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[BBC News] Online centre for Manx road users


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as we are approaching road closure season whereby any club can get roads closed for the private use of their members maybe the site could include a list of all currently agreed closures


Its not quite that simple...as anyone trying to get closure orders from the DoT will attest to....however its not a bad idea and I wonder if it will include sports events/road racing/cycling etc....

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Yes, indeed have you seen the price of road tax these days?? Totally out of proportion. Standard 1.4-1.8 engine is now £100 per year!!! It is only £110 per year for cars up to 1549cc -see the proof: http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/Ownin...cle/DG_10012524

And for that you get hundreds of miles of decent motorway, proper A roads, dual carriageways etc etc not 500 odd miles of country lanes and a racetrack!!!

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Are, so its you who keeps "bumping into a set of roadworks / cones / temporary traffic lights / shitey roundabouts" this could be why the road tax is so dear, could I suggest an eye test?

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