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Bad Batch Of Heroin

Pat Ayres

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Despising drug DEALERS is ok, users are often victims of circumstance.


Drug users are victims? Aye, right.


M'lud, the defendant only broke into the premises, bludgeoned the 80 year old resident, and stole her pension because his mummy forced him to eat his cabbage when he was a child.

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In my opinion they should NOT be warned, and if anything deliberately adulterated drugs should be leaked onto the market --- and I’m being VERY serious.


Add to that the decriminalisation of the taking of the present series of illicit ‘social’ drugs so that the price will fall, crime to support the filth habit will fall in step with the falling prices, drug use would lose it’s panache as it becomes to be seen as what it is, and for beginners using cannabis, the gateway drug, it would no longer be the realisation of the rebellion that so often starts the slippery slope.


Moreover another benefit of such a strategy would be that those hedonistic and / or weak willed individuals, or those genetically predisposed to addictive tendencies, would rapidly evaporate out of the gene pool, and again, I’m being absolutely serious and not just trying to be contentious.


I have no patience or sympathy for drug abusers. None whatsoever.


Warn them that there is a ‘bad’ batch? No way. What’s more prosecute any who attempt to be treated and survive.


Look on it as a blessing. Any survivors may even end up being motivated to behave themselves in a proper and decent manner.


I do stress again, this is NOT a wind up, those who might remember me will know that it is what I absolutely believe.

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Warn them that there is a ‘bad’ batch? No way. What’s more prosecute any who attempt to be treated and survive.


Look on it as a blessing. Any survivors may even end up being motivated to behave themselves in a proper and decent manner.


I do stress again, this is NOT a wind up, those who might remember me will know that it is what I absolutely believe.

I think the voltage on your electroshock therapy needs increasing yet again Rog.


I hate drugs too, but personally I think a drugs amnesty would work much better. No prosecutions for, say, three months for handing stuff in, no prosecutions if people admit to having taken it when confirming who they bought it from (i.e. guaranteed no informants having a record in 'the system'). Many of the profiteers would soon be identified and banged up (even given immunity to prosecution if they came forward themselves during the amnesty), and many of the distribution networks tackled at the same time. This is a small island with only a few routes in and out and therefore surely only a limited number of suppliers - a well thought out and well organised amnesty could have a devastating long term effect on the trade here IMO.


There also needs to be an ongoing non-prosecution based service for anyone admitting to taking the stuff but needing help to get off it - especially before they start or have just started going down the criminal route - and are using their own initiative to seek help to try and stop.

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I think the voltage on your electroshock therapy needs increasing yet again Rog.


I hate drugs too, but personally I think a drugs amnesty would work much better. No prosecutions for, say, three months for handing stuff in, no prosecutions if people admit to having taken it when confirming who they bought it from (i.e. guaranteed no informants having a record in 'the system'). Many of the profiteers would soon be identified and banged up (even given immunity to prosecution if they came forward themselves during the amnesty), and many of the distribution networks tackled at the same time. This is a small island with only a few routes in and out and therefore surely only a limited number of suppliers - a well thought out and well organised amnesty could have a devastating long term effect on the trade here IMO.


There also needs to be an ongoing non-prosecution based service for anyone admitting to taking the stuff but needing help to get off it - especially before they start or have just started going down the criminal route - and are using their own initiative to seek help to try and stop.

You mean that for heroin only, or for other drugs too? Because if you include the likes of coke'n dope, then you'll face the problem that people want to take/use it, and hence won't tell where it's from, nevermind give it up...

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It is impossible to stop some people from using drugs.


All that making some drugs illegal to possess has achieved is the creation of a supply driven market with an absolutely captive customer base who will, no MUST do anything to get the wherewithal to supply their wants and needs.


The real issue isn’t the effects of drugs, to hell with junkies anyway, it’s the crime they get up to in order to feed their disgusting habit.


In my opinion the ONLY way to deal with the drug problem is to simply destroy the market driven supply chain and that could be achieved by removing the supply shortage hence driving prices rock bottom and letting nature take its course with the customer side perhaps helped on its way with a few batches of lethal mix sneaked in from time to time.


Amnesties, determined prosecutions, leniency, treatment of users, all amount to NOTHING. Assisted rehab is a worthwhile stop gap measure but not as an ongoing facility. Otherwise simply destroy the market.


Once the effects of drugs on their peers and their elders starts to be seen by young people they pretty soon will see very little attraction in what the hard drugs do to a person especially if the sense of excitement associated with the illegality of the whole filthy scene is taken away.


For those who do become involved, simply let ‘em perish. They will be a reminder not to touch the filthy stuff.

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I think the voltage on your electroshock therapy needs increasing yet again Rog.


I hate drugs too, but personally I think a drugs amnesty would work much better. No prosecutions for, say, three months for handing stuff in, no prosecutions if people admit to having taken it when confirming who they bought it from (i.e. guaranteed no informants having a record in 'the system'). Many of the profiteers would soon be identified and banged up (even given immunity to prosecution if they came forward themselves during the amnesty), and many of the distribution networks tackled at the same time. This is a small island with only a few routes in and out and therefore surely only a limited number of suppliers - a well thought out and well organised amnesty could have a devastating long term effect on the trade here IMO.


There also needs to be an ongoing non-prosecution based service for anyone admitting to taking the stuff but needing help to get off it - especially before they start or have just started going down the criminal route - and are using their own initiative to seek help to try and stop.

You mean that for heroin only, or for other drugs too? Because if you include the likes of coke'n dope, then you'll face the problem that people want to take/use it, and hence won't tell where it's from, nevermind give it up...

I agree. It needs a lot of thinking about...which is why I mentioned "a well thought out and well organised amnesty could have a devastating long term effect on the trade here IMO."

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I agree. It needs a lot of thinking about...which is why I mentioned "a well thought out and well organised amnesty could have a devastating long term effect on the trade here IMO."

Yep, the 'well thought out' bit is the important one - as much as I dislike drugs, the cat and mouse game isn't getting us anywhere in the long term..


Why not start with dope - not making it legal, but if caught with a small amount, give'em an on-the-spot fine - 50 or 100 quid, like a traffic ticket - it's still illegal then, but a lot of the "Oh, it's illegal - I'm such a rebel by smoking it" thinking goes out the window by that, and it might make the "gateway drug" (never really believed in that..) less interesting. Frees up police time as well, and saves the taxpayer money - I don't like drugs, but what I like even less is thousands of pounds of our money being wasted by putting people into court for ridiculous amounts of dope found at them...

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You really are a fucking loony headcase insufferable wanker of the lowest order.


Go fuck yourself.


No, I’m simply a person with a strong sense of morality, a clear knowledge of right and wrong, and I detest the detestable.


Drugs are the recreation of scum, of the weak willed, of the hedonistic, and of the people who for whatever reason engage in a life involving moral turpitude.


If there is a way of reducing the impact of such people on the decent people in society be it letting them have their drugs and to hell with the consequences to them or letting them poison themselves with adulterated substances, I certainly couldn’t care less about them.


What I DO care about is the amount of crime these creatures engage in to fund their weakness and the cost to tax payers.

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Drugs are the recreation of scum, of the weak willed, of the hedonistic, and of the people who for whatever reason engage in a life involving moral turpitude.


A just say no message probably typed after half a bottle of Port eh Rog?


There's nowt much hedonistic about Heroin. Unless shitting yourself and picking scabs off your arms counts as hedonism these days.

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Drugs are the recreation of scum, of the weak willed, of the hedonistic, and of the people who for whatever reason engage in a life involving moral turpitude.


A just say no message probably typed after half a bottle of Port eh Rog?


There's nowt much hedonistic about Heroin. Unless shitting yourself and picking scabs off your arms counts as hedonism these days.


These things are seen as recreation in some parts of Norfolk, whatever floats your boat.

I think Roger and some of his boys must have an old batch of Cyclon B spare, found at the back of the cupboard no doubt somewhat charred but usable.

Please get back to the subject and don't let the troll spoil the debate, which is going rather well I think.

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