allows for an increase in the Sefton's debt to some £47million.


Is all that money going to be spent on the IOM or is it all heading south (of the river).


And isn't the new public bar instead of the Wallberry Suite going to be like a Den.


It's all going into the Manx Intelligence Agency's cocaine importation fund so they can get the children of comeovers hooked on crack and use the local media to lay the blame for all of the Island's ills on them. As the pogrom begins and the innocent are forced to leave the Island, GFL will be in a fantastic position to buy up all those cheap flats which he can then let out to all his genetically modified shock troops. It's only a matter of time before the anti-revolution comes around and you're put up against a wall and shot.

Find a secure shelter, right now, buy a year's worth of food and water, plenty of air filtration equipment and a longwave radio and wait for the inevitable cannibal holocaust as the finance sector is forced to eat itself as agriculture collapses and civil society turns into GFL's dream of anarchy and Millwall fans.

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The change pushed through at the recent AGM allows for an increase in the Sefton's debt to some £47million.


Is all that money going to be spent on the IOM or is it all heading south (of the river).


And isn't the new public bar instead of the Wallberry Suite going to be like a Den.

Which river?

What kind of 'Den'? Do you mean an opium den, perhaps?


Sorry, all I seem to be doing is asking really stupid questions - catching, isn't it?

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  • 1 month later...

it remains to be disclosed as yet how much the Sefton Group has paid/is paying for the Hilton hotel and site.

In any evnt the announcement that it is going to push ahead with the Lord St/Walpole Avenue re-development now means that at its leisure and on its terms it will be able to run down the Hilton promenade site.

Then, unless the building is listed as a classic piece of 60's architecture, they can drop it clear the site and build a nice block of 300 or more apartments at say £300,000 each = £90m at least gross.

In the meantime hopefully they can use the cash generated by the casino to fund the plot.

Hopefully there will be enuf dosh to return some to the shareholders by way of dividend or the share price should move up now to refelect the enhanced NAV taking into account the debt/equity ratio and the ML/FU ratio.

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it remains to be disclosed as yet how much the Sefton Group has paid/is paying for the Hilton hotel and site.

In any evnt the announcement that it is going to push ahead with the Lord St/Walpole Avenue re-development now means that at its leisure and on its terms it will be able to run down the Hilton promenade site.

Then, unless the building is listed as a classic piece of 60's architecture, they can drop it clear the site and build a nice block of 300 or more apartments at say £300,000 each = £90m at least gross.

In the meantime hopefully they can use the cash generated by the casino to fund the plot.

Hopefully there will be enuf dosh to return some to the shareholders by way of dividend or the share price should move up now to refelect the enhanced NAV taking into account the debt/equity ratio and the ML/FU ratio.




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