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No Electric Underground Till Next Week

monkey magic

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sorry about the no show on tuesday i had major breathing problems and was unable to get out of bed. I am on the mend now but not fit enough for tonights show but hopefully should be better with a smoke free show on tuesday (had to quit smokin doctors orders)

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thanks guys, i'm still not feelin 100% so i'm sorry as there will be no show again this evenin. I'll keep you posted about friday to see if it will go ahead or not. I am gettin better so hopefully i should be fit enough for it

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sorry guys, the show WILL definately be on on THIS FRIDAY as i have now finnished my medication which was makin me drowsy and i wouldn't have been able to concentratefor the 3 hours. So the show will be back fightin fit & smoke free from friday 7-10pm hope to see u there :P

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