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The Great Global Warming Swindle

Stu Peters

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Just to say New Scientist Magazine has a special on Global Warming - it looks at alot of the questions that have been regularly raised in the various threads we've had on the subject.


Our planet's climate is anything but simple. All kinds of factors influence it, from massive events on the Sun to the growth of microscopic creatures in the oceans, and there are subtle interactions between many of these factors.


Yet despite all the complexities, a firm and ever-growing body of evidence points to a clear picture: the world is warming, this warming is due to human activity increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and if emissions continue unabated the warming will too, with increasingly serious consequences.


Yes, there are still big uncertainties in some predictions, but these swing both ways. For example, the response of clouds could slow the warming or speed it up.


With so much at stake, it is right that climate science is subjected to the most intense scrutiny. What does not help is for the real issues to be muddied by discredited arguments or wild theories.


So for those who are not sure what to believe, here is our round-up of the 26 most common climate myths and misconceptions.

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Actually Chinahand, I've changed my mind. The well respected climatologist Stuart Peters suggested it was all rubbish to his listeners today, and I for one believe him!


I think it's fantastic Manx Radio can afford to put a climatologist such as Stuart on the radio every morning to steer our population away from the lies of the vast majority of people actually qualified to make these conclusions. It saves me having to make my own mind up!

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I think Stu and Cheryl should debate the issues together. What about a Mannin Line with these two?

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I think Stu and Cheryl should debate the issues together. What about a Mannin Line with these two?


Stu's shown in this very thread that his knowledge of the subject stacks up to about fuck all, which is why his comments on air are particularly irritating.

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Nah Ans, I did understand the humour behind the post but was simply saying that although Stu Peters expressed his opinion, there is also plenty of time dedicated to people who think on the contrary.


Also, my password has 8 letters, not 10 ;)

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