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[BBC News] Man attacked at island bus stop


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A man is to undergo facial surgery after he was attacked at a bus stop on the Isle of Man.


Source : http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/-/1/hi/world/...man/6437653.stm



Keep your stupid comments to yourself, you have no idea what further damage people like you can do in cases like this.


No I don't. But an interesting concept and I'm willing to listen to reasoned argument. :whatever: What is it people like me (who ever people like me are), can do in cases like this. What about cases not like this. Can I do damage elsewhere ?

If I had that much influence I would be preventing cases like this ! :whatever:


My comment was not stupid. It is a fact that only a very tiny percentages of assaults are totaly unprovoked. And there are so many contradictions in the posts on this link ( sirens, no sirens, police do not use sirens, there were police vehicles everywhere etc. etc) . The truth will come out in court. Let us wait and see.


It was a bit stupid, you were inferring that he was drug dealing or up to no good. He was waiting at a bus stop and amd attacked by a gang apparently because they didn't like his clothes!!

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Begad sirra, they did not like the cut of his cloth, the bounders.

What's going on here? I remember incidents like this in the 60's and I am sure it used to happen in the fifities as well and probably before that even.

I don't know the gentleman in question or the perpetrators so can lay no blame or responsibility to either, but how does this happen in the middle of town during daylight hours? Why did no-one intervene and stop it?

You are allowed to stop it, by force if neccessary. If there was no-one else there then there is an excuse and the man was indeed unfortunate by being in 'the wrong place at the wrong time'.

I am assuming 'they' were young, male, white and local, therefore maybe their parents should also be punished for allowing them out of the house when they are out of control to the point they feel able to attack someone without mercy or reason.

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