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Iranians Seize 15 British Sailors

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But i think the problem tho is that if other countries can have nuclear wepons why cant Iran?

Its hypocritical for other countries 2 have these weapons + say Iran cant.

2 state that Iran are a danger 2 the world if armed with these weapons is just nonsence based on past history, the USA + UK ect have used these weapons before, THESE COUNTRIES POSE THE BIGGEST THREAT 2 MAN KIND!


All countries should disarm nuclear weapons!

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Errrr.... the US is the only (justifiably in my opinion) country to have used a nuclear weapon in anger. The UK has yet to have a go.


The "leader" of Iran has already stated that he will destroy the State of Israel if he can.


I'm all for Nuclear Deterrance. But blowing the shit out of a non-threatening country doesn't "deter" anything. I mean, like Isreal would invade Iran or something??????


Sorry and all that but the words "wind" and "pissing" spring to mind here....

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I think the press should show some responsibility here - and minimise their coverage of this. All this publicity does is give President Mahmoud Wheresmedinnerjacket a good reason to do it again.


On the BBC news this lunchtime...10 minutes coverage of these people being released and 1 minute coverage of four UK soldiers and an interpretor killed in Iraq today.


Am I alone in thinking there is something wrong with people's logic, commonsesne and priorities here?




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Blair should go now. Did you see him on the news, linking the release of the 15 sailors to the deaths of the four soldiers. Blaming Iran for the deaths even though he doesn't have any evidence to link them.


So he uses British soldiers deaths to save face, hoping we'll forget that the reason British soldiers are dying is because he sent them there with only a lie as justification. And we'll forget that he lied and said the sailors were in Iraqi waters and that his and Bush's tough talk of "hostages" prolonged their detention.

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its the same old government propeganda Albert, we only hear what they want us to hear, it is very wrong. same with P.K's claim that the "leader" of Iran has claimed to destroy israel. i take it P.K was on about when the MSM reported him saying he was going to "wipe israel off the map"? all this was, again, was propeganda from the U.S and U.K. He never even said it, think about it for a minute. why would he say it when he knows full well that israel, with thier nuclear capabilities, could turn the whole country into a green glass car park!


but i really don't blame Iran if they are trying to produce nuclear weapons. you only have to look at iraq to see what the U.S and U.K will do to a country WITHOUT nuclear weapons.



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This link is to the full text of what Ahmadinejad said on the 28th of October at the World without Zionism" conference was held in Tehran.


I will quote some of it. If this translation isn't good enough for you try this one from the New York Times - you need to register for free.


'If someone is under the pressure of hegemonic power [i.e. the West] and misunderstands something is wrong, or he is naïve, or he is an egotist and his hedonism leads him to recognize the Zionist regime – he should know that he will burn in the fire of the Islamic Ummah [nation]…


We are in the process of an historical war between the World of Arrogance [i.e. the West] and the Islamic world, and this war has been going on for hundreds of years.


This occupying country [i.e. Israel] is in fact a front of the World of Arrogance in the heart of the Islamic world. They have in fact built a bastion [israel] from which they can expand their rule to the entire Islamic world... This means that the current war in Palestine is the front line of the Islamic world against the World of Arrogance, and will determine the fate of Palestine for centuries to come.


The issue of this [World without Zionism] conference is very valuable. In this very grave war, many people are trying to scatter grains of desperation and hopelessness regarding the struggle between the Islamic world and the front of the infidels, and in their hearts they want to empty the Islamic world.


... They [ask]: 'Is it possible for us to witness a world without America and Zionism?' But you had best know that this slogan and this goal [a World without Zionism] are attainable, and surely can be achieved.


Imam [Khomeini] said: 'This regime that is occupying Qods [Jerusalem] must be eliminated from the pages of history.' This sentence is very wise. The issue of Palestine is not an issue on which we can compromise.


Is it possible that an [islamic] front allows another front [i.e. country] to arise in its [own] heart? This means defeat, and he who accepts the existence of this regime [i.e. Israel] in fact signs the defeat of the Islamic world.


In his battle against the World of Arrogance, our dear Imam [Khomeini] set the regime occupying Qods [Jerusalem] as the target of his fight.


Very soon, this stain of disgrace [i.e. Israel] will be purged from the center of the Islamic world – and this is attainable.


Today, [israel] seeks, satanically and deceitfully, to gain control of the front of war.


... those [i.e. the Jews] who came to this country from far away to plunder it have no right to decide anything for the [Palestinian] people.


I hope that the Palestinians will maintain their wariness and intelligence, much as they have pursued their battles in the past 10 years. This will be a short period, and if we pass through it successfully, the process of the elimination of the Zionist regime will be smooth and simple.


This is how Al-Jazera reported the story


Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has openly called for Israel to be wiped off the map.


"The establishment of the Zionist regime was a move by the world oppressor against the Islamic world," the president told a conference in Tehran on Wednesday, entitled The World without Zionism.


"The skirmishes in the occupied land are part of a war of destiny. The outcome of hundreds of years of war will be defined in Palestinian land," he said.


"As the Imam said, Israel must be wiped off the map," said Ahmadinejad, referring to Iran's revolutionary leader Ayat Allah Khomeini.


This is how People's Daily the Chinese Communist Party's Official Newspaper reported it:


Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Wednesday that Israel would be "wiped off the map" soon, slamming the recognition of Israel as a surrender of the Islamic world.


While this is how Pravda the official Russian News Agency put it


"Undoubtedly, the new wave (attacks) in Palestine and the growing turmoil in the Islamic world would in no time wipe Israel off," Ahmadinejad told a conference entitled "The World without Zionism" attended by thousands of students.


During the conference, the city was decorated with posters saying "Death to Israel!" and "Death to the US!" Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad became the key speaker at the conference.


As concerning the blasts in the Israeli city of Hadera that killed five people, the Iranian president said “there is no doubt that the new wave (of attacks) in Palestine would wipe off this stigma (Israel) from the face of the Islamic world.â€


Tamelf tends to like what the Russians and Chinese say - what do you think about their official translations of what Ahmadinejad said? And what about Al-Jazera - the Arab worlds own independent news source?


You can argue about translation niceties if you want. But the speech was agressive, praised War, and called for the state of Israel to be - what - was it "eliminated from the pages of history", or "wiped from the map", or "wiped off the face of the Islamic world".


Take your pick ... to say this is a message of peace or negotiation takes a distorted mind - Oh it was tamelf who put the link up in the first place - that explains everything. TIT.


Note to self - always, always check sources. And don't take anybody's word for it. Especially conspiracist and fluoridation nutters.

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Blair should go now. Did you see him on the news, linking the release of the 15 sailors to the deaths of the four soldiers. Blaming Iran for the deaths even though he doesn't have any evidence to link them.


So he uses British soldiers deaths to save face, hoping we'll forget that the reason British soldiers are dying is because he sent them there with only a lie as justification. And we'll forget that he lied and said the sailors were in Iraqi waters and that his and Bush's tough talk of "hostages" prolonged their detention.

You're losing it mate. A good laugh was when the Iranians first gave their position of the RR's - in Iraqi waters! Ooops, used the wrong co-ordinates.


Ever been in a Warrior AFV? Tooled up it's 25 tons of very tough kit. There was a film of one going over an a-t mine and surviving no problems. So it takes not only explosive power but technical know-how to get at those inside. Step forward your local Pasradan "liaison" bloke. I think it's pretty general knowledge that the Iraqi insurgents are not only getting arms but technical know-how from Iran.


Also the "lie", would be 1441? Is that the same "lie" that Hallabja was not turned into a mass grave by nerve agents? That thousands of Pasradan were killed with powder mustard gas? That Iraq didn't invade both it's neighbours for no other reason than it thought it could get away with it? Oh, it's that "lie", how silly of me to forget it.


An interesting piece on R4 today claimed that they were detained to detract attention from the simple fact that UN sanctions against Iran were just put into effect i.e. if you need to bury really bad news create an international incident of your own.


A point to ponder, Mordecai Vanunu was treated very harshly i.e. Iran wants nuclear capability because it is pretty certain that Israel already has it.


Sometimes I think the only "newspaper" that gets to the IOM is The Daily Mail.....

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you never said untrue tho vin

I didn't think it needed to be said - it appears I overestimated you. This is noteworthy in itself, since I thought the opinion I held of you was already as low as it could possibly get.


i suppose its all down to who translates and what jewish media you buy your news from

I agree: perceptions are often down to the source one chooses for their information. For instance, the kind of slobbering halfwit who culls all their news from YouTube and half arsed websites that, lacking genuine reporters and analysis, spend all their time distorting wire reports to conform to their agenda will generally know dick all and confuse their own deranged fantasies with reality. It's sad really.

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Just as an aside to the serious stuff here - did anyone else notice the name of one of the top brass military ponces in this bbc report? You seriously couldn't make it up.....


Chief of Defence Staff, Air Chief Marshal Sir Jock Stirrup, said: "They did exactly as they should have done from start to finish... and we're extremely proud of them."



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