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Slim are you talking about the business broadband from Carnane when you say Domicilium provide connections that don't involve MT? If you are out of line of sight (plus a quarter/third or whatever) of Carnane then MT own the copper pair that brings Domicilium to your house. They therefore have control as they always have had......until sometime in the very near future.


I'm not saying that domiciliums wireless connection is available to everyone, I'm saying that when domicilium provide lines that dont use manx telecom, they price is still high. Therefore the high prices on this island aren't soley the fault of manx telecom.


You can say its unfair and your entitled to that opinion but my opinion is that MT overcharged the Manx nation for 20 years. I wonder what Tiscali charge say on er, lets see, Arran, Isle of Wight, Anglesey? What's the real difference? F.all except they don't have the monopoly given to them by the Manx Gov in exchange for a "small consideration" back in I think it was 1986.


You're talking about counties in scotland and england and comparing them with the isle of man? Do I need to explain why that's not appropriate?


A fairer comparrision is Jersey Telecom, 35 quid a month for 2mb, same as here, but they have usage caps which we dont.


Don't get me wrong, I'd love cheaper t'internet, but I think laying the blame just at MT's door is unfair.

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OK Slim this is how I think it might work. Anyone at Domicilium might like to correct any inaccuracies please.


Domicilium have customers who are connected via MT phone wires and those who aren't - fair enough. You can't be seen to massively undercut MT as they are bound to put pressure on saying "now then, don't forget WE own the connection to your customers so back off! Are you really trying to tell me that hasn't happened? Really? So.... you charge your direct customers say 40% less than your 'via MT' customers. How many hours will it be before someone finds out and asks why. You'll then have to tell them that MT are the cause. Result = uproar! Its probably a lot easier to keep your prices nearly the same so people who are critical of MT are told Domicilium are expensive too. Everyone happy but everyone's being ripped off!


Yes you will have to explain in simple terms why the very arbitrary examples I quote are different to the IOM, 'cos I can't think why.


PS Do you have anything to do with MT?

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Your conspiracy price fixing theory would be fine, if it wasn't for the fact that:


a) telecoms are regulated, so it simply couldn't happen

B) it doesn't explain how the price is similar in Jersey, or do they also have a matching conspiracy theory.


Your examples aren't good because you're talking about regions of england and scotland, and not separate jurisdictions like the isle of man.


And no, I'm nowt to do with MT, and I buy my broadband from wimanx.

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ballaughbiker, the reason bandwidth costs are so different to those in the UK is due to the cost of off-island transit. UK ISPs can purchase a local circuit - to do the same locally you purchase a local tail, then an off-island circuit, then another local tail in the UK - it doesn't take much explaining to see why it is more expensive. Economies of scale comes into it too, with 100,000 customers you can buy lots of bandwidth for a hell of a lot cheaper, with a million customers - its peanuts.


The main off-island providers are C&W and BT. Most ISPs use C&W as the primary link off island for IP Transit and private circuits, while Domi have capacity on BT too. There's also the illustrious MEA/Boeing cable...


You'll find the pricing of MT's wholesale products is similar to what BT Wholesale charge in the UK. Take a look at the BT Wholesale website, their pricing is publicly accessible. The other difference in price relates to that of LLU in the UK. Your ISP can unbundle the line and manage both your voice circuit and broadband connection - hence the cheaper prices. LLU isn't on the Island, and I can't see happening for a good few years. You could argue that MT being the telco and an ISP get two shares of the pot, but the same applies with BT in the UK yet ISPs seem to fair well against them.

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Sorry Slim, I don't think the Communications Commission is an adequate regulator. The predecessor to Mr H even denied existence of the C&W (Mercury at the time) cable that crossed the IOM at a public meeting I went to in Ramsey about 12 years ago. Unfortunately I have reliable information to back up my 'conspiracy theory' as you put it, which I can't divulge as it would betray a confidence and probably put someone's job on the line. It may sound like a cop-out but I think it safer not to continue this line of discussion, but thanks for your views. I'm sure people will make up their own minds as to how likely broadband price fixing is on the Island. As for Jersey, I haven't a clue of their system so I'll not comment.


Concrete - all good stuff but the only difference I can see to the very arbitrary examples I stated is that we are a separate jurisdiction. This is the only reason that economies of scale are relevant to this discussion. If it were standard BT here instead of some offshoot/subsidiary now owned by O2 or whoever, we would actually benefit from UK consumers subsidising us as do, say, the Scottish islands.


Why the gov licensed what can only be described as a middle man has always puzzled me. That middle man has made vast profits which have been kept secret from the paying public. That is a very unhealthy situation. The MT middle man has given us very good service over the years, exceptional in some instances but pricing has been excessive and practices restrictive. I trust that will not continue as technology impoves.

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Having attended C & W's launch party at Bar George last night, I can honestly say that on that evidence, MT won't have a lot to worry about. It was shambolic and with no mention of an actual launch date. One guy showing how to do a Powerpoint presentation from a Blackberry took three efforts to do so...hugely ironic, eh ?




...PS Note to C & W...Cava isn't Champagne. Not now, not ever...

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Yes, indeedily. Perhaps you'd be better off asking C & W ? Anyway, they are using the brand name "Sure" for their Island operation. How fucking obscure do you want it ? Apparently it's "agile, quirky and a little bit cheeky"...all delivered by a Welsn David Brent-a-like.


Lovely canapes though...



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Nearly all Power Point presentations are crap. It's an application which seems to encourage naffness.


It's amazing that great companies employ graphic designers and PR people to represent them. But then let their sales people out to perform these terrible Power Point presentations.


9.99/ 10 the Power Point presentation is completely pointless and probably counter productive.

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