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It's kind of amusing to watch religion vs free speech on the internet. The propagation of free speech seems to be a serious blow to the bible belt. The latest thing to make me gigle is http://www.conservapedia.com/, a site born out of the claim that Wikkipedia is liberal biased. It's absolutely hilarious, check out the entry for Homosexual or Dinosaur.


What I love about this Christian bollocks is the way they self reference anything. Check by comparrision the wikipedia entry on Dinosaurs vs the conservapedia one. See the references? The 'biased' wikipedia one has a long list of references linking peer reviewed scientific journals. The conservative one links a small bunch of christian websites.


Are followers of this stuff so gullable that they buy this?


Oh and mind your kids dont cheat their homework with this in depth historical information

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This is a genuine Christian web site - absolutely stunning!




The bible is true - even when it contradicts what we can see and measure - and evolution and cosmology - evil Pharasee plots to take us away from Jesus.


A Texas state representative recently wanted to ban the teaching of evolution in schools and used this sites publications to justify his position - further information from Panda's Thumb


Bit of a laugh from Family Guy - Cosmos for Rednecks

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This is a genuine Christian web site - absolutely stunning!



My god, how can that not be a piss take? He's just fundamentally and demonstratably wrong on every point he makes. People dont actually believe that shit do they?



Some Christians bickering over it on a forum.



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This is a genuine Christian web site - absolutely stunning!



My god, how can that not be a piss take? He's just fundamentally and demonstratably wrong on every point he makes. People dont actually believe that shit do they?


Paging DJDan....


Yes? what?


Please Note: I charge a minimum £30 'call out charge'. I'll let you off on this your first warning. <_<

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Don't laugh - the Isle of Man is infested with this kind of dangerous moron.

I had sat through a Pentecostal service here on the Island - I was apalled by the veiled bigotry and overt brainwashing tactics against young kids. Someone even got up and passed an offhand comment about the short war being fought by the Israelis against the Lebanese recently being 'God smiting his enemies with a great burning sword' - to much assent from the congregation.


But let's not just mock these people - lets actively go out and challenge them! Its the future of our peace, freedom and sanity at stake.

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