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Id Cards Needed To Leave The Isle Of Man?


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Had a trip recently with my elder child - they demanded photo ID at the airport - luckily I'd thought about this and brought his passport. But our youngest is still too young for a passport - therefore no ID. Is the only way to get our little bundle of joy off the Island the boat? The only photo ID i've got is a family picture!


The excuse for demanding a passport for a toddler - I might be trying to kidnap him. Bureaucracy run amoc - makes my blood boil!


@ Ballaughbiker - I know with Private Aviation you need to provide Special Branch personal details 24 hours in advance of all passengers - I don't think that applies to schedules, but am hazy.

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I once asked what was being searched for at Douglas, the answer was that "if we find it we will be able to tell you"

The funny thing was that I had copied my tax disk from one of my bikes and stuck it in the window.

(I am now legal BTW)

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35 years ago my manx brother in law returned to Douglas from Uni in London. He was stopped by the police on the Douglas landing stage and asked "what the likes of him thought they were doing in trying to enter the island". (he has always had unkempt long hair). After ID ing his dad, they let him in.


Returning through Speke, I was asked by SB if I "could have been to Ireland". I answered honestly, I "could" have been, as I had been over for a week, but I had not actually been. They kept me for an hour, until a superior saw sense.

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Had a trip recently with my elder child - they demanded photo ID at the airport - luckily I'd thought about this and brought his passport. But our youngest is still too young for a passport - therefore no ID.


I dont think you can be too young for a passport - my youngest had his issued at 3 months, which will last him until he is 5 !

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A mate of mine is flying from Manchester to Scotland in the summer and has to get a passport for his daughter to prove her identity. No other photo ID is acceptable, as she hasn't got a driving licence.


Thin end of the wedge stuff, as soon passports=ID card and biometric testing.


Just to support Albert's comment, my daughter had to get a passport this week (promptly and expensively) to go to Scotland because lovely BA said "the IoM isn't part of the UK so she has to have a passport".

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Just to support Albert's comment, my daughter had to get a passport this week (promptly and expensively) to go to Scotland because lovely BA said "the IoM isn't part of the UK so she has to have a passport".


As the Isle of Man and Scotland are both part of the Common Travel Area this could be very easily challenged. It's not up to BA to make the law!

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A mate of mine is flying from Manchester to Scotland in the summer and has to get a passport for his daughter to prove her identity. No other photo ID is acceptable, as she hasn't got a driving licence.


Thin end of the wedge stuff, as soon passports=ID card and biometric testing.


Just to support Albert's comment, my daughter had to get a passport this week (promptly and expensively) to go to Scotland because lovely BA said "the IoM isn't part of the UK so she has to have a passport".


Everyone knows you need photo ID to get on a plane to/from the Island. You've needed it for about 5 years. Was the 'prompt and expensive' thing BA's fault or your daughter's?

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Everyone knows you need photo ID to get on a plane to/from the Island. You've needed it for about 5 years. Was the 'prompt and expensive' thing BA's fault or your daughter's?


Well, I don't think I can blame my daughter. She's only 11 years old.

As a weekly air traveller for the past 25 years through Ronaldsway and most UK airports I have never had to show any photo identification. My fault, perhaps, for assuming this might be the case for everyone.

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Everyone knows you need photo ID to get on a plane to/from the Island. You've needed it for about 5 years. Was the 'prompt and expensive' thing BA's fault or your daughter's?


Well, I don't think I can blame my daughter. She's only 11 years old.

As a weekly air traveller for the past 25 years through Ronaldsway and most UK airports I have never had to show any photo identification. My fault, perhaps, for assuming this might be the case for everyone.


Every flight to and from the Island (and indeed between locations in the UK) I've been on in the last five or six years has required me to produce photo identification when collecting my ticket. Usually the requirement has always been made explicit in the booking documents.

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The issue for me is accompanied children. The idea that young children have to have a photo id is just just wrong.


ID the parents - fine. But in all honestly I have no idea if my youngest can travel - no passport yet - why should I get one just to travel to the UK.

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Yep, same experience. You need to produce photo ID when you check in. How has Ynsheltyn managed to get away without it for so long?


Dunno. I've just never been asked.

In the past 5 years, for example, I've travelled through airports at Sumburgh, Kirkwall, Wick, Stornoway, Inverness, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Edinburgh, IoM, Liverpool, Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester, Bristol, Southampton, Gatwick, Heathrow, and probably others I can't recall.

Not once have I been asked for photo identification.

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Dunno. I've just never been asked.

In the past 5 years, for example, I've travelled through airports at Sumburgh, Kirkwall, Wick, Stornoway, Inverness, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Edinburgh, IoM, Liverpool, Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester, Bristol, Southampton, Gatwick, Heathrow, and probably others I can't recall.

Not once have I been asked for photo identification.

I travel between here and Bristol. Not only do they ask for photo ID at least 3 times, they also ask me why I want to visit the Island..

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