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Digital Tv Switchover


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I wonder if anybody can clarify a few questions about the digital TV switchover


Read the following on Manx Radio News today;


"The firm which is overseeing the digital TV switch is coming to the Island next week ( Tuesday 20th March to FRiday 23rd Mar) to explain how its going to happen.The Isle of Man is in the first band of planned switch-overs, from analogue to digital. It will involve households needing to buy set top devices or satellite dishes to take the new service.John Askew from Digital UK will brief Manx people on the planned schedule. He will be accompanied by advisers whose job will be to re-assure those on low incomes, in local authority housing or sheltered housing."


So, from my understanding there will be no broadcasts that its possible to receive without a digital box, so if I have a TV but no digital box will I still have to pay for a TV licence, I'm not planning on buying a digital box I just want to keep my old TV for watching videos and DVD's


Also, if I had broadband and watched programs from BBC on 'play again' does this mean I would need a TV licence ?


I've always had to pay for a TV licence in the past even though I only watch about 1 programme a week on the BBC so I'm hoping this switchover means I won't need one anymore ?


I also find it really annoying that I have to pay so much for a licence when I can't recieve most of the BBC channels now, I assume they fund all the other BBC channels (i.e. the ones you need satellite for) from the licence payers ?, that and the amount of product placement and blatent advertising (such as the lottery - run by a private company) that is on the BBC all the time these days surely means that the licence fee needs reviewing ?


Any help or comments would be much appreciated

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You need a license if you own any equipment able to receive a broadcast TV signal. So if you own:


- A TV with a tuner

- A VCR with a tuner

- A Set top box


..and these are set up in such a way that they can receive a signal, you need a license. The danger is that after the analog switch off, you'll still be able to receive some analog signal from mainland transmitters. So remove any aerial's, and associated cables, make sure any of your tuners aren't tuned in to any channels.


I don't think you need a license for the bbc website, same as you dont need a license to listen to the radio.

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You need a license if you own any equipment able to receive a broadcast TV signal. So if you own:


- A TV with a tuner

- A VCR with a tuner

- A Set top box


..and these are set up in such a way that they can receive a signal, you need a license. The danger is that after the analog switch off, you'll still be able to receive some analog signal from mainland transmitters. So remove any aerial's, and associated cables, make sure any of your tuners aren't tuned in to any channels.


I don't think you need a license for the bbc website, same as you dont need a license to listen to the radio.


Cheers Slim, much appreciated, so I guess then that once they switch of the transmitter over here I don't need a licence anymore, yipee !


Can anybody confirm clarify the point about downloads from the website ?

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Cheers Slim, much appreciated, so I guess then that once they switch of the transmitter over here I don't need a licence anymore, yipee !


No, I think Slim is saying -


The danger is that after the analog switch off, you'll still be able to receive some analog signal from mainland transmitters.
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Cheers Slim, much appreciated, so I guess then that once they switch of the transmitter over here I don't need a licence anymore, yipee !


No, I think Slim is saying -


The danger is that after the analog switch off, you'll still be able to receive some analog signal from mainland transmitters.


Aye, understood, but I think if you don't have an ariel then there is no way you could actually receive it, otherwise its pretty ridiculous to say that I have to pay for something that I can't recieve but I could technically recieve if I had different equipment !

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The TV license is pretty silly, and the enforce it on the grounds that everyone watches telly, so basically assume if you dont have a license you're guilty. So you really need to go to some steps to make sure it's impossible that you could be watching the telly.

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Good on you buggane. I think you would need to remove your old aerial. The means of receiving a signal, even if it not physicaly connected to your TV will give them the evidence to prosecute you. I must tell you that you can be expected to pestered and pestered by the licensing authority who will not believe that you can live without a television. An acquaintence received regular fortnightly reminders through the mail, then letters threatening prosecution, and even phone calls, for nearly two years. He still gets regular reminders despite him having written and phoned them on numerous occasions. These are people who cannot imagine you have a life without television. I think the prospect of receiving TV channels through broadband is a threat they are going to confront quite vigorously.

I am sure a lot of people would be interested in how you are treated when you try and break the link.

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Q2 2009 is the estimated completion date, starts next year.


As I've mentioned in another thread, we're apparently not going to get a digital terrestrial transmitter here in time, so there's going to be TV License subsidised astra dish installations for those that aren't already on sky/freeview. I'm sure this'll cover most of us, but it's going to be a right pain in the botty for people with planning restrictions and those in shared accommodation.

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If your computer is capable of receiving live broadcasts, whether on-line, through an aerial or satellite dish, then it is classed as television receiving equipment and you also need a licence. Whether you would get caught doing this at the moment is another matter, but I would suspect that 'big brother' will work out a way to identify if you have been watching any live broadcasts - in the near future.


You probably realise by now that the TV licencing people only see licence-payers, licence-dodgers and suspected-licence-dodgers; and don't seem to recognise people that choose not to own a television. The TV licence is a tax chased with the same vigour as poll tax in the UK.

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If your computer is capable of receiving live broadcasts, whether on-line, through an aerial or satellite dish, then it is classed as television receiving equipment and you also need a licence. Whether you would get caught doing this at the moment is another matter, but I would suspect that 'big brother' will work out a way to identify if you have been watching any live broadcasts - in the near future.


You probably realise by now that the TV licencing people only see licence-payers, licence-dodgers and suspected-licence-dodgers; and don't seem to recognise people that choose not to own a television. The TV licence is a tax chased with the same vigour as poll tax in the UK.


If that is true its ridiculous, i.e. if I've got broadband I have to buy a TV licence irrespective of whether I watch TV or not !!!


Mind you I haven't got broadband so its not a problem for me


I didn't realise it was as late as Q2 2009 before they switch off, I'd got the impression it was much sooner than that


As you say above it will be interesting to see how they will enforce, like you say they do seem to take the view that everybody must be watching BBC TV which is a somewhat dated view given that their programming is now gash ! and the number of alternative stations / internet stations / you tube etc. available

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If your computer is capable of receiving live broadcasts, whether on-line, through an aerial or satellite dish, then it is classed as television receiving equipment and you also need a licence. Whether you would get caught doing this at the moment is another matter, but I would suspect that 'big brother' will work out a way to identify if you have been watching any live broadcasts - in the near future.


No, that's not true. You only need a license if you watch live broadcast TV shows on a computer. Simply owning a computer connected to the net isn't enough to require a license.


Broadcast live shows watched over the internet either on a pc or mobile phone or whatever will require a license. 'watch again' type stuff doesn't.


The license office says that you need to get inspected if you think you don't need a license, they'll then visit you to verify the fact.

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The official word from TV licensing if you have a TV to use as a monitor for a DVD player or games console is to ensure that any aerials are not connected and that all channels are de-tuned.


They claim, if you can demonstrate to a Tv Licencing gestapo agent (on demand) that your TV isn't tuned or plugged into a main aerial socket or portable aerial they will leave you alone, for a year, or maybe two. Them actually removing you from the "presumed guilty" database is another matter.


Having an aerial on your roof doesn't give them evidence to prosecute so don't bother attempting a Rod Hull.


Incidentally, evidence obtained by their hi-tech TV detector vans has never ever been used in a proecution for avoiding the license.

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If your computer is capable of receiving live broadcasts, whether on-line, through an aerial or satellite dish, then it is classed as television receiving equipment and you also need a licence. Whether you would get caught doing this at the moment is another matter, but I would suspect that 'big brother' will work out a way to identify if you have been watching any live broadcasts - in the near future.


No, that's not true. You only need a license if you watch live broadcast TV shows on a computer. Simply owning a computer connected to the net isn't enough to require a license.


Broadcast live shows watched over the internet either on a pc or mobile phone or whatever will require a license. 'watch again' type stuff doesn't.


The license office says that you need to get inspected if you think you don't need a license, they'll then visit you to verify the fact.

I stand corrected. But the moment you watch a live broadcast you do need a licence.

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I like the phrase "...advisers whose job will be to re-assure those on low incomes, in local authority housing or sheltered housing." Does he mean the ones with SKY, a Mobile Home, and holiday Villa or those of us with mortgages who can't afford lifes luxuries like those in certain commissioners housing estates?

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