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Iranians Seize 15 British Sailors

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Ha ha, reminds me of the time i was on a UN tour in Cyprus and while i was out patroling the buffer zone 2 greek soldiers snatched me and were holding me as a spy!


Bless their little cotten socks they got the shit kicked out of them when the greek officer turned up and saw that i was covered in UN badges wearing a UN beret with a british rifle slung around my back!


What we are hearing is one side of the story here though and although i would agree on the face of it, it seems like the Iranians have made a blooper it could well turn out that the Brits were on or even over into Irans waters.


Either way i cant imagine anything drastic happening.........

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If they really want to go to war they should have kidnapped a bunch of yanks as it would have taken that fuckwitt Bush about 30 seconds to launch a totally illconcieved offensive into Iran as retalliation.

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Ha ha, reminds me of the time i was on a UN tour in Cyprus and while i was out patroling the buffer zone 2 greek soldiers snatched me and were holding me as a spy!

Swings living room light for effect.


Reminds me of when a couple of us were grabbed by the Fuzzy Wuzzies...me and Major Eyeswater. They don't like it up em you know!


Hopefully these sailors will be returned soon (like last time) - after the 'usual' political points to embarrass the government have been made.

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"On 24 March 2007 the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 1747, imposing sanctions on a further 15 individuals and 15 entities connected to the proliferation-sensitive nuclear industry activities of Iran."


Is it merely a coincidence that Iran had seized 15 British soldiers on the previous day? :ph34r:

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remember what happened last time soldiers were captured crossing borders...




As ever I think you are getting it arse about tit.


In the Lebanon War Israel wanted a cause beli and found it when Hezbollah kidnapped their soldiers.


In the Gulf Iran is looking for leaverage over a tightenning international situation - please note both China and Russia have agreed to the sanctions mentioned by Pragmatopian: they have an absolute veto in the UN and chose not to use it - Shit the Neo-cons can nobble anyone these days - the triump of Iraq has clearly strengthened their hand massively.


As well as the UN sanctions the US has seized a number of revolutionary guards/diplomats (depending who you listen to - though a diplomat has to be accredited by the hosting government so its a bit difficult to call them diplomats when Iraq says those remaining in custody don't have diplomatic papers).


So Iran isn't looking for a cause beli - quite the opposite - its looking to try to get its men released and the UN to back down.


How interlinked this is to the capture of the Brit Sailors - hard to say - but the nature of their capture makes it look like it was a prepared raid. That to me makes it reasonably linked to the game of cat and mouse being played at the moment.


There has been the recent defection/kidnapping of a high ranking Iranian general as well - 100 years ago Kippling called it the Great Game - it still goes on today.

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As ever i think YOU are getting it arse about tit.

You know fine well that it was Israel who crossed the border into Lebanon last year, to then accuse Hezbollah of kidnapping they're soldiers. yet it can't be classed as kidnap if they were on Lebonese soil and the Hezbollah were working for the Lebanese government now can it?

How can you think Chnia and Russia are going to stand by and let this happen? They are now very strong allies (http://sg.news.yahoo.com/070327/1/47j8u.html) and will not want to see thier investment getting bullied by the U.S and U.K.

Yes ok so the Russians and Chinese have agreed to sanctions, but the U.N have had sanctions on Iran for years now and they don't seem too bothered with what they are actually doing right now. But anyway, yes the sanctions might be on for Iran but the Russians will not tolerate any military action. The Russian foriegn minister critisised the U.S for what it called, "the creeping American strategy of dragging the global community into a large-scale crisis around Iran,"

The creeping Americans. Sounds about right to me

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Interesting question:


What percentage of you believe the Brit sailors were in Iraqi waters vrs Iranian waters.


Who's telling porkies and how to break the stalemate now its got to calling each other liars?

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As ever i think YOU are getting it arse about tit.

You know fine well that it was Israel who crossed the border into Lebanon last year, to then accuse Hezbollah of kidnapping they're soldiers. yet it can't be classed as kidnap if they were on Lebonese soil and the Hezbollah were working for the Lebanese government now can it?

Pardon - you do know that the war STARTED when Hezbollah crossed the demarkation line and captured two Israeli soldiers don't you. Hezbollah didn't agree with the demarkation due to Shabba Farms, but had accepted informal agreements not to cross it for about the last 3 years.


The Hezbollah raid was a provocation Israel had been hoping for and disasterously attacked. Hezbollah were not "working for the Lebanese government" quite the opposite - the governmnent wants Hezbollah to be disarmed and is currently involved in a very dangerous dispute with them.


How can you think Chnia and Russia are going to stand by and let this happen?


Let what happen - both China and Russia have strongly signalled they do not want a nuclear Iran. They don't want a war, but take a look at American popular opinion they don't want one either - unless Iran is terminally stupid in its diplomacy there won't be a major conflict under Bush.


They are now very strong allies (http://sg.news.yahoo.com/070327/1/47j8u.html) and will not want to see thier investment getting bullied by the U.S and U.K.

Allies is the wrong word: they are mutually suspicious of the US which give them common interests, but also very wary of each other.

the U.N have had sanctions on Iran for years now and they don't seem too bothered with what they are actually doing right now.

Sorry - what UN sanctions have been on Iran for years now?

But anyway, yes the sanctions might be on for Iran but the Russians will not tolerate any military action. The Russian foriegn minister critisised the U.S for what it called, "the creeping American strategy of dragging the global community into a large-scale crisis around Iran,"

The creeping Americans. Sounds about right to me

You are correct that Russia will veto any military action - and it is very very unlikely that the US has the stomach or the domestic support for military action, but the US policy is realist - they want a non-nuclear Iran. Russia is willing to work with the US to achieve this. Don't paint the world in blacks and whites - there are overlapping interests. Hence Chinese and Russian agreement to sanctions.

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The letters from Leading Seaman Faye Turney are getting ever more surreal.


Can you imagine someone serving in the Navy writing this:


I am writing to you as a British service person who has been sent to Iraq, sacrificed due to the intervening policies of the Bush and Blair governments.


I believe that for our countries to move forward we need to start withdrawing our forces from Iraq and leave the people of Iraq to start re-building their lives.


I have written a letter to the people of Iran apologising for our actions.


Whereas we hear and see on the news the way prisoners were treated in Abo-Ghrayb (sic) and other Iraqi jails by British and American personnel, I have received total respect and faced no harm.


It is now our time to ask our government to make a change to its oppressive behaviour towards other people.


I'll stop talking to myself eventually

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i suppose she has got a point.

this is how Iran treat thier prisoners.....


(banal comparison of photos from Iranian state television and those from Abu Ghraib)


The first picture is one designed specifically for public broadcast, the second was made in the belief that the public would never get to see it. If your really want to see how Iran treats its prisoners, try reading up on the human rights violations that have been a characteristic feature of Iranian "justice", whereby people can be stoned to death in public after unfair trials for offences as trivial as supposedly converting Muslims to other faiths, and prisoners are regularly tortured (including mock executions) during interrogation and imprisonment.


That's assuming that you do actually care about human rights and aren't more concerned with merely using it as an opportunity to make glib, mock profound comparisons that serve no agenda more worthy than justifying a juvenile U.S. = The EVILS! equation.

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[quote vinny. k whereby people can be stoned to death in public after unfair trials for offences as trivial as supposedly converting Muslims to other faiths


what, as opposed to being tortured and detained without charge for NOTHING by the U.S?

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