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Iranians Seize 15 British Sailors

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would this be wrong also china, if not i suppose its all down to who translates and what jewish media you buy your news from




Do you understand the concept of original sources?


As we do not speak persian we have to rely on translations. I provided you two different translations of the entire speach and used the translation deamed to be LESS infamatory to attempt to provide you the context of what Ahmadinejad was saying using as close to his own words as we can get in english. But it seems you are still unable to use your own mind to see that he was talking about conflict and violent change to achieve his cherished objective.


Ok - lets try Ahmadinejad's own web site and see how they summarize his speech (Go on use your technical know how to show me that this is a zionist jewish fake site to con us all: go on please):


Ahmadinejad: Supporters of Israel will face wrath of Islamic ummah


President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad warned countries or leaders who have taken measures to acknowledge the Zionist regime under pressure or due to lack of sound understanding that they will be confronted with the wrath of the Islamic ummah and will forever be disgraced. Speaking at a conference dubbed "World without Zionism" here Wednesday which was attended by thousands of students, he said any country which acknowledges the Zionist regime will actually be acknowledging the surrender and defeat of the Islamic world. He further expressed his firm belief that the new wave of confrontations generated in Palestine and the growing turmoil in the Islamic world would in no time wipe Israel away. Ahmadinejad referred to the Zionist regime's recent withdrawal from the Gaza Strip as a "trick," saying Gaza is part of Palestinian territory and the withdrawal was meant to make Islamic states acknowledge the Zionist regime of Israel. Pointing to the evil attempts of the US and Israel to saw discord among warring forces in Palestine and other parts of the Islamic world, the president said such attempts were aimed at forcing some Islamic countries to acknowledge the existence of Israel. .


What I find fascinating is that the parts emphasised by the New York Times - that Ahmadinejad was talking about conflict in Palestine and was expressing a desire to "wipe Israel away" - and which the Middle East Media Research Institute down played, are in fact emphasised on Ahmadinejad's own website.


Tamelf - you claim to be the one who can see the truth behind the media manipulation. If this is an example of it you are infact fatally blind. Do some research using the primary sources and stop living your life via counter culture and conspiracist web sites - they talk an awful lot of shit you know. TIT.

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Blair does seem to have come up with an ace on all this and smellin' of roses as usual.


Just to echo a point already made, could someone remind me what was the justification for British forces being in that part of the World in the first place and how many have been killed since we 'went in'?

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I don't think we should take Ahmadinejad too seriously, he does not hold the real power - that, is held by Ayatollah Khamani.


I get the impression that Ahmadinejad has been 'reigned in' over this crisis, whilst at the same time even Khamani has gained a little more of an understanding of how the west thinks. The way the Iranian economy is going and the way Ahmadinejad has managed to get the world's attention on Iran, I wouldn't be surprised if Khamani was planning for Ahmadinejad not having long to go. Ahmadinejad is a sort of a John Prescott/George Bush cross of the middle east and nothing more than a numbskull IMO. He has few diplomatic or statemanship skills either.


As Blair and Bush haven't long to go, and the UN are on track again in a couple of months for a major diplomatic confrontation with Iran, one way or another the Iran nuclear stuff will be sorted out over the summer - if not before. I think that Bush and Blair's departure will determine Ahmadinejad's future.

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you never said untrue tho vin

I didn't think it needed to be said - it appears I overestimated you. This is noteworthy in itself, since I thought the opinion I held of you was already as low as it could possibly get.


i suppose its all down to who translates and what jewish media you buy your news from

I agree: perceptions are often down to the source one chooses for their information. For instance, the kind of slobbering halfwit who culls all their news from YouTube and half arsed websites that, lacking genuine reporters and analysis, spend all their time distorting wire reports to conform to their agenda will generally know dick all and confuse their own deranged fantasies with reality. It's sad really.


totaly agree about perceptions i rember culling the banned bbc wtc7 footage from utube so whos at fault the bbc or utube.

as for genuine reporters who report 24 mins in advance that a steel framed 45 floor structure is about to.and has collapsed. confermed by ccn footage the bbc has made news with this footage yet prefers to withold the sourse and bury it as a error.now that is destorting and the only outcome can be a agenda

as for the personal shite lmao

google rosie o'donnell

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UK captives tell of ill treatment


"Royal Navy personnel seized by Iran were blindfolded, bound and held in isolation during their 13 days in captivity, the crew have said."


Could have been worse I suppose... They could have been tortured. Like wot we duz


It would seem the Hair Blair Bunch are pulling out all the stops on the old face saving operation.

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I get the impression that Ahmadinejad has been 'reigned in' over this crisis, whilst at the same time even Khamani has gained a little more of an understanding of how the west thinks. The way the Iranian economy is going and the way Ahmadinejad has managed to get the world's attention on Iran, I wouldn't be surprised if Khamani was planning for Ahmadinejad not having long to go. Ahmadinejad is a sort of a John Prescott/George Bush cross of the middle east and nothing more than a numbskull IMO. He has few diplomatic or statemanship skills either.


As Blair and Bush haven't long to go, and the UN are on track again in a couple of months for a major diplomatic confrontation with Iran, one way or another the Iran nuclear stuff will be sorted out over the summer - if not before. I think that Bush and Blair's departure will determine Ahmadinejad's future.

I disagree. The Pasradan are answerable to - Khamani. NOT Ahmadinejad and his rag-bag government. So it looks to me like you have got things arse about face. As to the UN being on track for a confrontation with Iran they have already imposed sanctions.


Standing up to the US has great vote-pulling power in the mid-east and Iran in particular. I suspect the departure of Bush and Blair will be talked up as an Ahmadinejad victory but having said that I also doubt there will be an internal power struggle. I expect more of the same actually....

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I get the impression that Ahmadinejad has been 'reigned in' over this crisis, whilst at the same time even Khamani has gained a little more of an understanding of how the west thinks. The way the Iranian economy is going and the way Ahmadinejad has managed to get the world's attention on Iran, I wouldn't be surprised if Khamani was planning for Ahmadinejad not having long to go. Ahmadinejad is a sort of a John Prescott/George Bush cross of the middle east and nothing more than a numbskull IMO. He has few diplomatic or statemanship skills either.


As Blair and Bush haven't long to go, and the UN are on track again in a couple of months for a major diplomatic confrontation with Iran, one way or another the Iran nuclear stuff will be sorted out over the summer - if not before. I think that Bush and Blair's departure will determine Ahmadinejad's future.

I disagree. The Pasradan are answerable to - Khamani. NOT Ahmadinejad and his rag-bag government. So it looks to me like you have got things arse about face. As to the UN being on track for a confrontation with Iran they have already imposed sanctions.

Er - that's what I said if you re-read my post i.e. Kamenei holds the power and has the power to determine Ahmadinejad's future.


The UN have imposed sanctions - but the NEXT run-in is due in a couple of months i.e. this summer - but according to many reports 'rumours persist, despite official denials, that the US plans military strikes by the end of this month to destroy Iranian nuclear installations'. e.g. Independent

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I am sorry but i don't belive a single word that comes from blair's mouth.


The guy dragged the UK into an illegal war and now is just constanly reminding us that certain arab states are helping bin lid and the boy's lol come off it.


Nothing said when the USA backed saddam when he was fighting Iran.


We have not heard much from Bin Lid for a bit it must be about time they dusted him off and scared a few people


And if anyone wants to know where Bin Lid is he is under your bed :lol:

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The guy dragged the UK into an illegal war and now is just constanly reminding us that certain arab states are helping bin lid and the boy's lol come off it.

That will be the illegal war that the HOC voted for then? Dear me, some folks must get their foreign policy from fortune cookies...

I disagree. The Pasradan are answerable to - Khamani. NOT Ahmadinejad and his rag-bag government. So it looks to me like you have got things arse about face.[/b] As to the UN being on track for a confrontation with Iran they have already imposed sanctions.

Er - that's what I said if you re-read my post i.e. Kamenei holds the power and has the power to determine Ahmadinejad's future.


The UN have imposed sanctions - but the NEXT run-in is due in a couple of months i.e. this summer - but according to many reports 'rumours persist, despite official denials, that the US plans military strikes by the end of this month to destroy Iranian nuclear installations'. e.g. Independent

Kamenei directs the Pasradan who carried out the capture, NOT Ahmadinejad who holds the "popular" vote. Who holds real power in Iran is very much a matter for conjecture. Frankly Albert I think you've got this wrong. Still, time will tell.....

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The war that was based on weapons of mass distraction that were supplied by the USA ?



here you go roger




and if you need / want proof from sourse google downing street memos another topic completly ignored by this fourum shows the british envolvment months before 911 i guess fortune cookies... in action

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