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The Horror Race From Hell! :o(


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Too subtle Declan, It's hard to believe that in the year 2007, oxen can get treated like this in Italy, tigers get slaughtered in China and Dolphins/Whales get the same in Japan. Very depressing. :angry:

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My only problem with this is the use of "spears" to goad the oxen on. Its annoying and frustrating that there aren't photos confirming this. Assuming the reports are accurate its totally unacceptable.


But millions of us turn up to see a horse being flogged over so many furlongs - is it so different.


And millions of us own cats - creating an artificial population of mouse and bird torturers which seriously damanges the UK's natural bird population.


Ok I'm being a devil's advocate - but its easy to get self rightous about stuff.

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Now then chinahand, if i didn't know that you don't drink, i would have said you'd hit the bottle, hard, before that last post. I've not always agreed with you but have formed the opinion that you thought through matters before you posted.


Cat owners can be classed alongside sadistic bastards that inflict pain and terror on defenceless animals in the name of entertainment, do me a favour. This isn't devil's advocate, it's drivel, I find it hard to understand why you posted that. :wacko:


Hold on, have you put keyboarder up for the night, and gone to bed having left yourself logged on...............that explains it

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I am being deliberately forthright, but I don't know all the facts - if this is an ox race then I worry about labelling those who take part "sadistic bastards that inflict pain and terror on defenceless animals in the name of entertainment."


The issue for me is how much harm does the ox come to with these spears and straps - the web site claims loads and loads - but there are no photographs backing it up. Not wanting to be pedantic, but various animal rights people have made claims that I am suspicious of, and would like to see backed up by evidence.


We race horses - and are allowed to use a whip, we race buggies - and are allowed to use an even longer whip. Catch fish, shoot pigeons and yes - keep cats.


Doing all of the above puts animals under large amounts of "suffering" - cats especially - sadistic little so and sos.


There is nothing natural about the UK cat population - it is maintained for our pleasure.


One person's animal cruelty is another person's natural pleasure - cultures are complicated - take a Jew to a pig farm, a Brit to a Chinese Dog resturant and an Indian to a Beef abattoir and you'll get very very different reactions from all three.


I totally disaprove of Bull Fighting - and using whips and flails excessively - and animal cruelty in general - but is racing an ox cruel? - as long as that is all that is happening - along with the odd crack of a whip, or poke with a stick to get them moving - no skin penetration, no permanent injury.


What about letting a cat play with a mouse or a bird - if little Johnny was doing it you'd stop him pretty quick - and what about fox hunting, fishing and shooting grouse? Are you saying there is no animal cruelty involved in the above what so ever - they all involve blood and death - racing an ox doesn't.


All this generates much sound and fury - and I am not convinced an easy moral line exists as to which should be illegal and which legal.


Where's the Gin?

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Yes I know you were declan which i why i also said what i did - it worked!

I know your dont support blood sports so your excused! :)


I did have a longish essay wrote but for a few reasons ive decided not 2 post it!


But there is terrible crultey going on here + its just not on anymore + it never was 2 begin with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry:

Oh give me a glass of wine before im sick!


Goodbye + remember 2 oscillate wildly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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