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Bad Batch Of Heroin

Pat Ayres

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You sure your sums are right there dude.....

No. As I posted which somehow you seem to have missed :


before the liberal tossers google away to knock the number down yes it is an estimate


I wasnt commenting on that...I was commenting on your adding up. Which appears to be correct but thanks for your tolerance in making your point.

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Dear me, Rog seems to be mellowing in his old age.....


Put some numbers around it. There are about 200,000 users of heroin and crack cocaine in the UK. And before the liberal tossers google away to knock the number down yes it is an estimate. It's like rags such as the Daily Mail sniping at the Home Office because they don't know how many illegal immigrants there are - errrrr, if they're illegals just how can you count them? About 75% of them support their habit by aquisitive crime i.e. they have to nick stuff. Each street habit costs around £30k per annum to support - although this number varies according to location, affluence, desperation, supply constraints etc etc so it's ball park. The going rate of return on stolen goods varies between 10% and 35% depending on what it is. So let's be conservative and give them an excellent return rate of 30% over a year.


So the junkies in the UK have to steal 200,000 / 100 x 75 x 30,000 / 30 x 100 = £15,000,000,000 worth of stuff every year to fund their habit.


As they can get treatment for their condition any time they like on the NHS do you think I'll miss any of the disgusting hopped-up little scrotes if they manage to top themselves?


Think again.....


Actually PK in 2004 it was estimated to cost the UK £20bn so you are under cutting yourself a bit there. But your point is an excellent example of the true price of prohibition - well done.




Always two sides to every story.


Think again.

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I just made a calculation of the value of their property theft, because that is how it immediately effects Joe Public. If you add up the police resources, criminal compensation, prison costs, treatment costs etc etc that drugs cause then the cost ramps up accordingly which we all pay for via our taxes. I don't like paying for hop-heads, do you?


Always two sides to every story.


Think again.


I don't have to think again because they don't have to be addicts. Simple really.....

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Nice to see that the long absence from the forums hasn't reduced your sensitivity and compassion, Rog. :)


The thing is that I’ve been victim of crime by junkies.


Not only that but I’ve watched my niece go down the pan starting with cannabis through to heroin.


I made it very clear to her and her parents that I wanted nothing to do with her until she stopped behaving like a whore and resumed a decent life style.



You seem to have been the victim of every crime in the book going back through your posts. Wonder why? Or is the Daily Mail throwing your mind into a orgy of warped dreams that seem real.


Your compassion for your fictitious junky whore neice also is just so endering.


Bet she's really pleased she has such a sad, bigoted, miserable old bastard as an uncle. Its enough to make you shoot up! In fact maybe you're the rason she does!

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Now will you shut up about cannabis being evil and bad? I bore of this, there are thousands and thousands of people that use cannabis a very small minority of them go on to use harder drugs. As a matter of fact, the tobacco that joints are rolled of is more damaging than the cannabis itself & is more addictive than the cannabis. Of the many people that I know whom smoke cannabis, none have found it to be a gateway drug and decided to take heroin.


Oh Rog...Chopley scum? pot and kettle springs to mind. I do not like your posts, I thought people like you only exsisted in extreme muslim countries.


Juan Kerr - :) I had the same suspicion about the niece. Oh he reads the Daily Mail, ahhh that say's it all.


The correct link.....

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Now will you shut up about cannabis being evil and bad? I bore of this, there are thousands and thousands of people that use cannabis a very small minority of them go on to use harder drugs. As a matter of fact, the tobacco that joints are rolled of is more damaging than the cannabis itself & is more addictive than the cannabis. Of the many people that I know whom smoke cannabis, none have found it to be a gateway drug and decided to take heroin.


Oh Rog...Chopley scum? pot and kettle springs to mind. I do not like your posts, I thought people like you only exsisted in extreme muslim countries.


Juan Kerr - :) I had the same suspicion about the niece. Oh he reads the Daily Mail, ahhh that say's it all.



8.18 It is believed in some quarters that the current absolute prohibition on the recreational use of cannabis and its derivatives is not justified by the adverse consequences for the user and the public. On the evidence before us, we disagree. On the contrary, we endorse the Government's statement in Tackling Drugs: "The more evidence becomes available about the risks of...cannabis,...the more discredited the notion that [it is] harmless" (paragraph 6.16).


That report is hardly an advocate for the legalisation of drugs, and from what I read offered a cautionary view on cannabis - that it may not be a killer drug, but that it quite probably does have adverse effects on a body's health over time.

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Beer makes me sick for days..think yourself lucky. People should be able to make their own choices, thats all.

Alias are you stoned? thats the wrong report :P the one I was talking about is new and I thought that was it..but the opinion has changed, I will try to find the new one and change my irrelevant post..sometime in the future.

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People should be able to make their own choices, thats all.

Fine. My choice is that good, honest, decent people don't have their stuff nicked by hop-heads to fund their habit.


Ooops, the "cannabis users are druggies too and they're not much of a problem" arguement that all drugs aren't bad so by definition hop-heads aren't bad either looks like it has a hole in it the size of a wizards sleeve (with thanks to BORAT). Get with the program. Those on hard drugs got there via "soft" drugs. They are responsible for a great deal of VERY hurtfull crime. The fewer there are the better the world is for the rest of us. QED.

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For a little while there - especially with Rog's last post - we were close to a discussion about moral values.


It’s the same with being judgemental, another thing that I’ve been accused of, but there again if a person has good and decent values and morals as I do then I see absolutely nothing at all wrong in being judgmental where bad or immoral behaviour in others is concerned.


I am of much the same age as Rog and was brought up with pretty much the same set of values - and it is, at times, difficult to accept that things change; that today's society takes a different view of so many things that seemed to be cast iron certainties when I was younger.

I did experiment with cannabis on one occasion, and found it pleasant but, like alcohol, it put me into a different mindset (for lack of a better word) for a short while. As a cigarette smoker and someone who, many years ago, came close to being addicted to alcohol, I was wary of it and have not repeated the 'experiment.'

I accept, however, that there are many people - not all that much different to me - who will try a drug and become addicted to it within a very short space of time. Personally, I feel sorry for them, because they miss out on so many good things in life without being aware of what they're missing. I don't accept that they are all inherently evil - many of them, I'm sure, would love to kick their habit (as I would with smoking), but simply saying that they lack moral fibre because thay haven't been able is, quite simply, a cop-out.

Sorry, Rog, but insisting that your moral values are the right ones and that anyone who disagrees is, therefore, wrong is not the way to help anyone. It is simply being smug and self-satisfied because your life happens to have ultimately worked out okay. A little bit of compassion is not a sign of weakness and it does no harm to anyone.

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Sorry, Rog, but insisting that your moral values are the right ones and that anyone who disagrees is, therefore, wrong is not the way to help anyone. It is simply being smug and self-satisfied because your life happens to have ultimately worked out okay. A little bit of compassion is not a sign of weakness and it does no harm to anyone.

I disagree. Everyone always thinks their moral values are the right ones because otherwise you wouldn't hold them! Personally I was bought up as a christian and I would say my moral values are similar to yours and those of Rog. I couldn't care less about helping druggies other than to stop them preying on the rest of us. So do thieving parasitic druggies have moral values? You know, the moral values that actually bind our society together? Don't think so....


I don't accept that they are all inherently evil - many of them, I'm sure, would love to kick their habit (as I would with smoking), but simply saying that they lack moral fibre because thay haven't been able is, quite simply, a cop-out

Fine. So why is it you don't quit smoking? LMF?

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Personally I was bought up as a christian and I would say my moral values are similar to yours and those of Rog. I couldn't care less about helping druggies other than to stop them preying on the rest of us. So do thieving parasitic druggies have moral values? You know, the moral values that actually bind our society together? Don't think so....


Strange sort of Christian up bringing.


Matthew 9:11-13 (New International Version)

11 When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, "Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and 'sinners'?"


12 On hearing this, Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.


13 But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."


If I were you I'd arrange for a one to one with DjDan.

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Strange sort of Christian up bringing.

From the distance of time I would agree with you. Hence your bible quotes are somewhat wasted on me. Hopefully you enjoyed surfing them out.


DjDan - who he?

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