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[BBC News] Lord Bishop departing for London


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He is ambitious in terms of his calling and his gifts will be used to the full in his new position.


Thank you Bishop for the time you have been with us.

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So it looks like now would be a good time to remove the position of Bishop (and his voting rights) from Tynwald!!

Totally agree, but I dont think he has any vote now. Was'nt that taken away some years ago?

Why in this day and age we have someone like him imposed on us to sit in our parliament and even without a vote, can exert influence on procedings. I know the situation on the Legislative council is in the news at the moment, but at least they are elected by the MHK's(when they finally get the required number of votes) This bishop person is a total waste of space.

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So it looks like now would be a good time to remove the position of Bishop (and his voting rights) from Tynwald!!


Here, here.


"Two further members of the Council are also ex officio, the Lord Bishop of Sodor and Man, who has a vote, and HM Attorney General for the Isle of Man, who does not."



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So it looks like now would be a good time to remove the position of Bishop (and his voting rights) from Tynwald!!



I quite agree. It is bad enough having people who are only elected by the House of Keys never mind somebody appointed by HM.


While the bishop is in Tynwald does he represent-


a} the Anglican church

B) the Christian church including all denominations

c) all religions including Muslims and Sikhs etc

d) anybody who has a make-believe friend

e) morality?

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There may have been a time in the past when it was justified - a time when the majority of people worshipped as Christians and attended church on a regular basis - but that time is long gone.

Christianity is now just a convenient label that, in most cases, is simply a negative means of identification indicating that the person who claims it is simply declaring no connection to other religions rather than conforming to any genuine belief system.

Whilst the Church of England may wish to go on pretending that it represents the majority of people in our country - both here and in the UK - the facts do not support such a view, and the right to automatically be entitled to a voice in the way we are governed is an anachronism that should be removed as soon as possible.

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He is ambitious in terms of his calling and his gifts will be used to the full in his new position.


Thank you Bishop for the time you have been with us.


You're a lovely fella Charles, and postings like this are the only thing I've got against you! (But it does make me question your judgement on other matters unfortunately)

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Thank you for this small praise!


I have worked with the Bishop and found him very straightforward, intelligent and willing to listen to all sides of the argument especially the one I am expressing which usually questions the normal way of doing things.


My judgements have only a 50:50 chance of being right if that so you are right about my fallibility.


As for a Bishop being part of our Legislature, this is up to the people. I am perfectly content with the present situation but I recognise others totally disagree with it. I accept it is a legitimate matter of debate.

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