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Iranians Seize 15 British Sailors

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what, as opposed to being tortured and detained without charge for NOTHING by the U.S?


That would almost resemble a good point, were it not in defence of your original implication - which was, just in case you've already forgotten, that the U.S. is a big even monolith that tortures prisoners whilst Iran treats those its prisoners reasonably well.


Yes the U.S. has in its execution of the war on terror imprisoned people without charge and mistreated them, which deserves full condemnation in itself, but such mistreatment of prisoners is not just more brutal in Iran but is an entrenched feature of its entire justice system (both civil and military).

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Just so that I understand this:


The Yanks detain five Pasradan officers in Iraq that are supplying weapons and giving various logistical support to the insurgents to help them blow up innocent Iraqi civilians. So all their Pasradan mates have to do then is illegally detain 15 personnel (in this case British) and then they get their five back. And that's the problem solved?


Is it me or is there a dangerous precedent being set here that would allow the Pasradan to do whatever they liked in foreign countries.....


The biggest issue here to get the 15 released is who do you actually talk to in Iran? The Pasradan are not accountable to the Iranian administration (such as it is) and are virtually a state within a state. The were formed by Khomeini to protect his "Islamic Revolution" and they then took enormous casualties in the Iran/Iraq war, a lot from the liberal use by Saddam's merry men of WMD (but, of course, they couldn't have as no WMD's were ever found in Iraq ergo they could NEVER have existed in the first place, oh yes) which basically made them the saviours of the country i.e. they're not about to just go away.


I can't help thinking that if the odd Pasradan gunboat was sunk in the Shatter-An-Arab with all the Pasradan MP's there are it could throw the Iranian government into confusion. Trouble is, nothing unites a country like a war.....

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Looks like they are about to go on the Iranian version of the Crystal Maze......


Those poor bastards, half an hour of arsing about for nothing more impressive than a go-karting weekend in Swindon. Does that mean there's an Iranian equivalent of Richard O'Brien?

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With GPS accurate to a foot or so it is pretty much impossible to get it wrong.


However if Faye Turney had been the one reading the map........


15 Sailors captured for straying into Iranian waters.


14 Men, 1 woman.


Doesn't take a genius to work out who was reading the fuckin map does it?



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Deal done?


Iran's President 'will free sailors as gift to Britain'


The Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad today appeared to pardon and free the 15 British naval personnel held by Iran as a "gift to Britain".


At a news conference in Tehran, he also theatrically awarded medals to the coastguards he said had captured the sailors and marines.


A Downing Street spokesman said: "We are looking at what has been said."

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Looks like they are about to go on the Iranian version of the Crystal Maze......


Those poor bastards, half an hour of arsing about for nothing more impressive than a go-karting weekend in Swindon. Does that mean there's an Iranian equivalent of Richard O'Brien?


Of course...only a lot hairier!!

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A gift, just in time for Easter too. How sweet of the Iranians.


Do you think they'll be sent back foil-wrapped and in a cardboard box, perhaps with a plastic sealed bag containing extra goodies?

Then they'll jump out, shouting surprise, before being painted in bright colours and rolled down a hill in a race.

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The whole thing stinks of something fishy (perhaps fossils fishing is where the smell is coming from) - uber cool of the Iranians to give them back as a gift to the British Govt, how could they possibly join Wakka Bushes war on Iran now? I'm quite fond of Iran, they dont seem to hostile.

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