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Meet OpTag, the solution for improving airport efficiency, security and passenger flow by increased passenger monitoring - or in other words: Total Big Brother overkill.


It is: a little RFID chip on your ticket, sending a signal twice a second to antennas around the airport.


It does:


- Track your every movement within the airport.

- Allow security staff to track your position on screen, or follow you via CCTV - cameras are connected to it and can track every chip.

- Tell the friendly security people what flight you're on, what country you're from, etc.

- Allow the police to look out for fugitives (database connection possible + facial recognition)

- Tell the nice security people if you might be about to do something you shouldn't - the system can be used in conjunction with an analysis program, looking out for the tell-tale signs of 'terrorists'.


It's funded by the european union and has already been tested successfully. It is primarily aimed at improving airport security but could be used "anywhere where a large number of people are".




Air travellers to be RFID tagged?


Airport Monitoring System Combines RFID With Video


Nice...so you're tracked around the airport - then they'll install it in Football stadiums, pubs, clubs, town squares - all for security, obviously...

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Meet OpTag, the solution for improving airport efficiency, security and passenger flow by increased passenger monitoring - or in other words: Total Big Brother overkill.


It is: a little RFID chip on your ticket, sending a signal twice a second to antennas around the airport.


It does:


- Track your every movement within the airport.

- Allow security staff to track your position on screen, or follow you via CCTV - cameras are connected to it and can track every chip.

- Tell the friendly security people what flight you're on, what country you're from, etc.

- Allow the police to look out for fugitives (database connection possible + facial recognition)

- Tell the nice security people if you might be about to do something you shouldn't - the system can be used in conjunction with an analysis program, looking out for the tell-tale signs of 'terrorists'.


It's funded by the european union and has already been tested successfully. It is primarily aimed at improving airport security but could be used "anywhere where a large number of people are".




Air travellers to be RFID tagged?


Airport Monitoring System Combines RFID With Video


Nice...so you're tracked around the airport - then they'll install it in Football stadiums, pubs, clubs, town squares - all for security, obviously...


Is it just me? Or is anyone else getting sick and tired of this "Gestapo" bullshit. Not be long now before we are all chipped..... Nazi bastards!!!!!......And this is worth a read......http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/174144/big_brother_gaining_ground_in_great.html

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[b]Is it just me? Or is anyone else getting sick and tired of this "Gestapo" bullshit.[/b]


No, it's not just you. A lot of us are getting very, very fed up with the 'Big Brother' culture and all the daily propaganda that goes with it. Mercifully, 9/10ths of it stays the other side of the water but we need to be on our gaurd.

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It does:


- Track your every movement within the airport.

- Allow security staff to track your position on screen, or follow you via CCTV - cameras are connected to it and can track every chip.

- Tell the friendly security people what flight you're on, what country you're from, etc.

- Allow the police to look out for fugitives (database connection possible + facial recognition)

- Tell the nice security people if you might be about to do something you shouldn't - the system can be used in conjunction with an analysis program, looking out for the tell-tale signs of 'terrorists'.


All it does really is track the ticket and not the person. It offers the illusion of security without actually being secure.

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LOL i love these threads, yes they will be keeping tabs on you. For a bloody good reason!


Its not going to invade your privacy more than being able to track you with cctv all the way through the airport. If you are so scared or unhinged by someone being able to track your moves then become a hermit and live in the hills with a tin foil hat on.

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Listening in on people troubles me.


AFAIK the courts have ruled on the expectations of privacy a person can have. If you are in a public place then the expectation of privacy is low - people can see what you are doing etc. So celebrities and privacy advocates have had difficulty convincing the courts that having a CCTV camera watching you infringes your rights.


Listening is more interesting - if it is using a direction sensitive long distance mic you CAN argue that even though you were in a public place you were having a private conversation and you had taken measures - moving away from people not involved in the conversation - to maintain your privacy. yes people can see your having a chat, but can't tell what you are saying.


Long distance microphones break into that privacy - I would consider that an infringement of my rights. Sure the police can do - in exceptional circumstances - but I'd want a much higher burden for them to do it. No way should this become routine or normal. I'm not that far away from saying it needs a warrant.


Watching someone in a public place - fine. Listening to their conversations - an infringement.

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Also on the way is Listening CCTV so, when you are wandering round innocently, you will have to watch what you do and say.


All we need now is RFID tags in coffins which monitor how fast we rot so the graves can be re used. :ph34r:



Yes but you haven't even read your own article. These CCTV cameras only pick up aggressive tones trying to pre-empt any trouble that might be starting in an area.


"Everyday mutterings are not detected by the system though. Vorst said: "You cannot push a button to hear what people are saying and even if you could the microphones are three to four metres above the ground so the words cannot be heard."


Yes developments in technology should be watched and we should be upset if really does infringe our privacy. I'm sure when it does I'll be first in the queue with my pitchfork. But this blantant scare mongering that the establishment is all out to get us backed up by your shitty links serves no one.

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Yes developments in technology should be watched and we should be upset if really does infringe our privacy. I'm sure when it does I'll be first in the queue with my pitchfork. But this blantant scare mongering that the establishment is all out to get us backed up by your shitty links serves no one.


Very droll!


If, ten years sgo, I had warned that the Government would want to put a GPS in all our cars to track our movements and charge us for driving up the road you might rightly have been critical. As it happens I would never have imagined the prospect. Now we are developing machines to monitor our behaviour and intervene on the Government's behalf. A gadget that flags you up if you sound aggressive could well develop into a gadget that recognises much more than that.


Is this scaremongering? Check back in five years time and see what transpires.

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A gadget that flags you up if you sound aggressive could well develop into a gadget that recognises much more than that.


What? Flag up when you are being passive? Look I get what you are saying, but you bang on like a conspiricy theorist sometimes. Deep down I'm on your side, but my point still stands - you posted an article and implied it was something else.


Also on the way is Listening CCTV so, when you are wandering round innocently, you will have to watch what you do and say.
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